ASC Annual Events

The Annisquam Sewing Circle holds several events at which funds are raised.

The funds are donated to local non-profits selected by the members as well as scholarships to Annisquam students graduating from high school and going on to further study.

  • Gourmet Food and Flower Sale At the Annisquam Farmers’ Market the Friday before the 4th of July.
  • Christmas Fair – The first Saturday in December
  • Plant Sale – A Saturday in the early Spring

The Annual Spring Plant Sale

Held in early Spring in the school yard between the Leonard School (Annisquam Exchange) and the Village Hall, date TBD each year. Become a Friend of the Annisquam Sewing Circle – send an email to [email protected] with Friend in the subject line. You will receive updates on upcoming ASC events. Follow us on Facebook!

Annisquam Farmers’ Market Friday morning before the 4th of July

ASC Christ

Annual Christmas Fair

The first Saturday in December at the Village Hall, 34 Leonard Street, Annisquam, MA 01930

Annisquam Sewing Circle Annual Auction The Auction is held at the final meeting of the year in June.