ASC Bylaws 2011

Active MembersAsso. MembersHostesses – CalendarOther LinksBylawsMinutes


(November 2011)


PURPOSE: For the furtherance of friendship and congeniality and the performance of acts of benevolence.

A) Members

1) There shall be three categories of membership: Active, Associate and Honorary. The number of Active members shall not exceed 55 members, and the number of Associate members shall not exceed 20.

a) An Active member, unless excused for extenuating circumstances, shall attend at least six regular meetings a year and participate in Circle activities.

b) An Associate member has been an active member for at least ten years. If at any time after ten years, she wishes to become an Associate member, she may apply to the Membership Committee for a change in status. An Associate member is welcome at all meetings, may serve on committees, may propose new members, has full voting rights, and is expected to participate in Circle activities.

c) An Honorary member has been a participating member for many years and is extended this category of membership as an honor for her services. An Honorary member is welcome at all meetings, may serve on committees, may propose new members, has full voting rights, and may participate in all Circle activities.

B) Membership

1) Membership shall be by invitation only. The name of a proposed member shall be presented to the Membership Committee on an application form. The Membership Chair shall present this application to the Sewing Circle at a regular meeting, and the applicant will be voted upon.

Names of candidates may be presented to the Membership Committee by Circle members at any time during the year. In the event that the membership is full, names of prospective members shall be placed on a waiting list until a vacancy occurs. A proposed member shall not be invited to visit until her membership has been approved.

2) A prospective member must be a resident of Annisquam at the time of her election.

3) An Active, Associate or Honorary member may propose no more than one new person for membership within a calendar year.

4) Membership for the Annisquam Village Church Minister. The sitting minister or minister’s wife will be invited to join the Circle. If the Active membership is full, waitlist status will be waived. An application form shall be submitted, and she will be considered an Active member with all of the responsibilities that are stated in the “Work Policy” as well as pay yearly dues.

5) Failure to pay dues for two years shall terminate membership for both Active or Associate members.

6) Work Policy: each Active and Associate member shall provide at least two saleable items and four grabs for the Christmas Fair as well as participate in group efforts for the Fair and the Plant Sale. Each Active member is expected to be a tea hostess for one tea during the year.

C) Officers
The officers shall include a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer.

1) Terms of Office: The term of office shall begin at the close of the annual meeting. In general, officers shall serve two years. In the event of an officer having to retire before the end of her term, the President shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy.

2) Duties of Officers

a) The President shall call and preside over meetings. She shall notify new members of their election and enclose the appropriate back-up materials on the Circle. She shall appoint heads of projects as necessary to carry on the activities of the Circle. She shall represent the Sewing Circle on the Village Hall Association Board of Directors.

b) The Vice-President shall assist the President and be prepared to assume the duties of President if and when the President cannot be present. The Vice-President shall be the preferred candidate for President when the current President’s term is finished but is not obligated to serve as such.

c) The Treasurer shall be in charge of monies coming in and out; shall be prepared to report the state of finances at meetings; shall be in charge of special funds such as the Scholarship Fund.

d) The Recording Secretary shall record attendance, keep minutes of each meeting and present these at meetings.

e) The Corresponding Secretary/Sunshine shall send cards and flowers to members who are ill, bereaved or in need of cheer and encouragement. (It is the obligation of the membership to keep her informed.)

3) Duties of Appointed Committees/Chairwomen

a) The Membership Committee consists of the Membership Chairwoman, and if she so desires, any other members that she deems necessary. She is to serve for two years. This committee will receive membership applications from the members and present these for a vote at Circle meetings. She will also be responsible for any Active member who would like to become an Associate member and inform them of their continuing obligations to the Circle.

b) The Nominating Committee consists of three Active members appointed by the President, each to serve for two years, one member to retire and be replaced each year. The senior member shall serve as Chairwoman. The outgoing President shall serve as member ex-officio for two years. It shall be the duty of the committee to meet each spring (or when necessary, if vacancies occur before an end of term) to assess upcoming openings and create a slate for needed officers and committee chairs. The slate shall be presented at the Annual Meeting. Election shall be by the vote of the membership.

c) The Finance Committee consists of one person appointed by the President to serve a term of two years with the President and the Treasurer. The Chairwoman may add other members to the committee as she sees fit. This committee shall determine financial policy and recommend a slate of organizations to receive gifts, and in what amount, each year. Once the slate of organizations has been chosen, the Chairwoman shall report this to the Membership for a vote by the Membership.

d) The Hospitality Committee consists of one person to serve a term of two years. She shall be in charge of scheduling hostesses for each meeting, for keeping supplies of tea, sugar, etc. in stock and for reminding hostesses of their turn.

e) The Scholarship Committee consists of one person appointed by the Nominating Committee to serve a term of two years. She shall make it known within the Annisquam Sewing Circle community that we have monies for scholarships available to entering college freshmen. She shall receive applications, present these applications to the Membership for a vote, and notify candidates. She may ask another member for assistance if she needs it.

f) The Plant Sale Chairwoman shall be appointed by the President to oversee the annual plant sale. She shall coordinate ideas, offerings and assistance of the Membership.

D) Executive Board

1) The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Circle, the immediate past president and the chairs of the standing committees.

2) The Executive Board shall meet upon the call of the President or three members of the Board.

E) Finances

1) The fiscal year shall be from September 1 to August 31st.

2) Annual dues for Active members shall be $5.00 per year and for Associate members $10.00 per year. Honorary members shall pay no dues.

3) Dues are payable at the first meeting in September.

F) Meetings

1) The Circle shall meet every other Tuesday of the month from September through November and the month of May.

2) It may meet once a month for the winter months of December, January, February, March and April.

3) The Annual Meeting shall be in the month of June at the discretion of the President at which time the Membership will hear year-end reports and elect officers.