The Annual Plant Sale

Thank you to All who helped to make this year’s Plant Sale a success!

The Annual ASC Spring Plant Sale bring the best available annuals and perennials to you. Many members of the Annisquam Sewing Circle and the Annisquam community volunteer to set up the sale and offer information on planting and care of the plants.

We hope to see you at our Gourmet Food and Flower Sale the morning of the Annisquam Farmers’ Market, Friday, June 28, 2024 right here in the yard between the Village Hall & the Annisquam Exchange. The Circle has many excellent bakers! It is always a sell out so please come early. Leave with a bouquet of flowers from the gardens of Annisquam and delicious goodies for your 4th of July company and your family. The proceeds of the events are donated to the Cape Ann Community to assist those in need of a leg-up in tough times, contiuning the mission of the group formed in 1837

While you are here pop into the Annisquam Exchange.  See the exhibits of local artists works in the Annisquam Art Gallery and learn about the history of this community and see the recently restore stagecoach in the Annisquam Historical Society!

When to start seeds

2024 Farmers'AlmanacThinking Spring!

Altho’ it does not look like it this morning with new snow on the ground it is now meterolgical spring. So the question is. “When do I start my tomato seeds?”

Here is the scoop from the Farmer’s Almanac.

On average our last spring frost occurs on May 9. Below is only about tomatoes. The second column is when to start your tomatoe seeds indoors. The third column is when to transplant into the garden

Tomatoes Frost Mar 14-28 Based on front date
Moon Mar 21-28 Based on Moon date
Frost May 16-Jun 6
Moon May 19-Jun 3


For a full list vegatables and dates for 01930 click here: Farmers Almanac

$annisquamsewingcircle #annisquam #gloucester #annisquamfarmersmarket


Become a Friend the Annisquam Sewing Circle.

Friends of the Annisquam Sewing Circle
Friends of the Annisquam Sewing Circle

The Annisquam Sewing Circle has been reaching out to the community since its inception.

Bags of groceries were left on the doorsteps of families in need. Hats and mittens were knit for soldiers during the Civil War and nippers for the Gloucester fishermen. Items were made for the ASC Christmas Fair which included little men out of toothpicks and raisins for children to buy as gifts for family and friends. The money raised went back to the community.

Times have changed but the needs of the community remain the same. The funds raised by the ASC are donated to Cape Ann Community organizations like Wellspring, Open Door, Backyard Growers, and Animal Aid as well as scholarships for Gloucester High School graduating seniors who are going on to college or other post-graduate training.

Join our email list.

Send an email to [email protected] to receive information about upcoming events and news of the ASC. Your email will not be shared with anyone. We value you as a Friend of the ASC and your interest in our activities. As a thank you for your interest and support of the Annisquam Sewing Circle, we will send you an ASC favorite recipe.