2015 – 2016
1. September 8, 2015
2. October 13, 2015
3. November 10, 2015
4. December 2015 no minutes
5. January 2016
6. February 2016
7. March 9, 2016
8. April 12, 2016
9. May 10, 2016
10. June 2016 no minutes
Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
September 8, 2015
The meeting called to order 1:37 p.m.
Ann mentioned that it’s important to check the attendance list so you are counted for attending meetings. The new ASC Directory is available; there are two corrections: Kate Meader’s email should be [email protected]. Carolyn Roy’s email is [email protected] (not [email protected]). Dates for this year’s meetings are on the back. Nancy Martin is collecting this year’s dues. Please pay her.
This year’s slate of officers and committee members was not approved at the Annual Meeting last June. Ann presented this year’s slate, except for Nominating, which is still to be determined.
Officers: President-Ann Mannle; Vice President – Donna Casleden; Recording Secretary-Vicki Bourneuf; Corresponding Secretary-Judy Gustin; Treasurer-Nancy Martin;
Committee Chairs: Finance-Mimi Emmons;Nominating-TBD; Membership -Martha Hooper; Hospitality-Kate Meader; Scholarship-Sue Willis; Publicity-Stevie Neal and Bonnie Angus; Website Liaison-Suzanne Brown. The slate was accepted with unanimous vote. Everyone received a copy of the Bylaws. Please review your membership category as a reminder for meeting and workshop requirements. There was discussion about this year’s Christmas Fair. Mary Pope proposed holding an afternoon workshop. Stevie Neal said to schedule what works for the Circle. What’s most important is that we get the work done. A decision is not needed yet.
Ann reported that we have 53 Active Members and 18 Associate Members. Jackie Littlefield asked why Associate Members was restricted to 18. Ann checked the Bylaws and the number for Associates is 20 Members. Jackie thinks it dates back to when meetings were held in people’s homes. Patsy Whitlock has been made an Honorary Member.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that Plant sale only made about $1000 and about half of this was from the Bake Sale. Nancy has not been able to get in touch with Bonnie. It’s possible that she still has some money that has not been factored in the final number. In the past two years, we made $1800 and $2000 respectively. There was discussion about possible reasons this year’s amount was so low, including the date. Suggested changes for the future include us potting plants, holding a bake sale only or moving up the date. More discussion is planned for next month’s meeting.
Judy Gustin reported that she sent a card to Joyce Novak, who broke a hip and is at Lahey Hospital in Burlington. We will send a plant when gets she home.
The Nominating report was skipped until Ann discusses possible Committee Chairs with Deb Bird. We are happy to have Kate Meader and Dottie Roeske back!
Sue Willis, Scholarship, is happy to report that each of this year’s scholarship recipients sent us a thank you letter.
Martha Hooper, Membership, is not here today to report.
Mimi Emmons, Finance, says no one has asked for any money yet.
Suzanne Brown reported that she and Vicki Bourneuf discussed what content should be on the public section of the Website. There was some discussion about the value of maintaining a public section on the site. Steve Harris continues to host it on his server. The password is the same for everyone – circle. The username is your email. You should be able to log in unless you change your email address.
Stevie Neal reported that she and Bonnie Angus will continue to do the publicity for green’s fair and will be asking for lots of help. Gigs Cunningham reminded us think about our Christmas Fair crafts. There was discussion about whether holding the meeting in the Village Hall Library forced us to limit our membership number and whether it would be better to hold the meeting upstairs in the Village Hall. Members agreed that the Library is better, especially in the winter. Gigs Cunningham asked if Finance set an annual fundraising goal, which has never been done before There was general agreement that we would like to keep the amount open, rather than set a goal.
Carolyn Roy introduced new member and long-time Annisquamer Wendy Banks. Welcome Wendy.
The meeting adjourned 2:16 p.m. to a tea served by the Board.
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.
The minutes from the September meeting were read and approved by unanimous vote.
Nancy Martin, Treasurer, updated plant sale figures, which are similar to last year’s sale. All checks and receipts for the plant sale are accounted for. The total raised was $52,086.74. Nancy also reported that we have $45,107.71 in the bank.
Mimi Emmons, Finance Chair, is trying to get someone from Animal Aid to speak in November. No one has asked for money yet. We probably will not have as much money to give away this year, so we need to be careful about who we invite to speak..
Suzanne Brown is updating the website with the new slate of officers, Tea Hostess List and Christmas Fair committee chairs.
The Nominating Chair position is still empty. Deb Ebeling and Deb Bird are happy to stay on another year. A motion for them to remain chairs for another year was made and accepted by unanimous vote.Stevie Neal reported that she and Bonnie Angus will be taking care of Greens for the Christmas Fair and the Fair’s publicity again this year. Christa will update last year’s poster, and they will do the usual activities forgetting the word out to the CapeAnn/Gloucester community.
Kate Meader, Hospitality, reported that the schedule for Teas will be on the website, but you can also email Kate with questions, etc.
Sue Willis, Scholarship, had nothing to report.
Pat Makin introduced new member Liz Sheehan. Liz has a financial background and is excited to get involved in the Annisquam community.
Ann announced a new procedure that the Executive Board is putting in place for Christmas Fair and Plant Sale purchases by committee members.
- A budget must be made and given to Treasurer, President & Vice President for review and/or adjustments
- No Blank Checks will be issued
- Receipts must be detailed4
- Receipts must be handed to the Treasurer within a month of the event5
- Donations must be approved by the Treasurer, President or Vice President. She noted that we need to discuss how the “no blank checks” will work. There were many questions regarding the procedure, which the Executive Committee will discuss. There will be an update provided at the November meeting.
Gigs Cunningham, Christmas Fair Craft Chair, asked that all craft items be labeled. Suzanne Brown designed pre-printed labels that have the ASC logo on them that you can get from Gigs. Or you can make your own, festive labels. Please let her know: lf you want your item back if it does not sell. An estimate of what you want the price to be. Any special directions and information, such as care directions Items that do not sell will be donated to various Cape Ann charities. Last year the hostess baskets sold well and people were disappointed that we did not have more for sale. It was discussed and approved by unanimous vote to have hostess baskets again this year. Ellen Stone suggested setting a price cap of $30. Mary Pope and Carolyn Roy volunteered help assemble baskets together if members bring in the items the first day of the Craft Fair.
Ann Mannle distributed Christmas Fair Committee and Luncheon sign-up sheets. Sandy Andrew and Sue Harris will chair Bake Table. Deb Bird noted that based on prior year’s experience, Bake Table items sell best when they are in Christmas/Holiday packaging. For new members, Ann provided a recap of what Christmas Fair member expectations. She will also send this info out to members via email. The next meeting is an October 20 workshop run by Daphne Papp in the Village Hall Leonard Room. Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m. to a lovely Tea hosted by Emily, Deb M., Gigs & Kate workshop. We have 100 children’s Grabs left from last year, but we will need male & female adult Grabs, as well as pet grabs. Grabs will remain at $2.
Ann Mannle distributed Christmas Fair Committee and Luncheon sign-up sheets. Sandy Andrew and Sue Harris will chair Bake Table. Deb Bird noted that based on prior year’s experience, Bake Table items sell best when they are in Christmas/Holiday packaging. For new members, Ann provided a recap of what Christmas Fair member expectations. She will also send this info out to members via email. The next meeting is an October 20 workshop run by Daphne Papp in the Village Hall Leonard Room.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m. to a lovely Tea hosted by Emily, Deb M., Gigs & Kate
Annisquam Sewing Circle minutes
November 10, 2015
President Ann Mannle opened the meeting and called on Mimi Emmons to introduce the guest speaker from the Cape Ann Animal Aid. Rebecca Bayliss talked a bit about the new facility in West Gloucester and invited everyone for a visit as her guest. The organization is part of a network that transports animals to Cape Ann from around the country. Animals who remain with them for some time or cats 6 years and older have adoption fees waved. All animals are spayed or neutered before they are adopted. Cape Ann Animal Aid remains a no-kill shelter. The shelter is one of the Sewing Circle’s favorite charities.
Sitting in for Vicki Bourneuf, Pippy read the minutes of the October meeting which were approved. T
reasurer, Nancy Martin reported $10,283.24 in the coffers. Dues totally $310 was collected with a few members needing to pay up. Ann Mannle has the directories distributed when dues are paid.
Sunshine committee chair, Judy Guston reported that all is quiet at present.
Membership chair, Martha Hooper reported 4 openings; 2 active and 2 associate spots not including Sue Willis’ proposal of Christine Lunberg who had such an extensive list of accolades and organizational contributions, this secretary was hard pressed to record. Most importantly, Christine is handy at needlework, crafts and cooking. She is ready to jump in and help with the Christmas Fair. Who could ask for anything more? Welcome Christine.
Gigs Cunningham shared the inventive crafts displayed on the table. She reiterated the pricing and labeling directions outlined in the October meeting minutes. FYI minutes are posted on the ASC website under business. Just click on the link.
Finance chair Mimi Emmons has had contribution requests from the Village Hall Association, Wellspring, and the Backyard Growers.On to the fair and those tantalizing chicken tetrazzini casseroles that can be ordered in advance for $15. Our chef Connie Mason has sign up sheets for your contribution of chicken, tossed salad, jelly salad or pie. Connie will send a postcard reminder as we approach the fair date, December 5th. No utensils needed but make sure label your vessels. There will be one seating at noon. Please make your luncheon reservations with Linette French.
Stevie Neal held up the spectacular posters for this year’s event which have been printed and are ready for distribution. Kate Meader asked for volunteers to provide refreshments for our work week leading up to the fair. Mary Pope and committee request basket items that they will incorporate into lovely baskets that fair goers look forward to. The baskets will be priced at $30 and under.
Please contact Sandy Andrew with your item for the gourmet table and remember to dress them up with a holiday flare. Suzanne Brown has been photographing craft items that she posts on the Sewing Circle blog. Take a look at the blog which is informative and beautiful. Ann will be sending out an email reminder of procedures and responsibilities for all of us and for new members.
Tea was graciously served by:Pat Makin, Wendy Banks, Stevie Neal and Jolen Hentschel.
Standing in for Vicki, Pippy Giuliano
No meeting in December 2016
Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 1:30p.m.
Nancy Martin provided a financial update: The Christmas Fair grossed $18,125.75. Expenses were $5,604.40. Additionally, there was a $100 donation, bringing our net gain to $12,521.35. We have $22,819.59 in the bank. Ann Mannle reported that Judy Junker, Kate Meader, Maureen Quine, Dotty Roeske are today’s tea hostesses.
Finance Committee Chair, Mimi Emmons thanked her committed for their assistance in recommending this year’s donations. She noted that the Committee adheres to guidelines to give to Village community first, and then the immediate community. She noted that we try to be fair, don’t give to every charity every year and make decisions based on need. The Committee recommended the following disbursement of $10,500 available for donations this year: Annisquam Village Hall $4,000 (Replace 2nd floor bathroom floor) Annisquam Village Church $2,000 (Building preservation); Backyard Growers $500; Open Door 1,000; Wellspring $500Pathways $500; Cape Ann Animal Aid $500; Cape Ann Symphony-Youth Program $1,000; Cape Ann Museum–Elderly Program $500; TOTAL $10,500. A motion was made approved to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendations. Sue Willis, Scholarship Chair, had nothing new to report, but reminded members that we do not advertise our scholarships. We depend on members to let Annisquam high school seniors heading to school or college know that we have scholarships available.
Judy Gustin, Sunshine Chair dispersed no sunshine last few weeks.
Reporting for Publicity, Stevie Neal provided a brief update on the greens portion of the Christmas Fair. There is nothing specific to report about fair publicity, except it went well and they are already thinking about next year. We had a lot of new items this year, which sold well. Big sellers are custom wreaths, many to Bonnie’s customers. Some considerations for next year include small, live decorated trees, terrariums,etc. Lynn Fenollosa, who has many creative ideas, will help a couple extra days next year. Thinking of sending an E-Blast next year to get custom orders ahead of time. Disappointed with ribbons and looking for other sources, In short, things went well and there are things we can do to make the greens portion of the fair even better. Let Bonnie or Stevie know if you have any ideas. Betsy Colby noted that we have always given Lynn a gift certificate to a restaurant to thank her for her help with the fair. A motion was made and accepted to give Lynn a $125 gift certificate to her favorite restaurant. Suzanne Brown had nothing new to report for the website.
Martha Hooper reported that Jaye Whittier proposed Chicki Hollett for membership. Chicki lives in Norwood Heights and has many talents, including gardening, sewing, floral design painting, costume making and more, is on the Board of the Annisquam Village Players, is incredibly talented and now has time to give to the Circle. A motion was made and accepted to approve Chicki’s membership, which brings active membership to 54. Sue Willis suggested that it would be helpful if sponsors of new members “mentor” and keep them up to date on expectations for the first year, especially for the Greens Fair and Plant Sale.
Val Gilman, new Ward 4 City Councilor, was welcomed as guest speaker. Val provided an overview of how she can help constituents navigate and stay in formed about issues and activities in the city. She also reviewed important services and information available on the city’s website and how to use the site to stay current and get assistance with local issues and problems.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30p.m.to another delicious tea.
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2016
Meeting called to order at 1:37p.m.
Deb Bird presided in Ann Mannle’s absence. Deb opened the meeting, welcoming new members Christine Lundberg and Chicki Hollett.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,814.59 in the bank. This year’s donation checks have been mailed and all have been deposited. To date, three thank you notes have been received.
The minutes from January 12 meeting were read and approved with one amendment to change “Greens Fair” to “Christmas Fair.” Nancy Martin distributed a summary of this year’s final figures for the Christmas Fair and reviewed and compared each table’s income with the previous year’s income. Pat Makin acknowledged that despite all of the work it takes to put on the Fair, it is a great way to bring people together.
Reporting for Greens, Deb Bird suggested and asked members for their thoughts on having a tutorial the first Monday of the Christmas Fair week to help members with tips and tricks for making wreaths. Germaine Fritz suggested that it be for boxwood trees, too. There was a suggestion to keep the huge wreaths really simple so we can finish them quickly.
For the Gourmet Table, Sandy Andrew commented that everything looked great and things sold well with few items unsold. These were given away as part of the raffle. There are certain items, such as Lida’s chocolate sauce, that people come back for every year.
Gigs Cunningham thanked members for their work and reported the Crafts Table had an excellent variety, with a lot of “one-of-a-kind” items that impressed customers. The silent auction of Connie Mason’s doorstops and Grace Murray’s hat made a lot of money. Gift baskets, bunnies and Annisquam items sold very well. Ornaments did not sell as well. Suggestions for pricing, labeling and noting unsold items to be returned, along with Kerry Kempter’s help setting up the display, were extremely helpful and appreciated. If any one runs in to Sue Lannon, please thank her. Without her donation, we would not have children’s sweaters. Thank you notes were sent to individuals who donated but are not part of Circle.
Vicki Bourneuf reported that the Jewelry Table did much better this year, probably for a couple of reasons. First, items were individually price and priced a little higher. Raffling off gold earring and necklace set also generated an additional $260. Questions for next year are whether to allow dealers to buy and sewing circle members to shop early.
Connie Mason requested that members please reserve casseroles ahead of time.
The only way to make more money on the luncheon and casseroles is to raise prices. We may go up a dollar for lunch next year. The only way to make more money for Grabs is to raise the price, which is not a good idea.
Deb Bird reported that all is quiet with Membership, Finance and Scholarship.
Judy Gustin has not dispersed any sunshine since last meeting. Hazel Von Rosenving is doing very well, though she is still not ready for guests. She loves cards and notes,though.Vicki Danglemeyer is doing better, but has along recovery ahead. Cards and letter scan be sent to her at Aviv, 240 Lynnfield Street in Peabody. She also loves phone calls. Grace Murray, who is speeding around in her walker and in very good spirits, is home and hoping to get neck brace off so she can knit! Val Babson turns70 on Saturday if anyone wants to send a card.
Suzanne Brown needs pictures for new members. Send pictures to [email protected]. Pam Saylor is available to take pictures for those who need one. The information inside the members section of the site has been redesigned but is not yet live. The information is the same, and she is looking to expand on what is currently on the site. Suzanne has her computer if you want to see the new website or if you send her an email, she will provide a link to it. Reminder, the login is your email and the password ‘circle,’ Deb Bird opened a discussion about the Plant Sales owe are ready to move forward at the March meeting. Last year the sale grossed about $1400, of which $500 was from the Bake Sale.
There was a question about what happens to plants that are not sold, as well as a suggestion we have fewer plants. Carolyn Roy noted that donated plants should be repotted at least three weeks ahead because they take about 10 days to recover after being potted. Other comments included the problem with plants being received a couple of days early and wilting, and a lack of plant variety. Typically, the Plant Sale is held Memorial Day weekend a lot of summer people arrive. This year, Memorial Day is 28th. It was suggested that perhaps we hold it on the 21st this year. With closing of the Goose Cove Gardens, the sale fills a void in the local community. Deb wrapped up the discussion, noting that we will make decisions at the March meeting.
Other Business: Judy Junker needs names andnumbersfor people who get Easter flowers from the Village Church.
Today’s tea hostesses were Connie Mason, Carolyn Rogers, Donna Davis and Deb Bird. Deb suggested that members sit a round the meeting circle for a “tea and chat” British style!
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30p.m.
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2016
The meeting called to order 1:43p.m. and opened with a moment of silence for Brita Chadbourne, who was treasurer for many years. A few members shared memories. It would be nice to send her husband, Pete, cards at 4 Pearce Avenue in Gloucester.
Judy Gustin, Sunshine Chair, is away; however, Jaye Whittier reported that Hazel Von Rosenving has been in the hospital for 4-5 days and is now in the Spaulding Rehab. in Boston. She loves cards and wants phone calls. Vicki Danglemeyer is working hard, standing and walking with help. She’s coming home May 1st, but will need a lot of care and help. She likes phone calls, too, and is still at Aviv at 240 Lynnfield Street, Peabody, right off the Route 128 Centennial Exit.
Suzanne Brown is not here to report on the website.
Martha Hooper did not have any Membership news to report.
There was no Finance report, as Mimi Emmons is away.
Deb Bird reported that nominating is quiet for the moment.
Sue Will is reported that Scholarship also quiet, but we should be getting applications starting next month. If you know any Annisquam high school seniors, tell them about our scholarship. All they need to do is send a letter to Sue; a formal application is not required.
Stevie Neal, reported that the Plant Sale will be publicized using the same approach we use every year. She also reminded us that any signs for Grant Circle must be approved by the DPW no more than a week ahead of time and must be down within week after the event.
Kate Meader has nothing new to report for Hospitality.
Ann Mannle opened a discussion about the Spring Plant Sale and whether to change the date to either May 14th to 21st.One concern is whether we can change pre-ordering. Bonnie needs to know sooner rather than later. Since the Chadbourne service is May 21st and they will use the Village Hall, a motion was made and approved to have the sale on the 14th. Stevie will send a very simple email blast advising Sewing Circle and Garden Club members of the date change. Gigs Cunningham will email the Good Neighbors. Sewing Circle members are also asked to help spread the word. Stevie suggested finding out how Bonnie wants to handle pre-orders. Pre-ordering has not been a formal process; rather, people just call her. She willbebackonApril15th. Carolyn Roy suggested selling potted plant arrangements and volunteered to put together a couple as a “test” this year. Donna Caselden and Kate Meader volunteered to co-chair the Plant Sale Bake Table. A sign-up sheet will be circulated closer to the sale date. Members were asked to think about how to get someone on board for them to put up and take down chairs and tables. We will pay someone to do this.
Today’s tea was prepared and served by Kate Meader, Donna Caselden, Jackie Littlefield, Carolyn Roy and Sandy Andrew.
The meeting adjourned at 2:20p.m.
April 12, 2106
Meeting called to order at 1:36p.m.
The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved. Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,632.48 in our account. She also requested that we send $50 to Village Library in memory of Britta Chadbourne. A motion was made and approved.
There was no Sunshine report. Ann Mannle read a thank you note from Cynthia Borghesani for Easter flowers. Pat Makin reported that Ann Milar sent thanks, as did as Joyce Novak. For new members’ background, Ann Mannle explained that the Circle buys flowers for the church, which are gathered and distributed to those who are house bound or in need of cheer after the Easter service.
Martha Hooper Membership,reported that we currently have one active spot open.
There was no Finance Committee report.
Suzanne Brown reported that the new website pages are awaiting approval, and she still needs pictures for some members. Pictures can be emailed to Suzanne or if you need one, Pam Saylor can take it for you. Suzanne is awaiting approval for the new test site and Steve Harris is ready to launch the new pages as soon as approval is granted.
The Plant Sale pages are on the new site and will be posted as soon as they are approved. Stevie Neal reported that Plant Sale publicity will begin on May1st.
Sue Willis, Scholarship, reported that we currently have requests from the following three Annisquam high school seniors: Aidan Robinson who is at St. John’s Prep and attending Middlebury College. Maggie Rogers, Carolyn Rogers’s daughter, who is a senior at St. Georges School and attending Hamilton College; Argen Steegstra, Chickee Hollet’s grandson, who is at Pingree and attending Union College. Please let any high school seniors you know that there is stilltimeto apply. Sue would letter by the end of May.
Nancy Martin budgets about $5K for scholarships each year. Any funds not used in a given year are returned to the general fund.
Nominating Chair Deb Bird thanked members for responding to requests to fill various Circle roles. New members indicated that it would be helpful to hear what each committee does. Committee chairs each gave a brief over view of their committee’s role and number of members needed.
Ann Mannle distributed sign-up sheets for the Plant Sale, including a sheet for special orders, which Bonnie Angus will fill if she can. Everyone is asked to help with cleanup. Barrels with trash bags in them will be set up to make cleanup easier. Sign-up sheets will also be distributed at the next meeting of you miss them this time around. Kate Meader has sign-upsheet for Bake Table donations, which can be dropped off at her house between 4:30 and 5:30p.m. on Friday May 13th. Ingredients do not need to be listed on donations unless they contain nuts.
Sandy Andrew asked that members to give any extra yarn they have to Hazel von Rosenving so she can start knitting scarves for Open Door.
Sue Willis suggested that we ask the Leonard Club to help setup and take down tables, especially at the end of the sale.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:21p.m. to another delicious tea hosted by Judy Friend, Tartie Bishop, Annie Sinkinson, Deb Bird, Anthena Brigham and Jaye Whittier
AnnisquamSewingCircleMeeting Minutes
May 10, 2016
The meeting called to order at 1:30p.m. Minutes from the April Meeting were read.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,500.84 in bank.
Martha Hooper reported that two active members have moved to associate member status. We now have three active members lots open. Associate membership is full.
There was no report for either Sunshine or Finance.
Stevie Neal reported that all Plant Sale posters are up around the city. Good Morning Gloucester has a poster,and the Gloucester Daily Times has published two announcements. The poster is the same one that Rose Marie Glen designed several years ago, just updated.
There is nothing new for Scholarship, except that checks with accompanying letters to this year’s three applicants are about to be mailed.
Deb Bird reported that Nominating has a couple of positions yet to be filled.
Suzanne Brown reported that the new web pages are approved. Steve Harris, our Web liaison, has them and hopes to post them soon. Once they are posted, we can enter information and update them ourselves.
A sign-up sheet for the Plant Sale Bake Table was circulated by Kate Meader.
New Business Gigs Cunningham wanted to let the person/people responsible for delivering May Baskets know that she has been receiving many “thank you” comments. Recipients assume the baskets are from Good Neighbors, which they are not. Jaye Whittier announced that Britta Chadbourne’s service will be held at the Village Church on May 21st at 4:00p.m. Please try to attend, as her husband, Pete, would be very appreciative.
Connie Mason reported that we are using the last box of cookbooks. If anyone wants a copy before we run out, contact her.
Stevie Neal provided a Plant Sale update on behalf of Bonnie Angus, including staffing needs and cleanup information.
The Annual Meeting will be held on June 7th. Bringy our lunch; dessert is provided. Bring your auction item, too.
A motion made and approved to accept the secretary’s report. Jaye Whitter also move we approve money for this year’s scholarships. It was seconded and approved.
Another wonderful tea was hosted by Jill Lovejoy, Betsy Colby, Kate Meader and Pam Saylor.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:05p.m.
Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf
June 2016 no minutes