Minutes 2020 – 2021

End of the 2020 – 2021  Year

June 8, 2021 Annual Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 1:35 pm.
Gigs welcomed everyone. A moment of silence followed for Kari Gale.

Secretary’s Report – A motion to accept the May meeting minutes, which were emailed to members prior to today’s meeting, was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote. We gave a round of applause to Vicky Bourneuf for being secretary since 2014.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer, Nancy Martin, reported that we have a current balance of $9,912.79. This includes a net return from the plant sale of $ 2038.88 (gross receipts were $6,406.00; expenses were $4,367.12). Giving to the community this month included: 3 Scholarships-$3,000; Open Door- $1,000; AV Church-$1,500; Action-$1,000; Gloucester Ed. Foundation- $2,000; Mt. Adnah-$400; C.A. Animal Aid $400; A.V. Hall $700 for a total of $7.000. A motion to accept the report was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote.

Committee Reports

Sunshine: Kate Meader reported for Emily. A card of cheer was sent to Doris Rust. Germaine Fritz and Vicki Bourneuf were sent get-well cards. The Gunn family was sent a sympathy card on behalf of our member, Kari Gunn Gale.

Membership: Deb Ebeling reported. Janet Langer was introduced and welcomed. She became a new member during Covid and we hadn’t yet met her in person. Jocelyn Ramella’s name was presented as a perspective member. A motion was made and seconded to accept Joselyn as a new member. The motion was unanimously accepted. Current membership numbers are: 49 active, 18 associate and 6 honorary members. Patricia Plevisani Cunningham, a new member accepted during the pandemic year was also welcomed and introduced.
Joselyn’s contact info: 978 281-3617 Home; 617 839-7003 cell (not good coverage in Annisquam)
[email protected]
Patricia’s contact info: 617 852-6387; [email protected]

Hospitality: Pippy reported. She will call us for sandwiches and cookies in the fall and said, “Have a great summer.”

Publicity: Chicki not present. Lee reported, that two signs will be going up for the Bake Sale at the Farmers’ Market.

Finance: Martha Hooper reported that checks went out to the organizations listed in the Treasurer’s Report above. With the $7,000 listed above and the $6,000 sent from November 2020 through February 2021, a total of $13,000 was sent for the year. Four thank you notes so far have been received from the Open Door, Annisquam Village Hall, Annisquam Village Church, and the Cape Ann Animal Shelter.

Scholarship: Lee reported that three scholarships have been awarded to Jamie Gabbay, Malcolm Steegstra and Cole Cunningham.

Website: No report from Suzanne Brown

Old Business

Sewing and Knitting groups
Updates were given by Jill Lovejoy. All going well.

Plant Sale – Wrap up
Lee reported. The plant sale was a great success. Stevie Neal and Bonnie Angus came through again! Since Stevie wasn’t able to stay for the meeting, she reported to the co-presidents that she thought the sale was a big success and that people were glad it was held.
The sale net $2,038,88 in profits.

New Business

Annisquam Farmer’s Market/Bake Sale
Lee announced 2 dates: July 2 and August 6. We need a volunteer to run it or a co-organizer to work with Sue Harris. Every item must be baked. Can’t have raw pies. Nicely wrapped items sell best. Germaine and her committee will make flower arrangements. She needs vases after June 13. Small containers most useful per Mary Flaherty.

Nominating Committee – Joline reported the Slate of Officers and Committee Chairs for 2021-2022 Co Presidents: Gigs and Lee Cunningham
Vice President: Sue Harris
Treasurer: Nancy Martin
Recording Secretary: Janet Langer
Corresponding Secretary and Sunshine Committee: Emily Murphy
Nominating Committee: Chair-Wendy Banks-year 1, Stevie Neal-year 2, Joline Hentschel-year 3 Membership Committee: Deb Ebeling
Publicity Committee: Chicki Hollett
Hospitality Committee: Pippy Giuliano
Scholarship Committee :Carolyn Rogers
Finance Committee: Sue Willis and Martha Hooper
Website: Suzanne Brown
A motion was made, moved, and seconded to accept. The motion was approved, unanimously.

Service Auction – Mona Lisa Quine (aka Maureen) and Mimi Emmons were the auctioneers. Great fun! All items were services that members would offer to other members. Offers to make craft and bake sale items were big sellers as well as boat rides, vegetable, flower and garden items, Donna’s famous nisu bread and pool parties!
Remember to pay Nancy Martin for the service you bought and where appropriate contact the donor for mutual planning.
Important dates – Baking and flowers for Annisquam Farmers’ Market Friday, July 2, 2021
Friday, August 6, 2021
Next meeting date – September 14, 2021 at 1:30pm
Adjourn: Time: 2:23 with sweets from WillowRest along with lemonade and iced tea

Respectfully submitted,
Sue Harris (one time substitute for Vicki Bourneuf.)

Thank you, Vicki, for ALL YOUR YEARS OF SERVICE as the Recording Secretary.

May 11. 2021

The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m.

Secretary’s Report:  A motion to accept the April meeting minutes, which were emailed to members prior to today’s meeting, was made, seconded, and passed by unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $17,983.94 in the bank.  A motion to accept the report was made, seconded, and passed by unanimous vote.

Membership:  Chair Deb Ebeling had nothing new to report.

Nominating:  Chair Joline Hentchel had nothing to report.

Publicity:  Chickie Hollett has placed Plant Sale posters around town and sent information to Good Morning Gloucester and the Gloucester Daily Times.  She will also email an image of the poster to members that can be printed or posted on social media.  Information to share via the Good Neighbors and the Village Hall email lists is being sent to Tom Moriarty and Steve Harris respectively.

Hospitality:  Chair Pippy Giuliano had nothing to report.

Sunshine:  Kate Meader has nothing to report for Chair Emily Murphy who was not in attendance. 

Website: Suzanne Brown, who was not in attendance, emailed Gigs that there is nothing new to report for the website.

The knitting and sewing groups being led by Suzanne Brown and Jill Lovejoy are working on mini Christmas stockings and pot holders respectively.  The groups will try to meet outdoors, in person in 2 weeks, weather permitting.

Connie Mason reported that the Exchange will open on a limited basis this summer – Thursday through Saturday. Consignments will be by invitation only.  It’s expected to open by the end of June.

Plant Sale

Bonnie Angus and Stevie Neal asked that members indicate what types of plants they are interested in buying.  Members should email their requests to Stevie. 

Volunteers are needed for Friday afternoon set-up, as well as the Saturday sale.  They requested that Suzanne Brown update the website to reflect the Plant Sale date and time.  Stevie will send out emails with time slots for volunteer sign-up.  

Finance:  Martha Hooper reported the Finance Committee’s recommendations for this year’s donations, as well as a recap of donations made to date.

      To date, $6,000 has been donated as follows:

    • $1,000 Open Door (November 2020)
    • $ 2,000 Open Door (January 2021)
    • $1,000 Action Shelter (January 2021)
    • $2000 Grace Center (February 2021)

      The Committee proposed the following for approval for a total of $7,000.

    • $400    Mt Adnah Cemetery
    • $1,500 Annisquam Village Church (for maintenance only)
    • $2,000 Gloucester Education Fund (for summer learning loss and remedial help)
    • $1,000 Open Door
    • $1,000 Action Shelter
    • $700    Annisquam Village Hall
    • $400    Cape Ann Animal Aid

After a lively discussion, members voted to approve the Finance Committee’s recommendations, bringing total donations for the year to $13,000.

Scholarship:  Three scholarship applications have been received. A motion to accept all three applications for a total of $3,000 was made, seconded, and passed by unanimous vote.

Christmas Fair

It’s possible that the Village Hall roof work will begin November 1, in which case, that space will not be available for this year’s Fair.  It’s not certain yet, but we need to think of alternate ways to hold the Fair.  Bonnie Angus is also looking into a potential alternate venue.

Close to Home

The Village Hall Library is hoping to have a summer party Thursday, July 15.  More information will be forthcoming from the Library Committee.

The next meeting date, which is the Annual Meeting, is June 8 via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf


April 13, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 1:31 p.m.

Co-president Lee Cunningham introduced Melissa Lezynski from the Action Shelter.   

Melissa thanked the Circle for our donation, which was used to purchase a Cuisinart stand mixer, toaster, air fryer, giant wok, ceramic knife set, dicer and large coffee pot.  Melissa talked about the need that Action fills for meals and shelter in the Gloucester community and the population it serves, Currently, they can serve 16 men and women on a need and space-available basis.  Among things on their “wish list” with summer on the horizon is sunblock for people who spend the day on the street.

Co-presidents Gigs Cunningham and Lee Cunningham thanked Melissa for an informative presentation and Action’s important work.

Secretary’s Report: There was a motion and a second to approve the February minutes, which were emailed to members prior to the meeting.  The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report:  We currently have $18,000.58 in the bank.  The Grace Center sent a thank you note for our “unexpected, wonderful donation.” A motion and second to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved by unanimous vote.

Sunshine: There was no report, as Emily Murphy was not in attendance.

Membership: Deb Ebling noted that sadly, Judy Junker died.  

Finance: Martha Hooper deferred to Lee Cunningham regarding the timing of recommendations for this year’s donations. Lee said the Finance Committee will meet in May and send suggestions to members before the next meeting.  

Nominating:  Joline Hentchel reported that she presented the 2021-22 slate of officers to co-presidents Gigs and Lee and thanked everyone for their participation.

Publicity:  Chickie Hollett said that she will reuse what she can for the plant sale and will await word for what else is needed for publicity.

Plant Sale: Stevie Neal reported that the sale is scheduled for May 22 from 8 a.m. to noon, and she will meet with Chickie about publicity needs. Anyone who wants to get involved should let Stevie know as the date gets closer.  A bake sale will not be part of this year’s plant sale. COVID guidelines will determine how the sale is organized and traffic flow.

Hospitality:  Pippy Giuliano had nothing to report.

Scholarship: Lee Cunningham reported for Carolyn Rogers. There are three scholarship applicants. The committee will vote in May.  

Website:  Suzanne Brown moved Judy Junker’s name to the “In Memoriam” section of the website and posted a few items for the Knitting Group.  She also gave an update about the Knitting Group’s activities, which includes a special project that everyone is working on.  Both groups are open to all members.  The Knitting Group meets every other Monday and the Sewing Group every other Thursday – virtually at least until the middle of May.

New Business: There was no new business.

Close to Home

The Village Hall Library is hosting a virtual presentation by Annisquam native Wendy von Courter on the right to vote then and now on April 29 at 7 p.m.  A zoom link will be provided.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11 at 1:30 p.m.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Bourneuf

February 9,  2021

The meeting, which was held virtually, was called to order at 1:31 p.m.

Co-president Lee Cunningham introduced Mary Jane McGlennon, a board member from Gloucester’s Grace Center. Mary Jane, who is passionate about the Center’s mission, told us about its history, collaboration with other organizations and how the Center fills a void for Gloucester’s homeless population.  She thanked us for considering the Grace Center for a Sewing Circle gift.  Questions about how to best allocate donated funds and volunteers followed her presentation.  Mary Jane indicated that a donation for meals would be helpful. Lee will email information about volunteering to Circle members.  

Secretary’s Report: The January minutes were emailed to members prior to the meeting.  Members had two corrections – changing the Village Library poetry meeting date to February 25th and ‘Pat Cunningham’ to ‘Patricia Cunningham.’  These changes were highlighted prior to vote by Vicki Bourneuf.  A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was seconded and approved by a unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nancy Martin reported that we have $20,127.95 in the bank after sending $1,000 to Action, Inc. and $2,000 to the Open Door.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Membership, Nominating, Hospitality: Chairs Deb Ebeling, Joline Hentchel and Pippy Giuliano respectively had nothing new to report. 

Scholarship: Chair Carolyn Rogers has sent letters to three scholarship-eligible seniors with instructions and a deadline of April 15. 

Finance: There was a discussion about how much money to give to Grace Center, including how much to donate and how the money should be directed.  Lee Cunningham suggested that when making the donation, we let the Center know that Mary Jane suggested that it be used for meals; however, they should spend it as they see fit.  A motion to donate $2000 with a request to use it for meals was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous vote.  

New member Patricia Plevisani (Cunningham) joined the meeting midway and was welcomed by all.  

Publicity: Chair Chickie Hollett had nothing new to report. She will start planning for the Plant Sale.

Website: Chair Suzanne Brown posted information about the new sewing and knitting groups on the website. The groups meet virtually and there is plenty of room for anyone who wants to join.  Contact Jill Lovejoy or Suzanne for questions.

Sunshine: Kate Meader reported for Emily Murphy, who had no new news.  It was reported that Judy Juncker is in a long-term care facility after a bad fall.  Send cards to Judy’s home address, which is on the website. 

Lee Cunningham reported that Bud Ris has offered us two dates at the Farmer’s Market for a bake sale – one closest to the 4th of July and one in August.  He will keep us in mind and let us know if we can also sell flowers.

New Business

Suggestions for future speakers were discussed.  Vicki Bourneuf suggested someone speak about arranging flowers.  Christine Lundberg suggested inviting Karen Carrol, Gloucester’s head of public health.  It was also proposed that Deb Bird demonstrate making her molasses cookies.

Close to Home

Gigs reported that the Annisquam Village Library is holding a poetry reading on Feb 25 at 7:30 p.m.  Information is on the website. Come prepared to read your favorite poem.

The Annisquam Village Players Cabaret, which is being held virtually, is on Feb 27 at 7 p.m.  Information is available on their website.  There is a $20 suggested donation, though larger donations are welcome.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf

January 12,  2021

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.

Secretary’s Report: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes, which were emailed to members prior to the meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes as sent was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Treasure’s Report:  Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $23,125.10 in the bank. The Christmas Fair netted $13,148.34; about $5,940 was from wreath sales.  Member donations, which were generous, made a big difference. The amount raised is similar to previous years.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report passed by unanimous vote.

Finance: Finance Chair Martha Hooper reported that the Finance Committee recently met and asked for a vote on two recommended donations at this meeting – $2K for the Open Door and $1K for Action, Inc. Other recommendations will be presented and voted on in April.  A motion to make these donations was approved by unanimous vote.

Membership:  Membership Chair Deb Ebeling reported that Hazel von Rosenvinge  moved to Brooksby Village and is now an Honorary Member.  She is doing well and loves where she is.

Bonnie Angus recommended Patricia Cunningham for membership. Patricia is active in the Annisquam Yacht Club, the founder of box food deliveries in Squam and wreath maker extraordinaire. She is delightful to work with and does not know the meaning of the word no.  A motion to accept Patricia as a member was made and passed by unanimous vote.

Sunshine:  Cards have been sent to the Fenollosa Family, Kari Gale, Hazel von Rosenvinge, and Doris Rust.  The Jacklin’s and the Cook’s need a card.

Website:  Suzanne Brown has posted workshop ideas on the website.  She is happy to add member’s workshop ideas.  If members want to organize a workshop that is great, too.  The password for the new website is Circle01930.

Sue Willis suggested adding information about COVID vaccinations to the site when more information is available.

Scholarship:  Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers sent an email that she has three scholarship applications.  We need to make sure that she has been in touch with Jamie Gabbe. 

Nominating, Publicity, Hospitality Committees.  Chairs Joline Hentchel, Chickie Hollett, and Pippy Giuliano respectively had nothing new to report.  

Christmas Fair Update

Co-presidents Gigs Cunningham and Lee Cunningham thanked everyone for raising an amazing amount of money and following protocol for the distribution of auction items. The amount raised was close to or more than last year.  Bonnie and Stevie came up with many new efficiencies for wreath making that will be used again next year.  

New Business

There was discussion about the pros and cons of holding a Plant Sale this spring, depending on what we can do within the parameters of the pandemic.  A unanimous “thumbs up” vote supported holding a Plant Sale in the Spring and Bake Sale at the Farmer’s Market.

Zoom Tutorials/Workshops: Jill Lovejoy and Suzanne Brown have offered to hold knitting tutorials via Zoom.  An email will be sent to survey members’ interests and best times.  

Ideas for speakers around meaningful topics are needed for upcoming meetings.  

Close to Home

The Village Hall Library is hosting Laura Harrington, local author of the novel A Catalog of Birds, virtually on January 21. Gigs will email the information to Circle members.  

The Library is also holding a poetry reading on February 25 if anyone is interested in reading a piece.

Next Meeting:  Our next meeting is on February 9.

A motion to adjourn was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:26 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf

November 10, 2020 Minutes

The virtual meeting was called to order at 1:38 p.m.

Co-president Gigs Cunningham welcomed new member Janet Langer.  Janet lives across from Jill Lovejoy and will be a great addition to the Circle.

Secretary’s Report: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes, which were emailed to members prior to the meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes as sent was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $13,066.07 in the bank, including $1,675.70 in donations and sales so far from the upcoming Christmas Fair.  Anyone wanting to donate to the Christmas Fair can send a check to Nancy.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Committee Reports

Membership: Gigs reported for Chair Deb Ebling, who was not in attendance.  Janet Langer is our newest member. There was no other new news.

Finance: Martha Hooper reported that Pete Shea has solicited donations for Mt. Adnah Cemetery annual maintenance costs. Though we always send a donation, we may not be able to this year.  Martha will keep the request on file.  Kestral Education Ventures sent a thank you note for our donation.

Nominating:  Joline Hentchel had nothing new to report.

Publicity: There is nothing new to publicize now.  A sign is being placed at the Village Church and a banner at the Village Hall letting people know that the Circle looks forward to seeing everyone at our 2021 Christmas Fair.  Tom Moriarty is trying to arrange lighting to highlight the banner after dark.  Fresh greens will be placed around it.  Gigs thanks Chair Chicki Hollett for her work.  

Website:  Chair Suzanne Brown reported that website donations are coming in steadily.  New items for sale can also still be added to the site.

Hospitality: There was nothing new to report.  However, Chair Pippy Giuliano shared her wisdom to “Eat well during this pandemic,” and noted that vitamin D3 may be helpful for handling stress and warding off COVID-19!

Scholarship: Chair Carolyn Rogers was not in attendance.  Gigs reported there is no new scholarship news.

Christmas Fair Wreath making. Stevie Neal thanked everyone who responded to her email soliciting help for wreath making.

  • Wreath making starts in the Village Hall on Tuesday afternoon, December 17th with two shifts each day that comply with CDC COVID guidelines. Members who don’t want to come to the Village Hall can gather supplies and make wreaths at home.
  • Stevie is sending two email requests – one asking when members want to work and the other for members’ orders. Work time requests will be accommodated as much as possible.
  • Only special-order wreaths are being made this year and wreaths will be quite simple.
  • Wreath pick up will likely be at the Village Hall back door.  Bonnie and Stevie will also deliver wreaths.
  • Sue Harris is making 100 bows and has several members lined up to help her.

Christmas Fair Bake Sale: Deb Bird clarified questions regarding donations for the Fair.  Members can make whatever they want and can contribute something larger, such as a “cookie of the month.” 

Sunshine: Jaye Whittier reported for Chair, Emily Murphy who was not in attendance.  Cards were sent to Christine Lundberg and Lee Cunningham, both of who recently had surgery.

Bylaws: Wendy Banks updated us on the status of the bylaw revision. A second draft was sent on the same day as the minutes. All changes are in blue italics.  By vote, members indicated that they were ready to approve the revised bylaws at this meeting.  A motion to accept the second draft of the Annisquam Sewing Circle Bylaws as written was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.  Thank you, Wendy, for getting us up to date! 

New Business

There was no new business.

The next meeting is on January 12, 2021. 

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and accepted by unanimous vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:19 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf


October 13, 2020

The virtual meeting was called to order at 1:44 p.m.

Secretary’s Report: Vicki Bourneuf was absent, but the previous Sept. 8 minutes were emailed to members and posted on the website for all to read. Gigs offered the only change to the minutes: Sue Lannan’s name was spelled incorrectly A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the minutes
with the one change.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nancy Martin was absent. Gigs reported as follows: We have $11,355.50 which includes $260 in dues and a $50 donation. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the report.

Old Business:
Christmas Fair Updates:
Lee, Gigs, and Suzanne Brown have been working on the plans and instructions for submitting items for the Virtual Christmas Fair. The website is [email protected]. Jaye reported that Stevie told her much is in place for greens, wreaths, decorations, and ribbons; however, neither she nor Bonnie were in attendance at the meeting.  Much discussion followed on what items were going to be available for sale, gift certificate sale items, if only greens should be offered, delivery, or pickup of items. Then discussion continued regarding our Sewing Circle purpose of furtherance of friendship and the contributions given to scholarships and local organizations. A vote was taken by the group in attendance on whether we wanted to move forward with the Virtual Christmas Fair. Eleven out of the 31 present were in favor. It was suggested that later in the winter and spring, bake sales could be offered at Valentine’s Day or Easter time. Gigs and Lee will meet with the board and discuss all these suggestions and report back.

Directories and Dues: Most have been picked up or distributed. Remember to pay your dues. Send them to Nancy Martin. Gigs will deliver any brochures, if necessary.

Bylaws Revision Committee: The Revised Bylaws were sent to members via email. Members were asked to review them. Lee received a few comments regarding the geographic delineation of Annisquam. Our newest member lives outside the proposed geographic boundaries listed in the draft
of the bylaws. Lee and others remarked that we don’t want to keep folks out. Gigs suggested asking about the task of updating the bylaws.  Jaye asked about whether the language is clear regarding which charities are supported. Mimi, the long-time Finance Chair, noted that circle members have the chance to voice their opinions and offer organization suggestions for weeks before the actual vote by the membership takes place. The Finance Committee makes the recommendations, but they must be voted on by the membership.

Fund Raising is a proposed new committee. This leaves us open to more fundraising options in the future.

Gigs reported that there were other suggestions emailed to her and Lee. They will meet with the

Bylaws Committee, review any recommendations and send out another revision before voting takes

Close to Home: Mary Flaherty reported on the Annual Arts and Crafts Fair. It is online this year and she reminded us to think about the wonderful gifts and artisan keepsakes available.

Discussion followed regarding mail-in ballots for the upcoming election. Call the City Clerks Office for exact directions for voting in person if a mail-in ballot had been requested. Make sure your vote counts.

Next meeting: Check your emails closer to November 10th. That date was not put on the schedule and a meeting that day, Nov. 10, will be called only if needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sue Harris for Vicki Bourneuf


September 8, 2020 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. There was a moment of silence for Dottie Roeske, Anthea Brigham, Judy Friend, and Grace Murray. Vicki Bourneuf asked for corrections to the Annual Meeting minutes, which were posted on the website for everyone to read. A motion to approve the minutes as read at home was approved by a unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nancy Martin asked if there were any questions about the Treasurer’s Report that was distributed via email.  Co-president Lee Cunningham pointed out that last spring’s (May 2019) plant sale was not reflected.  The reason is that the report covers August 31, 2019, to September 1, 2020.  We did not hold a sale in Spring 2020.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as distributed by Nancy Martin was approved by a unanimous vote.

Sunshine: Deb Ebling reported for Emily Murphy.  Condolence cards were sent to Grace Murphy’s family, Maureen Quine and Joyce Novak’s daughter. There was a suggestion to send a “welcome back in the Village Note” to Bill Friend.

Membership: Deb Ebling reported that Doris Rust is now an Honorary Member, and Hazel von Rosenvinge and Emily Murphy Associate members.  We currently have 46 Active, 20 Associate, and 6 Honorary members.

Nominating: Nothing to report.

Publicity: Chickie Holltt reported that past Publicity Chair Perry McIntosh gave her the large Christmas Fair signs. Lee thanked Chickie for the great bake sale signs that helped to drive customers to both the Bake Sale and the Farmers’ Market.

Hospitality: There is nothing to report until we meet in person again.

Scholarship: Carolyn Rogers has received thank you notes from Kate Delaney and Rose Trotman.  There is one rising senior graduating in 2021. Let Carolyn know if there are any other rising seniors. Lee Cunningham thanked everyone for the baked goods and flowers for the last Farmers’ Market.  The sale was much more successful than expected, and the Market was happy to have us there because it helped to draw in more people.

New Business: Gigs Cunningham asked for input on the three alternative Christmas Fair ideas that she emailed to everyone before today’s meeting.

Idea 1: Sell preordered wreaths, which Stevie Neal and Bonnie Angus will coordinate.  Sue Harris will coordinate bow making, and there will be a limited ribbon choice. The number needed will be greatly reduced this year. Anyone interested in making bows should email Sue Harris.

Idea 2:  Sell knit and craft items, such as needlepoint ornaments, Sue Lennon’s sweaters, and other items members are willing to make. We would have a safe pick-up method in place, and sales would be limited to Sewing Circle members. There was a suggestion for members to offer services, such as a meal, boat rides, cookies, etc. and have the member offering the service set the price. Rosalie Hughes asked why just sell to members. There was discussion about it being too unwieldy if we expand sales beyond our group.

Idea 3:  Make a monetary donation via check instead of members doing the usual thing. Connie Mason asked if there is a way that we can also let people who live in the Village buy.  Suzanne Brown is going to figure out if we can make this work using a password and a specific day and time for pick up. Nancy Martin can take credit card payments at pick-up. Lida Bernard suggested offering a “cookie of the month,” where we bake and mail them to subscribers. Suzanne Brown is going to set up an online “test” with a few fixed-price items and an auction item.  There was a discussion about having photographs of items. It was agreed that this is a good idea. Members should let Lee and Gigs know what they are willing to contribute so that they can begin to generate a list of offerings.  Lee will also send an email polling members. The plan for wreath making is to have a group of wreath makers and only offer 12- and 16-inch wreaths.  The group will also figure out the logistics for where, when, and how to meet.  Members interested in helping should let Stevie Neal know.

Bylaws: Wendy Banks updated us on the status of the bylaw revisions and thanked everyone for their input.  A draft of the revisions with highlights of the recommended changes will be sent to members before the next meeting.  Gigs thanked Wendy and her committee and noted that we will not vote on changes until the November meeting. Directories: New ASC Directories can be picked up at the Village Hall Library from 3-5 p.m. on Monday and 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, or Gigs can them deliver during her walks.  Dues are still $5 for Active and $10 for Associate members.

Close to Home:  Donna Caselden is exhibiting at Jane Deering’s Pleasant Street gallery in September. Next Meeting: October 13th via Zoom. The meeting was adjourned at 2:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Bourneuf

January 12, 2021 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.

Secretary’s Report: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes, which were emailed to members prior to the meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes as sent was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Treasure’s Report:  Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $23,125.10 in the bank. The Christmas Fair netted $13,148.34; about $5,940 was from wreath sales.  Member donations, which were generous, made a big difference. The amount raised is similar to previous years.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report passed by unanimous vote.

Finance: Finance Chair Martha Hooper reported that the Finance Committee recently met and asked for a vote on two recommended donations at this meeting – $2K for the Open Door and $1K for Action, Inc. Other recommendations will be presented and voted on in April.  A motion to make these donations was approved by unanimous vote.

Membership: Membership Chair Deb Ebeling reported that Hazel von Rosenvinge has moved to Brooksby Village and is now an Honorary Member.  She is doing well and loves where she is.

Bonnie Angus recommended Patricia Cunningham for membership. Patricia is active in the Annisquam Yacht Club, the founder of box food deliveries in Squam and wreath maker extraordinaire. She is delightful to work with and does not know the meaning of the word no.  A motion to accept Patricia as a member was made and passed by unanimous vote.

Sunshine:  Cards have been sent to the Fenollosa Family, Kari Gale, Hazel von Rosenvinge, and Doris Rust.  The Jacklin’s and the Cook’s need a card.

Website:  Suzanne Brown has posted workshop ideas on the website.  She is happy to add member’s workshop ideas.  If members want to organize a workshop that is great, too.  The password for the new website is Circle01930.

Sue Willis suggested adding information about COVID vaccinations to the site when more information is available.

Scholarship:  Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers sent an email that she has three scholarship applications.  We need to make sure that she has been in touch with Jamie Gabbe. 

Nominating, Publicity, Hospitality Committees.  Chairs Joline Hentchel, Chickie Hollett, and Pippy Giuliano respectively had nothing new to report.  

Christmas Fair Update

Co-presidents Gigs Cunningham and Lee Cunningham thanked everyone for raising an amazing amount of money and following protocol for the distribution of auction items. The amount raised was close to or more than last year.  Bonnie and Stevie came up with many new efficiencies for wreath making that will be used again next year.  

New Business

There was discussion about the pros and cons of holding a Plant Sale this spring, depending on what we can do within the parameters of the pandemic.  A unanimous “thumbs up” vote supported holding a Plant Sale in the Spring and Bake Sale at the Farmer’s Market.

Zoom Tutorials/Workshops: Jill Lovejoy and Suzanne Brown have offered to hold knitting tutorials via Zoom.  An email will be sent to survey member interest and best times.  

Ideas for speakers around meaningful topics are needed for upcoming meetings.  

Close to Home

The Village Hall Library is hosting Laura Harrington, local author of the novel A Catalog of Birds, virtually on January 21. Gigs will email the information to Circle members.  

The Library is also holding a poetry reading on February 25 if anyone is interested in reading a piece.

Next Meeting:  Our next meeting is on February 9.

A motion to adjourn was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:26 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf