Minutes 2023 – 2024

Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order – Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Final meeting for the year:
Sue welcomed everyone and immediately announced 2024 Plant Sale revenues:
$8,714.78 (28% higher than last year)
$7,364.15 (46% higher than last year)
Net $1,350.63

Next order of business:
Germaine Fritz welcomed new member – Linda Rich.
Followed by Suzanne Brown thanking everyone for the past two year’s great turnout and participation. Sue Harris added that when she and Suzanne first took over the reins, 2 years
ago, they both agreed they were there to “have fun,” and they did!
As an end-of-year review and activity, Sue gave group a statistical quiz – re: Sewing Circle:

1. Largest Group of members – 1887
2. In 1887 – how many members – 213 (from a1926 Newspaper clipping)
3. Since 2000, which year had most new members – 2010 with 9 new members
4. Who today is our longest standing member? Dona Shea since 1974; Runner-up – Connie Mason since 1988

Big thanks to all for keeping the organization going and going strong! And thanks to all for the day’s delicious luncheon and flowers.
Final piece of business:
Report from Wendy Banks, chair of Nominating Committee, who
presented the slate for 2024-25 – as follows:

President – Vicki Bourneuf
Vice-President – Lisa Accardi
Treasurer – Maria Marolda
Recording Secretary – Stevie Neal
Membership – Perry McIntosh
Finance – Gerry Herbert
Website Liaison – Suzanne Brown
Hospitality – Germaine Fritz
Scholarship – Lee Cunningham
Publicity – Lisa Accardi
Nominating – Gigs Cunningham, Kate Meader

Following a unanimous vote of ayes to the Slate, Vicki opened meeting with motion to accept May Minutes as read – accepted.
Gerry Herbert thanked everyone for participating in the Survey with a reminder that we are always looking for new organizations to fund.

Committee Reports
Finance – Maria Marolda – Maria confirmed great success of Plant Sale and thanked Bonnie and Stevie for their tremendous efforts. Report (see numbers above) accepted.
No reports from Hospitality, Nominating, Scholarship or Membership.

PR – Lisa Accardi – High hopes for increased PR this year, with the possibility of wider coverage in magazines.

Old Business:
Re: Workshops – start up again in fall – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.
Always looking for new ideas!
Vicki reminded group about Needlepoint group on Mondays – may get into making Christmas ornaments.

Other Reminders:
Farmers’ Market coming up with resumption of Flower Table again – Germaine asked that any flowers be left at her house on the Thursday before June 28th Market day. Bake Sale and Flower Table Sign-up Sheets passed around.

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 10th.
Meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm!
Onto the Auction!

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie B. Neal

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Annisquam Sewing Circle meeting called to order – Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sue Harris opened the meeting. The two new members were introduced by their sponsors: New member-Paula Scribner by her sponsor, Dona Shea, and new member-Amy Vacchina by her sponsor, Karen Guerin. A moment of silence was then taken in remembrance of Hugh Collier. Sue announced that the Sewing Circle continued its annual tradition of donating flowers to the AVC for its Easter service. Stevie Neal was thanked for distributing the flowers. Thank you notes were received and read from Rita Teele and Hazel von Rosenvinge. It was also mentioned that a tribute to the Circle had been made in FaceBook by Phil Lowcher, the son of our deceased member, Ann Benson.

Following these announcements, the Minutes were accepted as sent out.
On behalf of the Finance Committee, Gerry Herbert thanked all those who responded to the recent Survey regarding member preference for which non-profits the ASC would support going forward. A total of $20,500 was disbursed this year.

2023-2024 Giving
Annisquam Village Hall (Maintenance) ($2,500)
Open Door ($2,300)
Annisquam Village Church (Maintenance) ($1,500)
Gloucester Education Foundation ($1,500)
Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute (School) ($1,500)
Grace Center ($1,500)
Action Inc. (Gloucester Program) ($1,000)
Good Neighbors Inc. ($1,000)
Pathways for Children ($1,000)
Together Gloucester ($1,000)
Backyard Growers ($1,000)
Wellspring House $1,000)
Cape Ann Symphony (Youth Program) ($1,000)
Rose Baker Senior Center ($600)
Cape Ann Museum (Sr. Program) ($600)
Mt. Adnah Cemetery ($600)
YMCA (Cornerstone Program) ($600)
Cape Ann Animal Shelter ($300)
Total: $20,500

It was recommended that preferences be ranked High and Low in the future. Gerry’s report was accepted.
Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda) Maria reported that the Circle distributed $4,000 in Scholarship awards to 4 Annisquam students and made $20,500 to 18 Cape Ann non-profits for a total of $24,500 contributed to the community this year leaving a total of $7,004.75 available for distribution. It is anticipated additional funds will be forthcoming following the annual May Plant Sale and traditional Auction held at the June Annual meeting.

Corresponding Secretary (Kate Meader) reported sending a card of condolence to Joan Collier, a card to Germaine Fritz and one to George Bird who turns 80 on May 20.
Committee Reports:
Hospitality: Lida Bernard thanked Dona Shea, Perry McIntosh, Joline Henschel
and Nancy Davis for the tea today. She announced the hostesses next month are: Lida, Sue, Suzanne, Gina, Diane, Peg and Christine.
Membership:- (Perry McIntosh) Linda Rich was presented for nomination. Her sponsor is Germaine Fritz. Since Germaine was not able to attend the meeting, Patricia Plevisani gave us her membership information. Her nomination was seconded and the vote taken and she was accepted into membership.
Nominating: – (Gigs Cunningham) – Gigs read the Slate that will be presented and voted upon at the June Meeting.

    • President-Vicki Bourneuf,
    • VP-Lisa Accardi
    • Treasurer-Maria Marolda
    • Recording Secretary-Stevie Neal
    • Corresponding Secretary-Kate Meader
    • Finance-Gerry Herbert
    • Hospitality-Germaine Fritz
    • Membership-Perry McIntosh
    • Nominating-Gigs Cunningham, Kate Meader, #3 tbd,
    • Scholarship-Lee Cunningham
    • Publicity-Lisa Accardi
    • Website Liaison-Suzanne Brown

Publicity: (Lisa Accardi) – Lisa outlined PR plans for coming events and sug-
gested including, for purposes of publicity, info re: Circle’s $20k financial contribution to the community.
Scholarship: – (Lee Cunningham) – Zoe Moriarty, Thea Cunningham, Brendan
Burke and Genevieve Rich were all voted on and approved for $1,000 scholarships this year.
Website :- Suzanne Brown out of town. No report!

Old Business:

    • Unfinished Projects – (Jill Lovejoy). The group has been meeting every 2 weeks all year and after the summer will resume meeting again. Enjoyed by all
    • Needlepoint – (Vicky Bourneuf) – Hoping more will join the Group – meet every Monday at Vicky’s at 10:30.
    • Plant Sale – Sue appealed to group to volunteer their help at Check-Out on Saturday. Stevie updated plans for staffing and setting up – that there would be an email sent out shortly with time slots.

New Business:

    • Next Year Meeting Location: Sue brought up the question of where Circle meetings would be held for next year, the library or the AVH? Connie made the motion that the decision should be left to the new board. The motion was seconded and approved overwhelmingly.
    • The Luncheon/Annual Meeting/Auction was announced by Sue for the next
      meeting. It will be June 11 at Noon in the village hall. Lunch will be served at Noon before the business meeting and the auction will follow immediately after the meeting.
    • Sue also drummed up enthusiasm for members to contribute items or a service to the Auction. Auctioneers for this year will be Mimi, Rosalie and Lisa.
    • The Bake and Flower Arrangement Sale will be Friday, June 28th in conjunction with the Farmers Market. More information and sign ups will be at the Annual Meeting.
    • All reminded that Doris Rust’s Celebration of Life will be at the Annisquam Village Church at 11:00 am on Friday, May 24th with the collation to immediately follow at the Village Hall.

Motion made to adjourned and passed at 2:14 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie B. Neal

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Meeting called to order . Suzanne welcomed the group and after calling the meeting to order, asked if the March Minutes would be accepted as submitted. After one correction regarding the make-up of the Nominating Committee which is comprised of: Lee Cunningham, Gigs Cunningham and Wendy Banks, the Minutes were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda) Maria reported balance of $31,182.59. Report accepted.

Corresponding Secretary (Kate Meader) Kate introduced New Member Kate Murphy who was welcomed by Sue. Kate also reported that a card had been sent to Jock Bourneuf who had been ill and cards will be sent also to Joan and Hugh Collier.

Committee Reports
Hospitality – Lida Bernard thanked day’s hostesses: Maureen, Rosalie, Mary, Linette and Jill.

Finance – In addition to announcing the day’s speaker: Logan Walsh, Gerry announced that a survey would be sent out to the membership with a list of organizations that we have supported in the past and new ones that we might consider in the future. Members are being asked to vote for ones that they might favor going forward and to submit their choices asap. She estimated that about $20k will be available.

Membership – Perry McIntosh was not in attendance but Sue reported for her,
introducing two new candidates for membership:

Paula Scribner, proposed by Dona Shea and Amy Vacchina, proposed by Karen Guerin Both were nominated and accepted by the membership.

Nominating – Gigs Cunningham reported that the Nominating Committee expected to present the slate for 2024 in May to be voted on in June.

PR – Lisa Accardi advised membership that posters for the Plant Sale were ready.

Scholarship – Lee Cunningham announced that there are 2 candidates eligible
for Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each for Brendan Burke and Thea
Cunningham. Approved by members.

Website – Suzanne Brown reported that Website was up to date.

Old Business:
Suzanne reported that bi-monthly meetings of those working on Unfinished Projects were continuing at Jill Lovejoy’s – well attended and enjoyed.

New Needlepoint Group – Vicky Bourneuf reported that Heidi McGrath and Karen Guerin had joined the new needlepoint group and encouraged others to join.

Plant Sale – Stevie Neal confirmed that Plant Sale will be on Saturday, May 18th. Emphasized that she and Bonnie hope and encourage members to buy their plants from our Plant Sale – that because of Bonnie’s discount, our prices are the same as those found in the Nurseries. She also reminded members that it is a fundraiser. As in years past, special orders will be taken for Geraniums – as well as other special plants you may want. Finally – Sign-Up Sheets will be circulated via email for ordering plants and for workers needed on Friday afternoon for Set-Up as well as for helping at the Sale on Saturday morning: 7 am to 12 noon.

Before adjourning the meeting, Sue reminded members that the Annual Meeting will include Lunch and the Auction as in past years – it will be at noon at the Village Hall. Also the Flower/Bake Sale will be held with the Farmer’s Market on Friday, June 28th. The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 14th.
A Motion was made to adjourn – accepted at 2 PM.

Meeting followed with a presentation by Logan Walsh from GMGI (Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute) in Gloucester.
Celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year – the Institute is anxious to get story out into the community; With the Ocean being key to the organization’s very existence – the Institute was founded by Bio-Techs and Scientists – to address critical challenges facing our oceans and environment through scientific research into life under the ocean – seeking and providing clues about human
life and health. Logan explained that the Institute provides a research curriculum in marine environment that can be learned and practiced by high-school students at GMGI – preparing them for entry level careers in the biotech workplace – the Program can accommodate up to 45-50 students per year,
boasting a 90% graduation rate. Its applicant pool is growing as is its success rate as knowledgeable graduates join the workforce. GMGI is a non-profit dependent upon funding from donors, foundation grants and support from
the state.

Tuesday, February 14, 2024

Meeting called to order –

Given the accuracy of NE weather forecasts, we planned well and met on Zoom, only to find ourselves looking out at very, very light snow that barely dusted the walks! As we all settled back in our warm homes, and assured that we had a quorum, Sue then called meeting to order.
A motion was made to accept the January Minutes as sent; motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda) – reported balance of $31,182.59; report accepted.

Hospitality (Lida Bernard) – no report

Finance(Gerry Herbert) – Gerry reviewed format for two speakers to be followed.

Membership (Perry McIntosh) No report

Corresponding Secretary (Kate Meader). Cards have been sent to Linette French, Peg Koller and Hazel Von Rosenvinge.

Discussion: In view of the of the Circle’s current sizable bank balance, Bonnie Angus asked when funds would be dispersed. The Finance committee will review requests and report recommendations in May. A motion was made and accepted that some monies could be sent out NOW to help some non-profits’ current financial situations if needed.

Several members questioned the Circle’s current funding process. Sue suggested calling Gerry Herbert with questions.

Nominating – no report

PR – no report

Scholarship ( Lee Cunningham) Question put out seeking the names of any Seniors who might qualify for scholarship support. Gigs suggested Zoe Moriarty and the Burke’s son who is a senior.

Website – (Suzanne Brown). – No report

Old Business
Projects – (Jill Lovejoy). Meetings have been well attended; everyone encouraged to come – even if no projects! Meetings will be on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1:30 at Jill’s.

Membership – Deb Ebeling brought up name of Kate Murphy who may be interested in joining Circle but not just yet.

Needlepoint Group – Beginners (Vicky Bourneuf). Vicky is seeking names of those interested in starting: Heidi McGrath, Gina, Karen Guerin, Bonnie and Patricia.

There being no other old business, Sue turned meeting over to Gerry who introduced the day’s speaker:

Tom Mannle – Spoke about the new Youth Initiative Program offered by the Cape Ann Symphony whose focus is to introduce and promote concert music to elementary age children in local schools.
In addition to the 4 concerts presented each year to school age students, a new and smaller program to be held at the Y during April vacation week will feature 6-7 musicians playing a Children’s Classic Musical for 3 concerts targeting Pre-K children, and Grades 1-6 students.
(The CAS is also seeking funding for the development of a composition and score based on Mike Mulligan’s Steam Shovel to be written and presented to younger children).

The cost of this program is in the range of $15k which will cover school demos, musicians, rental fees and printing and the 3 April Concerts.The second speaker was Kristen Michel from Together Gloucester – a new non-profit 501 C3 grassroots organization in Gloucester that is connecting generosity of donors in the larger community with neighbors in need. Started in the beginning of the Pandemic, the organization formed networks with local organizations – Open Doors, Pathways, Action to act as a resource that can respond quickly to a variety of unexpected community needs that may come up at any time. Resource is the key operative word in describing this group.

Managed by a 5-person Board – all of whom are involved in the community and have connections. Use FB, Instagram etc. to get word out.

At the conclusion of the two very informative presentations, Gerry announced there will be two speakers at the March 12th meeting – one being Action Inc. In April GMGI will present. Before conclusion of meeting, Gigs reported on the GEF (Gloucester Ed Fdn) trip to the Middle School last fall – that it was extremely informative regarding the many different projects that were underway.

Sue thanked Gigs and the two speakers, and adjourned the meeting at 2:25.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie B. Neal

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Meeting called to order – Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Suzanne Brown welcomed everyone.
A motion was made to accept the November Minutes as sent out; motion passed.
Prior to the reading of committee reports, Suzanne and Sue thanked Stevie Neal for making her Barn available to the ASC for continuing storage of supplies.
Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda)
Maria reported that the Christmas Fair grossed $25,371 – a record
Netted $18,628. Maria, reviewing revenue and expenses for each category, noted that all Categories reflected an increase over last year.

Corresponding Secretary, Kate Meader reported that cards had been sent to Sandy Andrew And Rita Teele

Hospitality (Lida Bernard) – no report but Lida will be asked to remind members to sign up for hospitality.

Finance (Gerry Herbert) Gerry informed members that there will be 2 speakers each month – one shall provide an update while the second shall represent and speak for a newer non-profit. Gerry also asked members to help identify GHS Srs eligible for scholarship funding.

Membership, Nominating, Scholarship Committees – no reports

Publicity (Lisa Arcari) No news to report –

Website Liaison (Suzanne Brown) Suzanne reported that there is now one new project on the website.

Old Business
Christmas Fair Review
– Wreaths and Greens – Stevie’s basic report was to say a great big Thank You to all for an amazing effort on the part of EVERYONE! Wreaths, Centerpieces, Decorations and the bow makers! Five days of hard work both upstairs and downstairs – best ever!
– Casseroles – Mimi reported that 80 casseroles were made – smooth operation! Noted that they freeze well!
– Grabs. – Jackie reported that the Grabs sold out – first time ever! Everyone happy with the results – well packaged. Creative and new categories – no kids category this year.
– Jewelry – Vicki reported that she and Donna streamlined the jewelry offerings display this year.
– Publicity – Lisa reported that the Fair was “out there” – posters, Facebook, GMG. Suggested that we start earlier next year.
– Hospitality – It was noted that everyone working was well fed this year – every day!
– Bake Sale – it was reported that there was great variety this year and everything well packaged.
– Crafts – Gigs Gigs reported total revenue of $ 4,214. Noted that they could charge more for some items. Excellent variety – Oregami trees were popular; Grace hat sold for $225! A lot of discussion – re: items for next year. Not too early to start for next year!

New Business
– Vicki raised the question of possibly bumping up the Scholarship amount.
Other questions came up regarding how the funds are spent and accountability – should it be restricted to academic expenses? Gerry welcomed these questions to be considered and encouraged discussion going forward.
– New Needlepoint Group for Beginners – Vicki Bourneuf happy to start a new group and encouraged those interested to let her know.
– Jill announced that Unfinished Projects will resume within a few weeks.
– Sue reminded everyone that ASC meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie B. Neal

No monthly meeting in December

Tuesday, November 14. 2023

Meeting called to order – Tuesday November 14, 2023
Sue Harris and Suzanne Brown welcomed everyone
A Motion made to accept October Minutes as sent out; passed.
Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda)
ASC’s current available funds – $11,699.91
Includes deposit for membership dues and initial expenses for Christmas fair.
Report accepted as read.
Sunshine (Kate Meader not present) report given by Sue Harris who thanked everyone for their amazing support over the past weeks during which Steve went through major surgery and now doing very well. Most appreciative of the many cards, emails and food received.
Hospitality (Lida Bernard)
In preparation for Greens Week, snacks for each of the five days would be needed. Lida passed around a sign-up sheet for members to sign.
Finance (Gerry Herbert)
Gerry reported that she had been pulling info together in preparation for the Circle to make decisions regarding donations in the spring.
Also announced that there were a few spaces left for the planned special tour of GMGI taking place on Dec. 7th and reminded members that Maggie Rosa had also organized a tour at O’Malley on November 16th.
Membership (Perry McIntosh)
Perry reminded members that there were still openings for new members in the ASC.
Nominations (Wendy Banks) No report.
PR (Lisa Accardi). Lisa spoke to wanting to get lots of PR out there to get people to come! Suggested emailing graphic out to friends and neighbors.
Showed and thanked Penny Neal for designing this year’s new graphic. Will have smaller ones printed for easy circulation.
Scholarship (Lee Cunningham). No report.
Before moving on, Suzanne reminded everyone to let her know if anyone needed help in navigating the ASC website.
Old Business
The Christmas Fair – Sue passed out a Sign-Up sheet with time slots for staffing various components of the Fair.

Stevie Neal – Stevie reported that the Greens would be arriving at the AVH on either Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning – help with the unloading will be needed; members will be advised. Stevie also will be sending out a number of emails regarding early wreath orders and signing up to help with ribbon making and wreath decorating. Lyn also explained that the boxwood trees would be done downstairs in the Leonard Club room and that all were welcome anytime to help. Just show up!

Mimi Emmons – This year’s goal is to make 100 casseroles; Mimi reviewed the Casserole schedule – Chicken – cut up but not shredded – should be brought in either Tuesday or Wednesday so that the cooks can start! They will be $20; May be picked up on Thursday and Friday. Linette will be taking orders; cash or credit cards accepted.

Gerry Herbert and Jackie Littlefield – Grabs will be $5
Categories will be Gardens, Hello Gorgeous, Pet and Kitchens. Each member asked to bring 3.

Vicky Bourneuf – Jewelry

Gigs Cunningham – Crafts. Gigs accepting crafts anytime up until Thursday – need enough time to properly price them. Also gave instructions as to how to label pieces.

Wendy Banks – Gourmet – Jams, jellies, cakes, breads etc. – want a wide variety. Please wrap securely and label accurately re:nuts, gluten free and how many – 6 or 12 for instance. Deliver to the AVH by noontime on Friday. Packaging supplies will be on hand if needed.

Before adjourning the meeting, Suzanne announced that all “Unfinished Projects” with Jill and Suzanne will return in January.

Meeting adjourned at 2:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie B. Neal

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Meeting called to order –
Sue Harris and Suzanne Brown welcomed everyone and opened with a moment of silence for Ellen Stone. It also voted that the Circle would send a Memorial gift of $50 to the Annisquam Library,

A Motion made to review September Minutes, and after correcting spelling of GMGI, voted to accept the Minutes.

Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda)
ASC’s current available funds are $11,584.71
Activities since September report include the deposit of Membership dues and initial expenses for the Christmas Fair. Report accepted as presented.

Sue reminded members that there are still Directories available: $5/Active, $10/Associate

Sunshine (Kate Meader absent)
Reported cards sent to: Tom Hooper, the Stone Family and Doris Rust

Hospitality (Lida Bernard). No Report
Pippy, Heidi and Karen thanked for the day’s Tea.

Finance (Gerry Herbert)
No report but members reminded to advise Circle if any new non-profits to be considered.

Membership (Perry McIntosh)
No report per se but advised Circle that Ellie Loring wished to resign since now working full time. She also sent a donation to the Circle. Sue expressed thanks and appreciation to Ellie for all that she continues to do in the Village.

Nominating (Wendy Banks) No report

PR (Lisa Accardi). Not present

Scholarship (Lee Cunningham). Too early for a report

New Business
Dates for Workshops:

Oct. 24 – 1:30 at AVH
With Gigs and Heidi – ORIGAMI Trees
Bows. – to be made, others fluffed

Betsey Colby suggested making Cocoa Cones which was done a few years ago and proved to be very popular. Made up to $400 in past. Tom Mannle will make labels. Betsey volunteered to do these in her kitchen.

Nov. 7th – 1:30 at AVH
With Kate, Lisa and Donna – Balsam wood bird houses with seeds – 14 to be made.
Bows – as needed

Christmas Fair
Stevie reported that the wreaths had been ordered. Need: Cones, per Lyn -trinkets for boxwood trees. Please leave in Stevie’s barn

Christmas Casseroles – Mimi
Sign up sheets will be passed around at November mtg.
Will charge $19 – pick up days will be Thursday and Friday
Connie will send out reminder cards re: chicken

Crafts – Gigs
Will accept crafts after November meeting; storage a challenge. Knits, Baby things – best sellers but reminded everyone that sale subject to who walks through the door! Need to be homemade; Label with name, price, “do you want it back?”, special care instructions

Gourmet – No report
Lee reminded members that presentation is everything. cookies, pies, and jellies sell well. Patricia volunteered to organize Pie Making Day in AVH kitchen Object – to make more pies. Discuss plan with Wendy. Passed out a sign-up sheet for Nov. 7th

Grabs – Jackie
Netted $400 last yea. All agreed grabs will be $5 each. Discussed coming up with new category names for Grabs: i.e. – Garden Day, “Hello Beautiful” for the ladies.

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 14th at 1:30

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,z
Stephanie B. Neal

September 12, 2023

Meeting Call to order:
Sue Harris and Suzanne welcomed members to the annual fall meeting of the ASC and opened with a moment of silence for Mary Warner.

Announcements followed:
1. The Exchange will be open Wed. – Sat. Until October 7 and an extra day, Sunday, Oct. 8 to coincide with A & C Show.
2. Thursday, Sept. 21 – AVH Library Prose Evening
3. Good Neighbors Fall Event – Thursday, September 14 at 5:30
4. ASC thanked by the Annisquam Village Hall Assn. for its donation of $2,000 to their Operating Budget.

Treasurer’s Report (Maria Marolda)
Annual Mtg. Auction – $1,955
Bake Sale. – $1,565 represents an increase over last year
Current balance of $12,346 represents carry-over funds – reserved for anticipated Scholarship expenses as well as prepayment for Christmas Fair wreaths and greens expenses.
Report accepted as presented.

Membership (Perry McIntosh)
Perry reported – currently 49 Active members
New Members – Welcomed:
Karen Guerin introduced by Jaye Whittier
Heidi McGrath introduced by Gigs Cunningham

Hospitality (Lida Bernard)
Reviewed the ASC tradition of tea reception following monthly meetings

Nominating (Wendy Banks)
No news but a “thank you” all who had served and currently serve on the board

Finance (Gerry Herbert)
Reminded membership that Finance Committee reviews and recommends how funds to be spent each year; asked that members inform Gerry of any non-profit that might be considered and that there would be a tour of GMC coming up.

PR (Lisa Accardi)
Lisa’s focus will be on publicizing the annual Christmas Fair

Scholarship (Lee Cunningham)
No news

Website (Suzanne Brown – Liaison)

Old Business
Suzanne advised that there would be a number of unfinished projects to be reported on at a later date when Jill is able to be with us.

Jaye introduced an idea revolving around cutting felt material to be used for a Valentine’s Day project.

New Business

Christmas Fair
Stevie reported that plans were underway for the purchase of ribbon early in the fall for best selection. Lyn Fenollosa outlined plans for making boxwood trees this year. Also asked members to hunt for teacups, mugs, and interesting containers for decorating. Please make sure they are washed/cleaned and leave in Stevie’s barn.

Penny Neal will be designing a new Christmas Fair poster for circulation.

Casseroles – Pippy announced that we will not advertise to public.

Gourmet – Wendy outlined guidelines

Crafts – Gigs outlined her guidelines

Jewelry – Donna asked members to clean out their drawers!

Before adjourning, Sue Harris asked for a vote regarding where future meetings to be held – since COVID still a factor. Overwhelming vote supported continuing meetings upstairs in the AVH.

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 10th at 1:30

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie B. Neal