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ASC Annual Christmas Fair
Members To-Do List
Details will change year to year. If you have any questions ask your sponsor for guidance.
The Fair has several parts:
- Workshops: Workshops are organized by Members and are held any time during the year.
- Bow Making: Workshops start in September or November and are organized by members. Ribbon and bow-making equipment are provided by the ASC
- Greens Week: Held Monday through Friday in the Village Hall before the Fair.
- Cassaroles: To be decided
- Christmas Fair: The first Saturday in December
Historically, the ASC has the use of the Village Hall for the week prior to the Christmas Fair. Wreaths are decorated, bows are made, boxwood trees and centerpieces are produced and special order items prepared. During that week you will be instructed when to bring your craft, jewelry, grabs and any additional items requested.
Food and beverages are provided by the daily Greens Hostess for the workers during the week.
Signup sheets are circulated during the September and November meetings for shifts at the tables during the Fair.
Each Member is asked to participate to the best of her abilities.
The following is a Guide. Workshops and Greens Week are wonderful opportunities to get to know others in the Circle.
Greens Week
- 8 AM to 4:00
- Dress warmly & comfortably
- Bring your garden clippers & gloves.
- Greens collected by Members from their yards are used for decoration.
- Instructions from Greens Chair(s) will be sent out via email
Day before the Fair:
- Hall is cleared for the Fair
- Tables are rearranged
- Each group sets up its table displays
Day of the Fair:
- Signup sheets will be circulated during the September and November meetings to man the tables
- Shifts: 7:45 – 9, 9 – 10, 10 – 11, 11 – 12, 12 – 1
- Members circulate to answer customers’ questions and assist buyers in adding their purchases to their sales cards which each buyer will be given upon entering the Hall
- The cards are given to the checkout team by the buyers
- Three (3) items wrapped and labeled :Catagories will be announced at the September or Novembermeetings.
- You will be told what items are needed at the November meeting by the Grabs Chair.
- The Grabs: Sales price will be voted on at a fall meeting
- With that in mind, keep your cost under the sales price.
- Bring in items during Greens Week
Bows Workshop
- One or two members volunteer to host Bow Making in their home(s) prior Greens Week.
- In addition, Bow Making continues during Greens Week.
- Craft workshops can be held by members during the year in their homes or in the Village Hall with prior permission.
- Two (2) crafts should be donated by each member
- If you are better at baking, swap your two crafts with a member for her two food items.
- Label your Crafts with content, size, instructions, price – any information the buyer would want to know plus your name for the Chair person.
- Let the Craft Chair know if you want the items back if they do not sell or if the items should be donated to Second Glance or another organizations
- Bring items in by Wednesday of Greens Week.
Greens Workshops
Dates, times and locations will be discussed at the September and November meeting.
- Wire cones
- Wire mini ribbons, etc.
Gourmet foods
- Package attractively
- Label if there are nuts, tomatoes or any other ingredients that consumers should be aware of
- Bring your items to the Hall during Greens Week on Friday am or any other times requested by the Chair.
- Bring your jewelry items to a monthly meeting or anytime during Greens Week, Monday – Friday.
- The Jewelry Chair(s) will price the items and arrange the items on the assigned table on Friday
Final Clean Up
- This takes place immediately after the Fair ends.
- Move tables back into the barn
- Move chairs back into the chair closet or into the barn.
- Sweep the floors
- Remove any trash. If there is an event in the Hall in the evening, a few designated tables might be left. Check with the Village Hall Association.
- This takes place immediately after the Fair ends.