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Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2011
The first meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle’s 175th year of continued service was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew. It was an overflow crowd with 45 members in attendance.
The first order of business was the treasurer’s report. Treasurer, Nancy Martin assured the members that last year we spent more than we took in. Our income was $20,988 and the disbursements were $21,473 all itemized in the Treasure’s Annual Report distributed to the members. HAWC is the acronym for Help for Abused Women and Children which answered the question about our donation to this organization. The report was voted on and accepted as presented.
The Circle directory will be given out when the $5 dues is paid to the treasurer. Sandy then called for reports by the committee chairs. Sunshine – Joan Collier, happily, nothing to report. Membership, Martha Hooper: We have 55 active members and 14 associate members. Members are asked to attend a minimum of six meetings and to contribute 2 crafts and 4 gifts for the Christmas Fair grab table. Pam Saylor for Hospitality asked for feedback on the post meeting teas. Fortunately, sweets remain an important feature of the lovely tea presentations. Pam circulated the sign up sheet and encouraged new members to sign up with a veteran. This year, there will be four hostesses per tea. Let the games begin!
Cynthia Borghesani reported on the cookbook with a correction for sugar on page 98. Please make that ¼ tsp not the ¼ cup as written. Cookbooks are being sold at the Wenham Tea House, the Cape Ann Museum, Willow Rest and of course the premier location, the Annisquam Exchange.
Stevie Neal piqued our enthusiasm for the 175th celebration cocktail party at the Village Hall October 1st. So far there are 79 members and guests expected for what promises to be ‘the event’ of the season.
Kathy Lordan announced a benefit concert October 9th at the Shalin Liu given by Sorellanza on behalf of the charitable work in urban centers of El Salvador. Kathy will be returning to El Salvador and will happily accept donations of material, embroidery thread and old jewelry.On to the Christmas Fair. Sandy stressed that our organization rallies around fund raising events but our business is about camaraderie and the pleasure of each other’s company. So though we work very hard on the Christmas Fair, ultimately, the experience should be an enjoyable one. Sandy showed the lovely knitted items donated by Susan Lannon. The craft table is an important draw at the fair though the revenue is somewhat lower than the greens and gourmet items. The mix of handmade and store bought items are beautifully displayed and an intriguing place to linger. The craft table is the best around according to veteran fairgoers. Sue Willis suggested searching your boxes for antique ornaments you may have outgrown. Deb Marston modeled painted shopping bags and eyeglass necklaces. An oilcloth placemat with village motifs once sold at the Exchange could be printed for a craft item. Michelle Cook volunteered to organize craft making for November.
The meeting was turned over to Finance Committee chair, Mimi Emmons. She gave a brief history of the Circle dating back to her childhood impressions. Since she took office 6 years ago, 63 thousand dollars has been donated to area charities, and 20,000 dollars in scholarships has been awarded. For discussion purposes Mimi proposed that it might be time to evaluate our method of raising money and our philosophy of gift giving. Connie Mason led the discussion referring to her prepared remarks. Connie proposed eliminating the scholarships to students of the Village; instead earmarking the money for Gloucester Public Schools. The comments that followed seemed to support the “wonderful tradition” established approximately 45 years ago when scholarships were first awarded. Members reiterated their approval that scholarship money is stabilized at 1,000 dollars with usually two to three recipients per year. A number of comments suggested that the Circle could support the public schools and award the scholarships. Discussion focused on establishing a discretionary fund for Villagers in need. What about supporting students who are ineligible to join public school activities because they cannot afford the fees amounting to several hundred dollars? Mimi reviewed the major fundraisers: the plant sale, Christmas Fair and annual meeting auction. Are members expected to contribute too much of their money and time? Should the Circle focus on community service; neighborhood clean ups, serving at the Open Door and assisting other charitable organizations with events? This important discussion will be continued and members are encouraged to contact Mimi with any ideas or input. Sandy admonished us to bring a craft idea to the next meeting and start collecting pine cones.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by officers; Nancy Martin, Sandy Andrew, Carol Stearns and Pippy Giuliano.
Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
October 11, 2011
The October 11th meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew. The first item on the agenda concerned the 175th anniversary party. Sandy expressed her gratitude to the committee and all members who made hors d’oeuvres. She received countless emails of thanks in appreciation of the food, decorations and the humorous skit written by Larry Cook. Jill Lovejoy was lauded for the lovely gift given to each member as a souvenir commemorating the celebration. The tribute was a huge success thanks to the committee and all who pitched in to help out.
As a result of the last meeting, Sandy reminded us of our expressed interest in becoming more involved in community projects. Sandy introduced a special guest, Juni van Dyke, art director of the Rose Baker Senior Center. Juni has been working her magic for over 20 years at the center and has developed and promoted a quilting project viewed extensively as part of a traveling show.
Juni spoke of the present quilt project connecting seniors to their community. The city of Gloucester is comprised of many neighborhoods. 18 have been designated to be portrayed each with a quilt baring the motifs unique to the neighborhood. Juni showed a number of exquisite examples of works in progress. Several of our members are already at work on motifs of Annisquam. Several additional motifs suggested were; the pink house, the Yacht Club, Squam Rock, the bridge and the market. Sandy suggested that interested members would be freed up after our Christmas Fair to volunteer on the project. Sewing and assembly work at the Senior Center would be most welcomed. Juni is at the center Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and suggested calling ahead to schedule a visit. The presentation was illuminating and uplifting as Juni assured us that we are all natural artists.
Nancy Martin updated us on our finances. We now have $24,288. in our coffers. $250 in dues has been added. The exchange sold 207 cookbooks and overall, sales have amounted to $3810. We need to sell 100 more to break even.
Sandy made an announcement promoting the Harvest Fair October 22 at the West Gloucester Congregational Church. A church representative took 10 of our cookbooks to display on their bake goods table.
Joan Collier sent a gift card to Larry Cook in appreciation for the entertainment portion of our party.
Our web site liaison, Deborah Marston addressed a couple of issues. First, the Green Street affiliation is defunct as an organization. Secondly, she addressed the problems connected with selling the cookbook through our web site. With a speedy vote, the membership agreed to scrap the idea. Next, Deborah featured a number of craft items on display; lovely knitted hats and scarves for which she was shy to take credit, a beautiful set of reversible place mats and napkins by Gail Fairfield, Pam Saylor’s handmade soaps and Deborah’s pen and ink greeting card. Aprons are a good seller so ladies, get cracking.
Patsy Whitlock is heading up the basket committee; joining her are, Suzanne Brown, Judy Junker and Pippy Giuliano. There was some discussion about ordering gifts similar to the souvenir baskets given to the members at the party. Members informally agreed that the idea should be tabled. Prior to the October 25th meeting, crafters are needed to continue with bow making and wiring pine cones.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by; Deborah Marston, Gail Fairfield, Sue Willis and Deborah Bird.
Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary
The Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes October 25, 2011
The October 25th meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew.
Judy Gustin, former board member introduced our guest speaker, Beth Graham, Chief Development Officer at Pathways for Children. Bonnie Angus is presently on the board of Pathways which promotes the well- being of low income families and children ages 0-12 through comprehensive care, education, recreation and other support services. This past year Pathways acquired Cape Ann Families extending their services to five towns and over 400 children. Pathways licenses 16 homes that care for approximately 60 children. The Sewing Circle has made a number of donations totally 5700 dollars over a nine year period. On behalf of Pathways, Ms. Graham expressed her appreciation of our continuing support.
Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported the sale of 59 cookbooks totaling 4400 dollars. Sandy encouraged members to remind their friends that the cookbooks make great Christmas gifts. Members, please pay your dues so Nancy can finalize the deposits.
Membership Chair, Martha Hooper reported that three members have resigned due to other commitments opening places for new members. Martha proposed Rev. Deirdre White for membership. We learned that Deidre is handy and crafty and most enthusiastic about joining the Circle. A vote of acceptance was unanimous. At this point there are 53 Active members and 16 Associate members. Associate members are expected to provide two craft items and 4 grabs for the Christmas fair as well as participate in group efforts for the Fair and the Plant Sale. In addition, Martha mentioned that if you are interested in working on an “icon” for the Senior Center quilt, let her know.
Pam Saylor needs to take photos to update the website. Please come prepared to have your photo taken.
Suzanne Brown brought her computer for viewing the skit presented at the anniversary party.
A sewing machine was donated to the Circle from the estate of Barbara Smith. Some quilted pieces were also donated and Judy Junker volunteered to finish them for the Fair.
The President is in the process of updating the by-laws which will be presented for discussion at the next meeting.
The Fair posters have been completed and members were reminded that the lunch price is $15.
Judy Gustin will be making a trip to Jacobson’s for ribbon. Patsy Whitlock encouraged members to sign up for the theme baskets with innards due by November 8th.
Members’ craft items were displayed; booboo bunnies by Ann Mannle, 2 wool fisherman hats by Sandy Andrew, candles and place cards adorned with shells by Sue Willis.
Sandy led a discussion pertaining to the sale of gold items for monetary reimbursement as a way to gain some additional revenue. The idea was introduced to the membership in an email from Sandy. Sandy had 21 positive responses, 11 neutral and 8 definite nos. Even with the table downstairs removed from the event, 23 members present didn’t think it was in keeping and the proposal was dropped.
With official Circle business over Sandy asked if there was anything further to be discussed. A number of members complained of the brown water phenomenon and how to get the city to respond. Tips for laundering were also dispensed. Sandy had copies of Bill Edgerton’s mystery for sale and the membership was informed of the Russian website, “Teardrop” commemorating the 911 assault.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by; Joan Collier, Stevie Neal, Maureen Quine and Pam Saylor.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
November 8, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew. The minutes were corrected to note that Judy Gustin is a former board member of Pathways.
Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that we will break even with the sale of 27 more cookbooks. The rest is gravy!
Joan Collier sent a thank you note to the ladies of the Exchange; Connie Mason, Linette French and Britta Cahoon for their help in promoting the sale of the cookbook.
Sandy gave an update and address for Bonnie Angus at Spaulding Rehab. in Boston. Sandy also updated us on Germaine Fritz who remains with her family in Tennessee.
A general discussion regarding the brown-water problem erupted. The bottom line; the DPW is taking this seriously and problems should be reported to them.
Hospitality chair, Pam Saylor alerted members to a situation regarding the use of kitchen supplies. To avoid further discord, tea and sugar belonging to the Circle is relegated to the locked cabinet containing the tea service.
Suzanne Brown reported on her investigation to promote the cookbook on the Circle web site. She has designed a separate introductory page open to the public for ordering cookbooks and viewing photos from the anniversary party. There was some concern about the visibility of the Margaret Fitzhugh Brown paintings in the photos contained on the public page. It was clarified that no paintings are visible and that the address of the Village Hall is not published on the site. Nancy Martin is in charge of processing the orders and promises she is happy to do so. Suzanne has arranged for the cookbook to be reviewed in the Marblehead Reporter. In addition, Charlene Peters from the newspaper will feature the cookbook in their Holiday Gift Guide.
Cynthia Bourghesani reported that Morris Printing, the cookbook publisher, says that our cookbook is eligible for entry into their annual contest that awards several monetary prizes from 5000 to 1000 dollars. The entry deadline is September. A Circle of Recipes is featured on their website as an example of simple and effect artwork and cover design.
Our Christmas Fair has some competition on December 3rd most notably form the Pigeon Cove Circle. Sandy addressed the sensitive issue of our inception compared to the 1840 incorporated Pigeon Cove Circle that claims to be the oldest continuous woman’s organization on Cape Ann. Sandy received a letter from E.J. Lefavour, our neighbor here in Annisquam who in a most congenial way tried to set us straight. Whether The Annisquam Sewing Circle is the oldest continuous woman’s organization is one of those pieces of local history that begs further investigation.
Sandy met with the executive committee to update the by-laws. Under Work Policy: Associate members were added noting their contribution to the Christmas Fair and plant sale. The Assistant Treasurer was omitted as one competent person is enough to handle Circle business and the president will write the welcome-letter to new members. Under the heading of meetings, the President will schedule meetings in the winter months and the annual meeting at her discretion. The members voted their approval of the by-law changes.
Fair publicity chair, Germaine Fritz will need some assistance and Suzanne Brown volunteered to submit photos and text to Good Morning Gloucester and the Gloucester Daily Times.
Patsy Whitlock and crew will be assembling baskets in the Exchange.
Connie Mason called for 24 chickens, 8 jellied salads, 8 tossed salads and an assortment of pies. She pointed out the sign up sheets at the back table and asked folks to fill out a self-addressed postcard which she will send out as a reminder of ones edible contribution. Chickens are due by Thursday morning December 1st. Please have the pies and salads in Saturday morning by 10 am.
Judy Gustin will hold bow making 101 at her house November 17th with the added enticement of wine and cheese.
Deb Marston showed the craft items on display: Dona Shea’s painted waste basket, ornaments, 4 holiday tea towels and a decorative plate, Judy Gustin’s children’s knitted hats, Jackie Littlefield’s three scrumptious scarves, Cynthia Borghesani’s matching adult and children’s’ socks, Connie Mason’s needlepoint village brick doorstop, Nancy Davis’ children’s mittens and Martha Hooper’s aprons.
Lida announced a talk by Bill Graham for the Beverly Garden Club November 29th.Stevie Neal and Betsey Colby invite you to join them. The topic is Christmas greens. Lida Bernard heads up the gourmet table. Please let her know what you will be contributing. Easy on the brownies.
Please call or email Stevie with your wreath order. They are 12 and 16”; with bows and decorations they cost between 25-35 dollars. Special order 24” wreaths are $50.
Jackie Littlefield would like wrapped grabs by November 11th; 3 adult and 1 child.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by; Betsey Colby, Annie Sinkinson, Ellen Stone and Jackie Littlefield.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
November 22, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew. Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that with the sale of three more cookbooks, we will break even. The cookbook is now featured at Cape Ann Coffees and the Addison Gilbert Hospital gift shop.
Of interest to members: Stevie Neal reported that Bonnie Angus is alive and well but her recovery will be slow.
Sandy gave an update on Daphne Papp and her daughter Charlotte. In California as Ms. Massachusetts, Charlotte is putting Gloucester on the map in her unique dress adorned with a lobster motif. Congratulations and best wishes to Charlotte throughout her competition.
On to fair business: The fair will open at 8:30 and Circle members can make their purchases at 10 am. Some discussion ensued concerning a raffle for the fair. Connie’s needlepoint doorstop and Cynthia’s needlepoint jacket were mentioned as possible items. The consensus suggested that accurate pricing might be a better strategy for these special items.
Signage for the fair will be displayed at the; church, Village Hall, the rotary and at Willow Rest. Patsy reported the basket making. There will be about the same number of baskets as last year. Lida requested goodies for the gourmet table. Judy Gustin reported on the bows for the wreaths. Connie asked folks to pre-order their chicken tetrazzini casseroles. Ellen reported that the wine is under control. Stevie circulated a sign-up sheet for wreath purchases. Please email Linette for luncheon reservations.
Sandy asked members to sign up for hours and days of work for the week preceding the fair. Deborah Marston treated us to a show and tell of the bounteous table overflowing with craft items donated by members. They are too numerous to mention in detail except to say that we have extraordinarily talented members who devote much time and creativity to their craft.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by; Connie Mason, Mimi Emmons, and Anthea Brigham.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
December 13, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew.
On the table in front of Sandy unsold craft items were displayed for members to retrieve, purchase or donate to Pathways, Seacoast or Wellspring. Sandy expressed her thanks to Daphne Papp who invited Circle members to view the imaginative Barbie Wonderland, displayed for the holidays in her home on Norwood Heights. Daphne treated us to all sorts of goodies. It was a very pleasant gathering. Later in the meeting Daphne explained more about the pageant with its focus of beauty on the inside. Charlotte is very dedicated to volunteerism; most notably at Children’s Hospital in Boston. Having undergone heart surgery as a child Charlotte is quite attuned to the needs of these children. Charlotte is gung ho about conservation and sustainability. She aspires to a career in broadcasting.
Sandy told us of her encounter with a woman in the post office who was sending a package to Siberia. Sandy just had to ask her – “Who do you know in Siberia”? It is a Russian orphanage. The lady gave Sandy the name of Keri Cahill to contact. Keri has adopted one of the children and is planning a trip back to adopt another child. Sandy passed around photos of Orphange #5 and read a heart-rending description of the destitute institution that Keri had sent to Sandy. From the 100 or so children who are of school age, they take turns swapping shoes because there are not enough to go around. Wool socks, gloves and hats are most needed to combat the 30 below temperatures. As an Outreach Project, Sandy suggested members start working for a shipment to be delivered in the spring. More information to follow.
The secretary’s report was pleasantly short and accepted without changes.
The following stats are taken from Nancy Martin’s report on the Christmas Fair.
Gross $15,200
Net 10,765
Crafts 1,757
Gourmet 709
Greens 8,638
Wine 120
Cookbooks 540
Grabs 175
Baskets 1,180
Casseroles 490
Lunch 1,260
We made over $1,000 more than last year. Our thanks and appreciation goes to Norma Andrews who donated $200 to the Fair and $100 to the luncheon. As Sandy noted, Norma is a “truly remarkable woman”.
A cookbook update – We have had some recent mail orders and have about 500 more to sell.
Committee reports: Deborah Marston – Arts and Crafts Socks sold well -less interest in tree ornaments – it was suggested that winter colors are most suitable for knit wear which should include washing instructions.
Stevie Neal – Signage The DPW removed all signs from the rotary – signs advertising Christmas Greens did not fully represent the fair’s offerings. Discussion followed assuring that next year’s advertising will include the mention of crafts, gourmet items and the luncheon.
Patsy Whitlock – Baskets 60 for sale, 10 were auctioned. We seem to have saturated the market. As Patsy put it the “basket craze has peeked”. Smaller hostess baskets and themed baskets sold well. There was someredundancy of items and some baskets were too eclectic. It was suggested that the website could be used to register items purchased for the baskets as a way of cutting down on item duplication.
Stevie for Bonnie Angus Greens – All sold. The Circle thanked Lyn Fenollosa with a $100 gift certificate to her favorite restaurant.
Gourmet– Lida Bernard thanked the members for their contributions. The table looked splendid. She thought items may have been under-priced.
Luncheon – Connie Mason gave us an A+ for chicken preparation. She then took our breath away by suggesting it may be time to systematize the preparations for a change of command. It is hard to imagine someone replacing Connie. Let’s not dwell on this.
The clean up committee reports, “This was the best clean up effort ever!” Joan Collier sent a letter to the Cox’s sisters for their help with garbage removal.
Committee heads please submit a written report to Suzanne Brown. These reports will be stored as computer documents for future access.
Photos of the fair on Snapfish were hard to view for owners of MAC computers. This will be rectified next year.
A final remark concerning our Fair: A comment was made to one of our members that our fair has “class”. It is no doubt that the room looked magical. And the aroma of greens and simmering sherry put us all in the holiday mood. Circle members, one and all should be proud of a job well-done.
Finance chair, Mimi Emmons reminded the membership to contact her or Sandy with suggestions for distributing our donations. Discussion should take place before the slate of charitable donations is voted on at the January 17th meeting. Scholarship money is set aside though the number of recipients for this year is not yet known. There was some discussion that the Circle should give generously to the Church and to the Village buildings. Rev. White invited us to attend the Christmas pageant.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by; Patsy Whitlock, Hazel von Rosenvinge, and Cynthia Borghesani.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Sunshine report noted that Jill Babson Carter was doing well after hip surgery and flowers would be sent to her home.
There were no other committee reports read except Finance.Mimi Emmons discussed the committee recommendations, criteria and a sheet was distributed so that the members were able to review the gifts. The amounts were satisfactory and a motion was made to vote and the motion passed.
A lively discussion ensued regarding the subject: Learning how to Knit. There are many members of the ASC who are very skilled in the art of knitting and some of them have volunteered to teach those who wish to improve their skills, learn the basics or just brush up on their technique. Class will be held @ noon on February 14, 2012 in the Village Library. Judy Gustin brought yarn donated by Jill Lovejoy who also offered to give lessons.
Our scheduled speaker, Keri Cahill, was unable to attend due to car trouble. She will be present at the February 14th meeting to discuss her work with the Russian orphanage.
A lovely tea was hosted by Michelle Cook, Emily Murphy and Kate Meader.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Stearns
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2012
The meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew.
Carol Stearns read her minutes from the January 17th meeting. They were succinct and there were no objections.
Sandy informed the group of the passing of Norris Marston a much beloved human being and colorful character. Our condolences to Jackie Marston.
Sue Willis will send out scholarship notices in April. She then spoke at length concerning the water problem in the Village. Rockholm and Lanesville residents are battling the same situation and have received no satisfactory intervention from the city. This has turned into a health and safety issue that begs a strong, united voice. A request was made to involve the Village Hall Association and several other strategies were discussed.
The following is taken from an email Sandy sent immediately following our meeting related to the presentation concerning the Russian orphanage: We were very fortunate to have Keri Cahill give us a talk on Orphanage #5 in Siberia, Russia. It was very moving and the children there need so very much. I will do a recap – There are over 100 children housed at the orphanage, ages 3 – 16. The school is a mile away and they walk to and from each day even in sub-zero temps. They attend school 6 days a week. Their diet consists of primarily soup and bread. Through fundraising efforts, they now receive fruit twice a week and meat once a month. Their future is grim. When they are 16, they must leave the orphanage. Half of the girls will (be forced into) prostitution as their only means of survival. One third will be homeless and over 40 percent will become drug addicted and over 20% will commit suicide before their 21st birthday. Physical gifts and necessities you send is the hope those boxes bring. Knowing they are thought of and cared about bring these children a sense of their own value and helps them to have hope in a brighter future. Though they desperately need the hats, gloves, scarves and blankets you are sending, they need hope even more. If each one of you could make up a box with a value under $50, it would be wonderful. More information can be found on the Facebook page: “I support the 100 children of orphanage #5” Keri also has a blog that we recommend you look at. Keri left the Circle meeting with an armful of knitted hats.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by; Sue Crotty, Mary Pope, Daphne Papp and Claire Norton.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary
Addendum to February 14, 2012 Meeting
February 14, 2012
Sandy’s report about the Russian Orphanage
We were very fortunate to have Keri Cahill give us a talk on Orphanage #5 in Siberia, Russia. It was very moving and the children there need so very much. I will do a recap – There are over 100 children housed at the orphanage, ages 3 – 16. The school is a mile away and they walk to and from each day even in sub-zero temps. They attend school 6 days a week. Their diet consists of primarily soup and bread. Through fundraising efforts, they now receive fruit twice a week and meat once a month. Their future is grim. When they are 16, they must leave the orphanage. Half of the girls will enter prostitution as their only means of survival. One third will be homeless and over 40 percent will become drug addicted and over 20% will commit suicide before their 21st birthday.
Physical gifts and necessities you send is the hope those boxes bring. Knowing they are thought of and cared about brings these children a sense of their own value and helps them to have hope in a brighter future. Though they desperately need the hats, gloves, scarves and blankets you are sending, they need hope even more.
If each one of you could make up a box with a value under $50, it would be wonderful. Here is how you can do it. MAKE A LIST of everything you put in the box. You will need this list when you go to the post office. WRAP THE BOX well to prevent theft along the way. I usually duct-tape all the sides, corners and ends. Leave a space to write the address in large bold letters.
GO TO YOUR LOCAL POST OFFICE: Request a customs form. Fill out the address again, in bold block letters, You will need to list all the contents in the box and they must have a total worth of $50 or under. If the total listed on the customs form is over $50, the orphanage will be unable to accept the box, as there will be hefty customs fees. SEND THE BOX EXPRESS MAIL. This will get the box to the orphanage in 5 – 6 weeks. No matter what your post office tells you, it will not get there any sooner. You may send the box surface mail – but don’t do it as it will take five months to arrive, and doesn’t save much money.
I think this is a wonderful outreach program for all of us. Yes, we have orphanages here in this country, but there is no comparison to the pain and hardship that these children are experiencing every day of their young life.
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2012
Vice-President Carol Stearns called the meeting to order at 1:40 PM.
Treasurer Nancy Martin noted a balance of over $19,000. A large portion is kept on reserve for up front expenses for the fair and also for scholarships. A number of donations and thank you notes have been received.
The Secretary’s report was accepted as read.
Sunshine Chairman will be sending flowers next week to Doris Rust.
Referrals for scholarships should be sent to Sue Willis. She reminded members that these are for students residing in Annisquam.
Easter flowers will go from the church to members who are housebound. Judy Juncker and Patsy Whitlock will arrange delivery.
The water problem in some sections will be addressed at a meeting on Monday, March 19 at the Village Hall. Sue Willis urged all to attend. She pointed out that the city needs to hear from those who do not have a problem so that they may better detect the source. Deborah Bird suggested a bulletin board on the ASC website. This would serve as a useful vehicle for exchange of information among the members. Suzanne Brown will work on this with Steve Harris.
The Good Neighbors movie showing in the library will moved from this Friday to Friday the 23rd at 1:30. Members will be notified by mail and by phone, where necessary.
Cynthia Borghesani invited new and experienced knitters to meet again at her home on Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:30. Non knitters are welcome to bring needlework of any sort.
Carol Stearns spoke of the remarkable response in the Village when a resident is dealing with overwhelming circumstances.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:05.
A holiday tea was served by Linette French, Lida Bernard, Germaine Fritz and Judy Gustin.
Respectfully submitted,
Hazel von Rosenvinge, secretary pro tem
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2012
After President, Sandy Andrew, called the meeting to order. Carol Stearns introduced Dr. Cynthia Bjorlie Executive Director of Adult Foster Care of the North Shore.
Dr. Bjorlie explained the specifics of the program that service physically and mentally disabled clients ages 18 and above. This state certified program oversees the placement of clients in private homes where room, board and supervision is offered. Caregivers receive monthly reimbursement ranging from 1200 to 1800 dollars depending on the level of care. Family members can qualify as caregivers providing their relatives receive Mass Health.
Online information is available at:
Sandy updated us on the postponement of her hip surgery. The good news: a lovely Yorkie is available and living in Rockport. See Sandy’s photos for the new addition to her family.
Minutes recorded by Hazel Von Rosenvinge were approved as read. Nancy Martin reported 19,216 dollars in the bank.
Sue Willis regrets scholarships will not be needed this year due to the absence of age-appropriate children in the neighborhood.
Maureen Quine proposed her neighbor Dorothy Roeske for membership to the Circle.
Dorothy’s attributes make her a great asset to the Circle. Dorothy was admitted by a unanimous vote.
Please begin setting perennials aside for the May 26th plant sale coordinated by Bonnie Angus. The sale will start at 8 am. Extra pots are available.
Judy Juncker thanked Stevie Neal for her help delivering the Easter flowers.
Sandy asked the membership about their contributions to the Russian orphanage. Pat Makin is looking for donations to her parcel.
The Annisquam Exchange will open for business May 18th. Items for consignment can be brought to the Exchange beginning Tuesday, May lst.
The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by Martha Hooper, Debbie Ebeling, and Donna Caselden.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2012
The meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Andrew.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported $18,980.24 in the treasury following the purchase of Easter flowers.
The secretary’s report was found wanting with the omission of Yuri’s Knife Sharpening service. The minutes are now amended.
Dorothy Roeske, who promises to be a marvelous baker, was welcomed as our newest member.
Pam Saylor heading up the bake table for the plant sale inspired us with a range of possibilities for our contribution. Any variety of sweets and savories is welcome. Please label and advise if nuts are included. Attempt a creative approach in packaging your goody. It makes a huge difference to the overall look of the bake table. Goods should be delivered at 7:30 am Saturday. It was agreed that members could make purchases after 9:30. Hot coffee will be provided for the volunteers chilled to the bone standing in their wet sneakers. Sandy will set up a table with the Circle cookbook for sale.
Joan Collier sent notes to members without email informing them of the annual meeting and other Circle events.
Our publicity chair, Germaine Fritz reported that plant sale posters designed by Rose-Marie Glenn are ready for distribution and web posting. Our bog spot will announce the sale and notices will appear in the GD Times and The Beacon.
Our annual meeting and auction will be held at the Village Hall Tuesday, June 5th at noon. Lunch will be provided. The Annisquam Sewing Circle has been recognized once again by the Gloucester Historical Commission. David Rhinelander informed our president that “A Circle of Recipes” stands as the best in its category; historically significant and artfully rendered. Sandy asked Cynthia Borghesani to join her in accepting the award.
We have a scholarship applicant, Shawn Kennedy who lives on Bennett St. Sue Willis read Shawn’s letter that included his interests, accomplishments, community service and academic standing. Shawn must be an amazing person. A vote at the annual meeting will undoubtedly award Shawn a $1000 scholarship towards college.
Steve Harris will be giving an evening tutorial May 17th on everything you ever wanted to know about your Apple computer but were too afraid to ask.
A lovely tea was hosted by Pat Makin, Grace Murray, Nancy Davis and Jaye Whittier.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2012
Members gathered at noon in the Annisquam Village Hall for the annual meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle. In appreciation for our hard work and dedication the Sewing Circle treated the membership to a delicious luncheon catered by Willow Rest.
Sandy Andrew called the meeting to order at 1pm with a report from our treasurer, Nancy Martin. The plant sale took in 5,049 dollars – earning a profit of 1,721 dollars after expenses – 400 dollars above last year. The treasury presently holds a healthy 18,709 dollars. Bonnie Angus expressed her gratitude to all who worked to make the sale such a successful event.
President, Sandy Andrew called upon Martha Hooper for a membership report. At 52 active members, there is space for three additional members. Doris Rust proposed Jennifer Gabbay. Jennifer is a year-round Rockholm resident whose sterling qualities are youthfulness and vitality. The membership gave Jennifer a unanimous approval.
Sandy announced that Connie Mason could use some cheering up. Connie slipped and broke her ankle.
Maureen Quine then took the floor as co-chair of the nominating committee. True to form with her wry sense of humor, Maureen had us in stitches before listing the slate of officers for the coming year which was voted on and approved: President: Carol Stearns; VP: Ann Mannle; Treasurer: Nancy Martin; Corresponding Secretary: Joan Collier; Recording Secretary: Pippy Giuliano Next, Maureen read the list of committee chairpersons: Membership: Martha Hooper; Finance: Mimi Emmons; Publicity: Germaine Fritz; Nominating: Maureen Quine, Hazel von Rosenvinge; Scholarship: Sue Willis;Hospitality: Pam Saylor; Web Site Liaison: Deb Marston
In her final moments as president, Sandy Andrew poured her heart out in gratitude to the members for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Succession was complete as Sandy passed the gavel to Carol Stearns.
Following the meeting, the beguiling auctioneers; Maureen Quine, Mimi Emmons, Judy Gustin and Pippy Giuliano coaxed the membership into purchasing goods and services from the donated items. They strived for levity and brevity. Let them know how they can improve their performance.
Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary