Minutes 2018 – 2019

Active MembersAsso. MembersHostesses – CalendarOther LinksBylawsMinutes

September 18, 2018

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting
October 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m.

Wendy Banks opened the meeting reflecting on the number of supportive messages that she and Kate Meader received after the last meeting and importance of our community.

Nancy Martin is still collecting dues and has the new directory.

Kate asked if there were any questions about the recent ASC updates she sent to members via email.

The minutes were read and a motion was made and approved to accept them.

Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that a motion was approved at the last meeting to let the Finance Committee determine an amount to donate to families affected by the Lawrence gas-line tragedy. The Committee approved and sent a $2000 donation to the Greater Lawrence Relief Fund and has received a thank you letter in acknowledgement of the donation.

She also reported that $245.00 dues has been collected as of the last meeting and that there is $12,989.50 in treasury. A motion was made and approved to accept the Treasurer’s Report.

Sunshine Committee Chair Emily Murphy reported that no cards have been sent for the past 3 weeks. Duncan Nelson, Judd Gale and Hank and Judy Junker need cards

Membership Chair Deb Ebeling was not present at the meeting so discussion of bylaws was postponed until the January meeting.

Kate announced that Mary Pope has resigned and Pam Saylor is moving to Associate Membership. We currently have 50 Active members (5 openings), and 18 Associate members (2 openings).

Hospitality Chair Pippy Giuliano thanked members for signing up for teas. She needs five more people to sign up and asked for volunteers. All days for the Christmas Fair work week are covered. Nancy Martin and Pippy will take care of the first day, as well as coffee and paper goods every day. Hostesses should keep it simple and get there about half hour early. Feel free to contribute even if you’re if not signed up for a day. Today’s tea hostesses are Mimi Emmons, Emily Murphy, Ann Mannle, Chicki Hollett and Connie Mason

Sue Willis, Finance Committee Chair, also mentioned the Lawrence Relief Fund donation and underscored that our money is well spent.

Reporting for Publicity, Perry McIntosh confirmed Christmas Fair date and time as December 1, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Suzanne Brown has made cards to leave a various places. They do not have the time and date printed on them so we need to add this information before leaving them. They’re especially good for places where we cannot leave a poster.

Kate and Wendy led a discussion about the Christmas Fair. Comments included: Sue Harris is heading the Bows Making Committee Start collecting pine cones. Table chairs are as follows: Grabs: Jackie Littlefield and Ellen Stone Jewelry: Vicki Bourneuf, Daphne Papp and Donna Caselden Gourmet: Germaine Fritz –she will need more help. Crafts: Gigs Cunningham Luncheon: Connie Mason – This is Connie’s last year;she said she was done when she turned 90, which happened this year!

Workshops will be held on October 23 and November 20 in the Village Hall at 12:15p.m. Prep week is the week of November 26th.

There was discussion about the Christmas Fair workshops. Kate will send email updates about them.

Kate brought in several Sewing Circle historical records. Website Chair Suzanne Brown will scan and add them to the website.

Lida Bernard showed the ornaments that the ‘Needlepoint Ladies’ are learning to make with Jill Lovejoy. Everyone was quite impressed!

After the holidays, Suzanne Brown wants to get together to knit squares using old yarn she has collected. She will sew them into a blanket for next year’s Christmas Fair.

Let Gigs Cunningham know when your craft is ready. When you leave it, be sure to include your name, how much it should sell for, whether you want it back if it doesn’t sell or if it is okay reduce price or donate it. Gigs needs more help. Rosalie Hughes volunteered.

It was reported that the Arts and Crafts Fair was a lot of fun, especially when the group from Brooksby Village arrived. It made just under $48K before expenses.

Close to Home -Gigs is the new Village Hall Library librarian. Teas start on November 5th; you can sign up for teas on wall. The library is open on Mondays from 3-5 p.m.

Today’s guest speaker was Lisa Robinson who works with community programs at Wellspring. Lisa distributed a chart of all the ways Wellspring helps people on Cape Ann. She noted she’s really here to thank us and shared a few new programs, including a new 15-week, nationally accredited job training program,new accredited classes and the Awesome Closet. Talk to Lisa about volunteer opportunities if you’re interested. Talk to Jackie Littlefield about volunteering as a personal shopper at their Christmas Toy Shop.

The meeting was adjourned 2:24 p.m. by unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf

November 13, 2018

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting
November 13, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m.

Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,846.78 in bank. Dues collected to date total $305.00.

Minutes from the October meeting were read and approved with two corrections.

Martha Hooper reported for Sunshine Chair Emily Murphy that Jackie Littlefield is coming home from the hospital today.

Deb Ebeling had nothing new to report for Membership.

Pippy Giuliano had nothing new for Hospitality. Today’s Tea Hostesses are Mary Flaherty, Annie Sinkinson, Rosalie Hughes and Steve Neal.

Perry McIntosh noted that Christmas Fair postersare ready. Vicki Bourneuf volunteered to help her distribute about 40-50 posters around Cape Ann. She also has posters for members to post. Several members asked for them.

Carolyn Rogersis not here to report for Scholarship; however, start thinking about high school seniorswho may be eligible for a scholarship this spring.

Website Chair Suzanne Brown reported there was nothing new for the website.

Wendy Banks and Kate Meader led a discussion about the upcoming Christmas Fair. Highlights included:

Everyone expected to participate in prep week, which starts Monday, November 26th, 9a.m. to noon. Times for the rest of the week are 8 a.m. to noon. Wendy distributed sign-up sheets for the day of the Fair and Gourmet Table donations.

A couple of bow-making meetings have been held;about 200 will be ready for Fair set up.

The schedule for greens is the same as in yearspast.

Bonnie and Stevie arecutting greens. Feel free to bring additional greensand place them on the tarp out back. Also, collect small pine cones and juniper withberries. There are 200 wreaths to be decorated.

ea cups, smalldecorations for boxwood trees and newspapers are needed.

Gigs Cunningham thanked to all who brought in their crafts. Bring outstanding items in as early in the week as possible. Gigs can pick up your items if you want her to.

The Gourmet Table is a big money maker so it’s important for everyone to make something for the table. Package items attractively and label if they are gluten-free or contain nuts.

Please make reservations for the luncheon early and pre order casseroles, which must be picked up on Thursday afternoon. Bring in pies and salads Saturday morning, and chicken on Thursday.

Donatethree grabs –men, women and pets. Grabs shouldcostno more than $5. Please label wrapped grabs. A basket for drop offsis in the Leonard Club.

Kathy Groves donated a box of vintage jewelry in memory of Carol Sterns. A thank you note isbeing sent to Kathy.There is a workshopnext Tuesday the 20th for wiring pine cones.

The ‘needlepoint ladies’ have made beautiful lighthouse ornaments under Jill Lovejoy’s tutelage, which will be sold at the Craft Table.

Kate and Wendy met with Rita Teele about working with the Annisquam Historical Society around Circle memorabilia. There is discussion about Rita coming to talk to the Circle in the spring.

‘Close to Home’ Grace Murray had minor incident and is now home. She would love visitors.

There was a reminder for everyone to carry a few Christmas Fair announcement cards to give out when out and about.

Library teas are held every Monday. A sign-up is posted on the on wall. Gigs Cunningham, the Village Hall librarian,reported that new books are on the way. Send any suggestions for new books to Gigs, as there is money in the budget for new purchases.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf

December Christmas Fair


Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
January 08, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Co-President, Wendy Banks, at 1:35p.m.

Secretary Vicki Bourneuf read the minutes and a motion to approve the minutes was seconded and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Nancy Martin reported that as of January 8, 2019 we have a balance of $25,969.63 in the account. She reported that the 2018 Christmas Fair net $14,346.37 as of today, however, there may be a few outstanding expenses. The 2017 Christmas Fair net $14,108.08. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was approved, seconded and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Emily Murphy reported for the Sunshine Committee. She sent cards to Vicki Dangelmayer, Reverend Deidre White,for her coming retirement, and condolences to Duncan Nelson’sf amily upon his recent passing. A birthday greeting was mailed to Grace Murray as she celebrated her 95th birthday. Joyce and Dick Novak have moved to Long Island and would appreciate cards. We will send their new address to the membership when it is available. Pat Kerstein Murphy will receive a card and possibly help with meals as she recuperates from hip surgery.

Deb Ebeling reported for the Membership Committee. We now have 50 Active Members (5 openings), 18 Associate Members (2 openings) and 6 Honorary Members. Please let Deb know if you know of anyone who may wish to join the Circle.

Sue Willis reported for the Finance Committee that she has begun to receive requests from organizations who have received donations from the ASC in the past. Please let her know if you have any ideas of groups who might wish to be considered for a donation in 2019.

Pippy reported for the Hospitality Committee that we have the following members to thank for today’s tea: Ellie Loring, Tartie Bishop, Jackie Littlefield, and Germaine Fritz.

Martha Hooper said the Nominating Committee is ready to begin whenever it is time to begin finding new members for the 2019-2020term.

Carolyn Rodgers, the Scholarship Committee Chair, reported that she is keeping a list of students who are eligible for ASC scholarships this year. So far there are about 3 or 4 students who should apply to her no later than May 1. She mentioned that the by-laws should be updated to clarify that the scholarships are for those high school graduates who are going to trade schools as well as college. The success of two past recipients of the ASC scholarships, the Eaton siblings, was noted.

Perry McIntosh had nothing in particular to report yet for the Publicity Committee.

Suzanne Brown was not present to report on any website information.

Co-President, Kate Meader, thanked everyone for all their help with the very successful 2018 Christmas Fair. The Chairpersons for the committees have met with Wendy and Kate to recap the successes from the fair and to make any suggestions for changes for next year. She also thanked the Leonard Club for helping with the set up and break down of tables.Craft Table Chairs, Gigs Cunningham and Rosalie Hughes, felt that the quality and variety of crafts was excellent this year and thanked everyone for their time and efforts to make the crafts. Kate also discussed with the membership the question of whether the ASC should give to charities outside of Cape Ann, as a member had brought up this question to her after hearing about the donation to the people of Lawrence after the gas explosions. After some discussion about previous outside donations, it was decided to leave it on a case by case basis, but only after first checking with Village organizations to see if there is an urgent need in the Village.

A tentative date of Sunday, May 19, 2019, from 8:00-12:00, was set for the ASC Plant Sale.

Close to Home-Sue Harris reviewed a two-page information sheet she created entitled –General Information regarding the Annisquam Village Hall -Contacts, Groups, and Usage for 2019. She also put up small signs near thermostats to state the correct temperature for the heat or air conditioning. This was a much-needed information sheet,and we thank Sue for all of her work getting this important information organized and printed.

Germaine Fritz reported that the Willow Rest is having some financial difficulties and hoped that we will consider supporting this local business.

Gigs Cunningham announced that invitations have been sent out to the Villagers for the Good Neighbors 25th Anniversary Winter Dinner which will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.at the Annisquam Village Hall. Reservations may be made with Nancy Martin. There will also be a Good Neighbors Movie/Dessert night on Saturday, February 23, 2019. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie begins at 7:00 p.m.

Cynthia Borghesani reminded us that there is a new group starting for members who wish to get together to sew, mend, knit, and possibly explore ideas for crafts to make for the 2019 Christmas Fair. Everyone is welcome, but please let Cynthia know if you are coming, so she can set up chairs and tables, etc. The group will meet on Thursday mornings from 10-12 at her home at 152 Leonard Street beginning on January 24th.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:34p.m. after a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Gigs Cunningham, substituting for Vicki Bourneuf

Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
February 12, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Co-President, Kate Meader, at 1:35 p.m.

Gigs Cunningham read the minutes for Secretary Vicki Bourneuf and a motion to approve the minutes was seconded and accepted by a unanimous vote, after a correction was made regarding an upcoming Good Neighbors event.T

here was no Treasurer’s report as Nancy Martin was unable to attend the meeting.

Ann Mannle is filling in for Emily Murphy for the Sunshine Committee while Emily is away this winter. Pat Makin reported that Jill Carter fell and broke her ankle and will need surgery. Judy Juncker’s grandson passed away this week. Vicki Danglemayer is home and would appreciate visits and notes. Call ahead to arrange a good time for your visit. Judy Friend is now at Riverbend in Ipswich and would enjoy receiving cards. The Novaks would love to hear from those in the Village as well, as they have moved to Long Island. Addresses for Jill, Judy and Dick and Joyce will be emailed to the membership.

Sue Willis presented a list of organizations that have received donations from the ASC in the past: the Annisquam Village Church, Pathways, Wellspring, Open Door, Gloucester Education Foundation, The Annisquam Village Hall, Backyard Growers, Cape Ann Animal Aid, Youth Symphony, the Cape Ann Museum, Kestrel, Docksiders, Mount Adnah, and the YMCA. A new suggestion was the Adventure education program. Please let her know if you have any ideas of groups that might wish to be considered fora donation in 2019, or if you feel strongly that we should not donate to a previous recipient.

Pippy reported for the Hospitality Committee that we have the following members to thank for today’s tea: Sandy Andrew, Deb Bird, Sue Harris and Christine Lundberg.

Martha Hooper has been in touch with Dona Shea and said the Nominating Committee will begin work in March to begin filling openings for the 2019-2020 term.

Perry McIntosh will need assistance with the Plant Sale publicity as she will be abroad until right before the sale.

Wendy Banks reported for Suzanne Brown that the only additions to the website were the recent minutes. Her goal is to begin putting some of the ASC history onto the website.

Cynthia Borghesani shared that the Thursday morning sewing, knitting and mending group has begun to meet at her home. Most members are spending the time together knitting. There will not be a meeting Thursday, February 14th, but the group will continueto meet the following week. Also, Holly Perry has offered to teach Kaffe Fassett’s knitting techniques to advanced knitters. Contact Holly if you wish to join her group. The ASC Plant Sale will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2019, from 8:00-12:00.

Close to Home- Sandy Andrew offered a book on pillow making to anyone who might enjoy it.Germaine Fritz’s son-in-law is a producer of the movie Free Solo. He received an award for the film, and she reported on his experience in England meeting Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Gigs Cunningham reminded everyone of the Annisquam Village Library teas on Monday afternoons from 3:00-5:00 p.m. There are openings to host the teas if anyone is interested.

The membership was treated to a presentation by Jessica Kagle, the founder of Kestrel Educational Adventures. Kestrel has been providing in school and out of school natural science enrichment programs for seventeen years. The programs are inquiry and curiosity driven adventures which happen mostly outdoors, both during the school year and in the summer. In the past year they have worked with about 2,400 children from the age of three to high school students.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:13 p.m. after a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Gigs Cunningham, substituting for Vicki Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
March 12, 2019

The meeting called to order by Co-president Wendy Banks at 1:36p.m.

Secretary Vicki Bourneuf read the minutes from the February meeting. A motion to approve them was seconded and accepted by a unanimous vote.

Co-president Wendy Banks gave the Treasurer’s report for Nancy Martin, who was unable to attend. She reported that the Circle has $25,869.10 in the bank.

Ann Mannle reported for Sunshine Chair Emily Murphy. Doris Rust needs a little cheer after recently falling. Eileen Sporing is doing splendidly after her operation on Monday. Kathy Shad had heart surgery as a result of an injury suffered in a recent car accident. She is feeling better, but it will be months until she is healed. She’s allergic to flowers, but cards are welcome. Vicki Dangelmayer had another fall and is at New England Rehab.

Membership Chair Debbie Ebeling reported that Carolyn Roy has resigned. She hopes to rejoin in the future when she has more time. Pat Makin and Mary Warner proposed Chris Small, who recently moved to Rockholm, for membership. Chris has been a Boxborough Garden Club member, an Acton Congregational Church teacher and an elementary school volunteer. She is an experienced sewer and quilter and loves to bake and learn new crafts. We currently have 50 Active and 18 Associate Members.T

here was no Finance report as Sue Willis was unable to attend the meeting.

Hospitality Chair Pippy Giuliano thanked everyone for helping with our teas. She said that some people have asked for guidelines for the amount of sweets and sandwiches to prepare. Pippy proposed having three to four plates of sandwiches and two or three sweets for average of 40 people. She also suggested adding a gluten-free item. After some discussion, it was agreed to try four types of sandwiches and four types of cookies-one plate of each per hostess. Pippy will formalize this and get the information to members and on website. Thanks to today’s teas hostesses: Lee Cunningham, Jill Lovejoy, Lida Bernard and Deb Michal. Pippy asked for a volunteer to fill the April 9th opening in the schedule. Pam Saylor volunteered.

Martha Hooper reported that the Nominating Committee is all set.

Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers has received two letters so far this year. The deadline is April 15th, though this date is ‘fluid.’

Publicity Chair Perry McIntosh is having Plant Sale posters printed and will let us know next month how they need to be distributed. Suzanne Brown reported that Sewing Circle history is being added to website. Items that have been digitized will be added first. She reminded everyone that the login is our email address. The password for everyone is circle.

Wendy Banks led a discussion about the Plant Sale that is slated for Sunday, May 19th from 8a.m. to noon.

Someone is needed to head the Bake Sale Table, or a couple of people can share the responsibility. The table head is responsible for getting commitment of what members will bake and pricing items. Sue Harris agreed to head the table if someone helps her. •

A Bake Table signup will be circulated at the April meeting.Wendy noted that popular items are different than the Christmas Fair. Cookies and pies sell well.

Selling coffee went over well last year;the plan is to sell it again this year.

Deb Michel brought in several gardening books if anyone wants them.

Suzanne Brown showed examples items we can make to sell. Wendy asked if we should make some of these as a group. Suzanne offered to host a gathering and will be in touch if anyone is interested.

Close to Home

Germaine Fritz shared the Gloucester Daily Times article about her son-in-law, who won an Oscar as a producer for the documentary “Free Solo.” “Free Solo” is now free on-demand on the National Geographic channel.

Sue Harris invited everyone to the Good Neighbor’s first annual potluck dinner this Saturday. Sign up and bring whatever you want. Good Neighbors will serve main courses and beverages. There will be entertainment, too. Though paper goods and flatware will be available, you can also bring your own. Food will be on the table at 6:00p.m. It’s very casual. Feel free to invite your neighbors.

T he Cape Ann Museum is launching a ‘Cape Ann Blooms’ fundraisert o be held on May 3,4 and 5. Deb Bird is making a floral arrangement for a painting of the Schooner Elise. She is looking for a boat-shaped piece that can be used for the arrangement. The exhibit opens on Saturday following a Friday night gala.

If you like British mysteries, two seasons of “The Jury” are available on Amazon Prime.

Gigs Cunningham announced that additional Monday afternoon library teas have been added for April 8, 15 and 22 from 3:00to 5:00 p.m. There are openings to host these teas if anyone is interested. Many new books have been added to the library’s collection. Send new book suggestions to Gigs.

Linette French invited members to come to lunch with a group going to the Willow Rest on Tuesdays to support Melissa’s business.

The meeting was adjourned 2:18p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf

April 09, 2019

Annisquam Sewing Circle
May 14, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m.

There was a moment of silence for Joyce Novak and Mark vonRosenvinge. Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $25,411.37 in the bank. She also reported the Village Hall purchased a wireless credit card machine that will make it faster and easier to process orders at the Christmas Fair and Plant Sale.V

icki Bourneuf read the minutes from the April meeting. They were approved unanimously.

Emily Murphy thanked Ann Mannle for assuming her role as Sunshine Chair for the past 3 months. She also reported that a card has been sent to Hazel von Rosenvinge. A card will be sent to Joyce Novak’s family as soon as Emily gets an address for them.

Deb Ebling didn’t have anything new to report for membership.

Pippy Giuliano thanked today’s tea hostesses, Donna Caselden, Jaye Whittier, Sue Willis and Vicki Bourneuf, for taking extra steps to accommodate the Village Hall setting, as well as everyone else for their help with teas throughout the year.

Sue Willis reported that we have about $15,000 to distribute this year. The Finance Committee will present their recommendations for distributing monies at next month’s meeting.

Publicity Chair Perry McIntosh gave an update on publicity and outreach that has been done to promote the Plant Sale.

Co-presidents Wendy Banks and Kate Meader led a discussion about the upcoming Plant Sale.

Wendy Banks noted that the large posters are hard to read when driving.

Kate Meader circulated a Plant Sale volunteer sign-upsheet.

Sue Harrisis heading bake sale. Donna Caselden and Lee Cunningham volunteered to helpSue price bake table items.

Sue Harris and Hollie Perry will arrive at 6:30 a.m. to set up the Bake Sale.

Steve Harris is setting up a tent for people collecting money. Sue read a list of Bake Sale volunteers for each shift. Minor adjustments were made to the schedule

There was a discussion about the number of tables needed and how to get them downstairs most efficiently to accommodate set up in a timely manner, as they are also being used for a collation in the Village Hall the afternoon before the Sale.

Drop off baked goods a Sue’s house at 4:00 p.m. on sale.

Wendy Banks asked for additional volunteers to help with the early shift when the Sale tends to be busiest.

Bonnie Angus announce that now is the last chance to order specific plants. She passed around a sign-up sheet for special orders.

Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers reported that we are giving three scholarships this year. The third scholarship, not reported a last month’s meeting, is for Aiden Cunningham.

The Annual Meeting is slated for 12:30p.m. on Tuesday, June 18 12:30 p.m. at the Village Hall. The option of either bringing lunch with the Circle providing beverages and desser tor having the lunch catered was put to a vote. There was a unanimous for the lunch option. Members were reminded to bring an item for the silent auction, as well as cash or a checkbook.

Close to Home

Connie Mason suggested sending a small donation to the Sawyer Free Library in honor of Helena Ciarametaro, who died this week. Helen volunteered her time to cook the Christmas lunch for many years as gift to the Sewing Circle and mentored Connie, who has overseen the Christmas Luncheon for many, many years.

Deb Bird reported that the idea of having a display case near the street for posting upcoming Village events was raiseda t a recent Village Hall Library meeting. There was some discussion about the feasibility of the idea, how it could be managed and where it could be posted. Deb asked that anyone interested in being in charge or part of a committee to let her know.

Deb Bird also shared a tip for removing crusty sediment that accumulates in of LeCreuset pots, which is to bring a few inches of water and a good shake of baking soda to boil and scrape gently with a wooden spoon.

Germaine Fritz suggested using rubberized garden gloves when handling firewood to avoid getting splinters.

Kate Meader introduced today’s speakers from YMCA: Chris Lovasco, CEO North Shore YMCA; Jane Stark, Executive Director of Development; Sarah Picard, Director of Health Innovation.They provided an overview of the scope or the Y’s reach on Cape Ann, as well outreach programs specific to Gloucester, including their Cornerstone program for cancer patients, educational opportunities,childcare and much more. They shared a rendering of the new facility that is being built on the old Fuller School site and expected to be completed in the spring of 2020. The new site will have about 60-65K square feet that includes athletic facilities, a state-of-the-art splash park, childcare rooms and will double program outreach in Gloucester. Program information and pamphlets were distributed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf

June Annual Meeting