Minutes 2009 – 2010

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Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
September 2009 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
October 2009 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
November 2009 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
DECEMBER 15, 2009

President Sandy Andrew opened the meeting at 1:40 P.M.

The Secretaryʼs report was read and accepted as amended.

Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that the Christmas Fair net was $500 ahead of last year.

Susan Harris reminded members to ask for applications for new members.

The Finance Committee met yesterday to make recommendations. Chairman, Mimi Emmonsʼ report recommended $7000 in disbursements for 2010, pending further explanation of need from the YMCA and Gloucester Education Foundation. $5000 is being held in anticipation of scholarship awards in June. After spirited discussion, it was decided to amend the Finance Committee recommendations as follows: Annisquam Village Hal; Change from $2000 to $1500: Annisquam Village Library; give $1000 for mold treatment If less is needed for scholarships than expected, an additional donation will go to the Gloucester Education Foundation. Mimi gave some history of our gifts to the Annisquam Village Church and the Cemetery. She emphasized that the focus of Circle giving has traditionally been Village needs.

Sandy thanked the Circle for the lovely orchid she received. A garden book for the library and a check for Essex County Greenbelt will be given in memory of Toppy Bott.

Sandy Andrew read a letter from Dona Shea congratulating members on producing a much acclaimed Fair. This led to a suggestion that in the future, we bill ourselves as the Number 1 Fair in the area. Sue Harris reported that 44 baskets were made, with only 8 left over. Melissa sold 5 of those at the Willow Rest and the remaining 3 will go to Pathways where the baby items will be much appreciated. It was suggested rethinking the themes for next year, i.e., adding chocolate, eliminating baby items. The net was $944.Connie Mason reported a net of $1136 for the luncheon. In addition to those served in the Village Hall, there were lunches taken to shut-ins, and a number of casseroles sold. The chicken casserole is so popular that more will be made next year. Bonnie Angus suggested that next year we need five days of greens prep 9 – 2, and small bows and pine cone wiring should be done in the weeks ahead. Changes in location for the greens table were discussed. All greens were sold. She also suggested that special order wreaths should be sold at a higher price. Bonnie suggested starting the Fair at 8:30. She also thanked Nancy Martin for babysitting the amaryllis. Mary Pope has assembled an album of photographs depicting craft items that worked well. She suggested that members contribute photos so that we may have a catalogue of the best ideas. Popular items were: knitwear, hats and Christmas cards. Members are expected to donate two items each year. Left over crafts will be saved or go to the Seacoast Nursing and Rehab Center. Grabs are popular and more could be sold. Members will be asked to donate 6 next year. It was suggested that the price be increased from $1 to $2. The Raffle brought $153. Sandy suggested a silent auction, including services. Other suggestions included spending money to get more appealing items. There was a suggestion that the Raffle/Silent Auction be moved to the Leonard Club area, perhaps adding coffee and pastry in that space also. In that case, there are matters of checkout to be considered.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:55, and a Christmas Tea was provided by Maureen Quine and Patsy Whitlock.

Respectfully submitted,
Hazel von Rosenvinge, Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 19, 2010

President Sandy Andrew called the meeting to order at 1:30.

Treasurer Nancy Martin has received several thank you letters for funds recently disbursed.

The Secretaryʼs report was read and accepted.

Joan Collier has sent cards to those who are ill and also a thank you to Pam Saylor for the great photographs of the Fair.Sandy reminded us that Stevie Neal needs discarded Christmas cards.

Pippy Guiliano told of an upcoming arts and crafts fair at the OʼMaley School for the benefit of the Vice-principal who was seriously injured in a riding accident. The funds raised will be used to convert her van.

Deedy Sargent reported on the mold situation in the AVL. The area has been professionally inspected and a major mold treatment is definitely called for.

Background, mission and recommendations of the Finance Committee were reviewed by Mimi Emmons. The Circle approved a mission statement in 2004 regarding the allocation of finances. Specific requests for funds should be made in writing before mid December each year. The Finance Committee will meet right after the Christmas Fair to consider recommendations for disbursements. The Circle will vote on the recommendations at the first meeting after the Fair. All requests submitted after the Fair will be considered the following year. Restricted gifts must go to the specific use for which they are designated. Mimi reported that Anna Crouse Murch has expressed sincere gratitude for the work and concern of the Circle.

Sue Harris said that the quilt will need more time for completion. She suggested that anyone wishing to work on it could come to her house on Jan 22 or 25 from 10:30 to 2:30 to stitch. Give her a call.

Doris Rust said that Peg Leask much appreciated a meal sent to her and welcomes visits.

The Circle will again have an opportunity to contribute bowls to the Open Door Empty Bowl Dinner. Sue Kuendig has been in touch with Marty Morgan who will provide bowls for painting, apply final glaze, and fire. Circle members will be painting bowls before the March and April meetings, beginning at 12 noon. Sue will be providing paints and guidance. Deborah Marston acknowledged that the membership page of the Circle web site is currently down but will be up and running shortly. Kathy Lordan reminded members that she will be leaving for El Salvador on February 14. She will take with her Membersʼ contributions of embroidery floss and needles for crafts projects. The question of aid to Haiti was raised. It was agreed to ask Sarah Hackett to speak at our next meeting and to consider an appropriate vehicle for donations.

After adjournment at 2:45 a most attractive tea was presented by Connie Mason, Annie Sinkinson and Sue Kuendig.

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2010

(Scroll down for prior meeting minutes) President Sandy Andrew called the meeting to order at 1:37.

The Secretaryʼs and Treasurerʼs reports were read and accepted. Members agreed on donations of $25 each to Hospice of the North Shore and the Annisquam Village Church in memory of Sis Mechem.

Pat Makin reported that three Annisquam seniors will be graduating in June. She will send letters regarding scholarships in April.

Members were asked to be at the March meeting at 12:00 noon to paint bowls for the Empty Bowl Dinner.

Stevie Neal gave a comprehensive overview of the Gloucester Education Foundation program. Since its inception four years ago the Foundation has used a broad based approach to fund raising. 94% of the money goes directly to the school system. Both innovative collaborative programs and courses cut by budget constraints have received funding. An extended-day program offers both academic and enrichment courses. Allocations are made after careful review by the School Committee, the Superintendent of Schools and the Foundation. Members agreed to award the Foundation $500. This is in accordance with the previous recommendation of the Finance Committee made pending an explanation of the mission, work and funding of this organization.

Sarah Hackett spoke of her work in Haiti and also of the effects of the recent earthquake. Her work has resulted in family planning clinics, a womenʼs sewing cooperative, a library, tuition aid and micro-lending for small farmers. The non-profit Haiti Project Inc. empowers women, families and communities to raise their standard of living, providing a viable template for development in impoverished areas globally. The Circle voted to give $3000. directly to her discretionary fund. This came from funds held in abeyance by the Finance Committee for emergency or unexpected needs.

Kari Gunn, Stevie Neal and Jill Lovejoy provided a bountiful tea.

Respectfully submitted
Hazel von Rosenvinge

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
March 2010 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2010

President Sandy Andrew called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM The Secretaryʼs report was read and accepted.

Treasurer Nancy Martin reported a balance of $23,632.78.

An application for membership has been received by Chairman Sue Harris. Judy Juncker, a former member, was proposed by Cynthia Borghesani. It was voted to welcome Judy to membership.

Notes received in thanks for Easter flowers were circulated. Annie Sinkinson and Hank Juncker has delivered flowers that Sunday. Joan Collier noted that Gabriele Vawter had passed away and that there would be a remembrance for her on July 4.

Pat Makin reported two letters of application for scholarships. Meredith Salo and Charlotte Papp will receive checks, the amount to be decided pending the receipt of a third application.

Sue Harris said that the quilt, a work in progress, may be ready in September. Gail Fairfield has agreed to do the finish work.

Sarah Hackett is most grateful for the donation of $3,000 to the Haiti Project. Sarah also needs help with staffing the Art Gallery on five weekends beginning April 30 when goods from the Project will be on sale. She can be reached at 283-0892.

The Plant Sale will take place on Saturday, May 29. Bonnie Angus has again agreed to do be Chairman. Pam Saylor will be asked if she would do the coffee and baked goods again. Members will have a chance to choose assignments at the May 18 Circle meeting.

The President asked if anyone has Shelley Vincentʼs email. She also spoke about the auction in the Village Hall for the schooner Adventure. She asked if anyone has a line on sports tickets that could be donated.

The Annual Meeting will take place on Monday, June 14 at the home of Sarah Hollis Perry at noon.

A beautiful and bountiful tea was served by Mary Warner, Michelle Cook and Lida Bernard.

Respectfully submitted,
Hazel von Rosenvinge, Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
May 2010 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
June 2010 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010 

President, Sandy Andrew, called the first meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle’s 174th year of continued service to order.

The first order of business was the treasurer’s report. Treasurer, Nancy Martin attributed the $4000 decline in revenue to the fact that there was no “gold party” and that the Christmas fair sales were down by approximately $2000 even though expenses were less. Last year the plant sale took in $4900 compared to $4600 this year. Again, we had fewer expenses. On a happier note, Nancy said, “we gave a lot of money away”. The treasurer’s report was voted upon and accepted as read.

Hazel von Rosenvinge’s minutes of the annual meeting were read and approved.

Sandy then called upon the committee chairs for their reports. Scholarship requests should be submitted to Sue Willis. Joan Collier reported that flowers were sent to Blanche Josselyn in honor of her 100th birthday, to Connie Mason following surgery and to Mary Warner. The sunshine committee will send flowers to Blanche who is presently at Seacoast.

Sandy read a letter from Mary Warner endorsing Donna Casselden for membership. Donna resides in Rockholm and is pleased to join the community. Membership was approved. 
Marlene Dickinson sent a letter of resignation explaining that she is in the process of growing her business. 

Mimi Emmons encouraged members to let her know by December about worthy charities to be considered. Presentations by representatives of the charity should be scheduled. Mimi stressed that every member has a vote and say in how the money is allocated. 

Hospitality chair, Pam Saylor passed out a sign up for tea hostesses. 

Gail Fairfield should have the wall hanging ready for work at the October meeting.

Cynthia Borghesani spoke about the “Linus Blanket” project which originated in Rhode Island. Pathways and Wellspring have benefitted from our handiwork. A blanket was given the mothers who graduated from the nurturing program. The blankets should be soft, machine wash and dryable, in bright, cheerful colors - acrylic yarn suggested.

Sandy wants to update the email list and double check on the members who do not have email.
There was no old business to discuss.

On to Christmas, (which is around the corner as Bonnie Angus suggested). The week beginning November 29th is set aside for making greens. Members are expected to attend the daily sessions; Monday through Thursday and Friday downstairs if necessary. 

Patsy Whitlock volunteered to help Sue Harris with basket making. Jackie Littlefield and Ellen Stone will handle the grabs. A lengthy discussion concerning the grabs ensued. It was finally decided that members would donate 3 adult grabs and 1 child spending no more than $5 per grab item. New this year will be a grab selection for dogs and cats that also look forward to Christmas. Grabs can be purchased at the dollar store or at the dollar section at Target. 

Dona Shea and Sue Willis communicated via email that they will buy some new items for the craft table. They offered to help with the large wreaths if necessary.

Judy Gustin is in charge of bows and Pam Saylor photography. Pam then asked us to consider earnings per table to determine where the purchasing trends might lie. Nancy Martin said that the greens and arts and crafts are the big money makers. The bake table made about $300, the baskets about $900 and the lunch cleared $1000 said a gleeful Connie. It was suggested that people heading the tables should keep a running tally of money coming in. It gets too confusing at check out to keep tabs on the individual tables. The raffle is the least profitable and after some discussion was canceled for this year’s fair. 

Bonnie Angus floated the idea of selling Christmas trees. She would order them along with the greens from Wolfe Hill. Judy Gustin said they could auction a decorated tree at each of the luncheons. The consensus was to give this idea a try. 

Ellen Stone will purchase wine for the luncheon and sell it by the glass for $3.
Rose Marie Glen was not in attendance but wrote that she will train volunteers to take over the fair publicity. No one present volunteered. However, after the meeting Martha Hooper sent Sandy an email saying that she would work with Rose Marie on the Publicity, and Martha has contacted Rose Marie.

Deb Marston and Deb Ebeling will be in charge of the crafts table. Some crafts items were discussed; 11x19 cat nip bags, cocoa cones by Michelle Cook and Mary Warner, Anne Sinkinson’s rubber gloves, note cards and golf head covers. The lavender sachets, decorated frames and felt pins did well. In general jewelry does not sell well. Knitted goods seem to be too expensive and people seem to prefer fleece. An idea for fleece throws was mentioned.  
Mary Pope will take charge of workshop ideas and materials. She said there are a lot of supplies so check with her before buying anything new. There is a loose leaf binder that she put together with craft ideas and directions. By next meeting, everyone should come with an idea or a magazine with craft ideas. 

The luncheon price was raised from $12 to $15 dollars. Connie and Mimi agreed that they could make more casseroles to sell. Roz Smith is in charge of the waitresses. For auction purposes it was requested that some pies be left uncut. Nancy and Patsy asked that layout of the hall should be considered to facilitate check out. 

Sandy read a letter from Patsy Whitlock requesting historical information about the Circle to be included in the village archives. Sandy asked Doris Rust to head this endeavor and Anthea Brigham volunteered to assist. It was learned that Circle records are held by several members. It is suggested that all the records could be housed together in the Sewing Circle closet.

Patsy asked for volunteers to sign up for the Crafts Fair, October 7th. 
Susan Lannan donated two children’s sweaters to the fair. 
Nancy Martin is collecting dues.

The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by Nancy Martin, Sandy Andrew, Martha Hooper and Pippy Giuliano.

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary


Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2010

President, Sandy Andrew, called the meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle to order.

Gail Fairfield was called upon to present the quilted wall hanging. Members were thrilled to see the results of their handiwork spearheaded by Sue Harris and worked on by many. The initial intention was to auction the quilt at the Christmas Fair luncheon. The results were so impressive, 

much discussion ensued on how to justify keeping the quilt. Ellen Stone suggested the Circle hold on to it as part of the Circle’s historic record. Judy Friend thought we could each make a contribution in order to keep it. The pros and cons of where and how to display it was discussed The final decision on the quilt will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting.

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as corrected. (Members should spend no more than $5 on each grab item.)

Nancy Martin is patiently collecting dues. Flowers were sent to Seacoast for Blanche.

The membership chair, Sue Harris gave the floor to Martha Hooper who presented Betsey Colby for consideration. Betsy’s membership was heartily accepted. Sandy volunteered to accompany Donna Caselden to the next meeting.

Martha Hooper reported on her meeting with Rose Marie Glen concerning publicity for the fair. Stevie Neal offered to distribute an appropriate amount of posters. Brooks States will be hired to hang the banners; one at the church and one at Friendly’s. A notice will be placed in the newspaper giving the reservation contact as Linette French.  

Rev. Deidre White was introduced and was happy to finally make it to a meeting.

Christmas workshops will begin with red bow making. The location of the supplies will be determined and Sandy will e-mail the members if the workshop is a go.

Discussion about selling Christmas trees resurfaced. The general consensus being that it would be more problematic than worth the effort. Therefore, we will not be selling Christmas trees.
Two table size decorated trees for the auction will be easier to transport if they come with a box. Auction items were clarified as the; remaining baskets and pies with casseroles sold separately. There was an idea to combine the live auction with a silent one so people attending the first seating would not lose the opportunity to bid.  There was some objection that we were straying from the concept of a Christmas fair. The group was reminded that our purpose is to raise money.

In order to determine profitability, those in charge of the tables are asked to keep tabs on their sales.   

On to craft ideas; cat nip toys, match boxes with a mounted photo, coasters, bookmarks datebooks and silk glasses cases were shared. Anne Sinkinson will make a set of coasters and Dona Shea will order some ready made silk glasses cases, and she will provide the paint. 

Pancake batter in a bag produced by Betty Robinson’s daughter will be ordered. Fleece shawls with large buttons was modeled for the group as was a popcorn stitch crochet scarf. Ann Mannle demonstrated how to adhere a stemmed glass to a decorative plate for cookies or for pot pourri.

At the next meeting, Sue Harris will pass out the cards inscribed with the basket themes. The committee will assemble the baskets. Members need only to provide the supplies. We have one month to purchase the basket items. Baby baskets do not sell but small spa baskets are a hit. In general, the smaller baskets go fast. Chocolate is a big seller as are wines. The committee has amassed enough baskets but more are always welcome.

Sandy introduced the idea of reviving a compilation of recipes. Patsy Whitlock and Pixie Wallace published 11 years ago organized the most recent cookbook by the Annisquam Players. Sandy passed around the 1940 edition of the Circle’s cookbook. Archival photos could be included in this edition marking the 175th anniversary of the Annisquam Sewing Circle. Sandy’s online research found the cookbook could be published for as little as $2.90 each if 200 are ordered with no more than 150 recipes included.  However, more research needs to be done.

The project generated lots of enthusiastic response but the work will be postponed until after the Christmas fair.

The meeting was adjourned to tea hosted by Deb Marston, Patsy Whitlock and Hazel Von Rosenvinge.

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2010

President, Sandy Andrew, called the meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle to order.

Sandy opened the meeting with a tribute to Blanche Josselyn who passed away at home after a brief illness. Blanche celebrated her 100th birthday this past summer and was remembered as a remarkable woman and fine knitter. A moment of silence commemorated her passing.

The floor was given to Jackie Littlefield who introduced the guests from Wellspring.

Kay O’Roarke, Wellspring’s executive director is now a neighbor living on Norwood Heights.

Accompanying Kay was the director of development, Romy Gardner.

Ms. O’Rourke outlined the history of Wellspring, its operating principles, programs and present focus on community partnering in job training. Ms. O’Rourke expressed her appreciation to the Sewing Circle for its support of Wellspring over many years.  

A more detailed account of her presentation is included as an addendum to these minutes.  

The previous minutes were read and clarified for amendment.

Sue Harris let the Circle know that a card was sent to Tom O’Keefe recovering from surgery at the Shaunassey Rehabilitation Center.

The Circle welcomed Donna Caselden to her first meeting.

Hazel Von Rosenvinge proposed Emily Murphy for membership. Emily and her husband Dan, long-term summer residents are now year-round residents. As Hazel put it, “Emily likes to do crafts. What more do we need!” A vote of approval was unanimous. 

Vice President, Martha Hooper presented Hazel with a bouquet of flowers in honor of Hazel’s

80th birthday. Congratulations spread throughout the room and many questioned her secret to youthful good looks. Alas, “good genes” is all Hazel would share.

Next order of business: Sue Harris passed around the thematic cards and sign up sheets for the large baskets and the smaller hostess baskets. The large baskets are priced between $25-50. The hostess baskets which take on your own thematic idea sell for $25 and under. List your items and costs on the card for more accurate pricing of the baskets. All items for the baskets should be ready by November 9th. Answers to questions were given: Members are not required to contribute to the baskets – participation is an option. Extra item donations are welcome. Members do not have to provide the baskets.

Next, craft items were displayed: Ellen Stone’s photo enhanced match box garnered an order of 12. Gail Fairfield presented a child’s quilt. Deb Marston showed gift tags, greeting cards and shell pins. Mary Pope circulated the three ring crafts binder and crafts book. A craft online site such as tip.nut.com was suggested. Mary Warner took 20 orders for tide calendars. Next week, bow making will continue but Sandy wants to know what craft items will be worked on during the upcoming workshops. Continue to collect pine cones.

Old and new business:

A vote without any discussion to the contrary was taken to auction the quilt at the fair.

Pam Saylor has 6 openings for tea hostesses. So members please see her and sign up.

Sally Bent has a lot of vases and baskets. Sue Harris collects vases for the Sea Fair.

$50 will be donated to the library in memory of Blanche. Nancy Martin will make out the check.

Pippy was thanked for cleaning the silverware.

When the meeting was adjourned, members were treated to a lovely tea hosted by Stevie Neal, Sue Willis and Carol Stearns.

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary

October 12, 2010

Addendum to meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle

Kay O’Roarke, Wellspring’s executive director and director of development, Romy Gardner were invited to speak at the Sewing Circle meeting.

Ms. O’Rourke outlined the history of Wellspring, its operating principles, programs and present focus on community collaboration in job training. Ms. O’Roarke has been the executive director at Wellspring since 2008. Wellspring was started twenty-eight years ago in 1981: originally founded by seven educators as a family shelter. In 1986, it expanded to serve individuals and families. One and a half years ago, the organization consolidated its two shelter locations within an apartment building in downtown Gloucester. Clients, usually a mother and child are housed in efficiency units.

Education is the key to moving families out of poverty. 53% of those in homeless situations lack a high school diploma. These individuals haunted by school failure need a nurturing educational environment where they can complete their GED for better employment or for a college opportunity.

Wellspring’s adult education programs include: English language for conversation, study skills basic writing and math, computer training classes providing credit from North Shore Community College, college prep classes and job counseling. These classes help assure that clients will be successful once they reach college. North Shore Medical Center is participating in a partnership for training medical assistants. 75% of the program graduates are successfully placed. Wellspring is committed to job training in fields where jobs are needed.

Affordable Housing Wellspring’s clients (5 men and 5 woman) live in single rooms with a communal kitchen on Chestnut Street in Gloucester. Usually, they are waiting several years for subsidized housing. There is a house manager/counselor. Clients agree to abide by a set of rules such as no drugs.

Ms. O’Rourke explained that in a recent decision, the board of directors voted to discontinue supporting Cape Ann Families. A new community partnership with Pathways for Children would make more financial sense. Pathways is in the process of due diligence for acquiring Cape Ann Family’s programs.  

Ms. O’Rourke expressed her appreciation to the Sewing Circle for its support of Wellspring over many years.  

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary

October 26, 2010

President, Sandy Andrew, called the meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle to order.

The floor was given to treasurer, Nancy Martin who reported our current balance of $22,682.79. A motion was approved to accept the treasurer’s report. Members were reminded to pay the $5 dues as soon as possible.   The minutes were accepted as read.

The sunshine committee’s Joan Collier reported that flowers were sent to Ann Bensen and another card was sent to Tom O’Keefe. Anthea Brigham brought greetings from Ann Bensen who was thrilled with her flowers and most grateful to the Sewing Circle.

A thank you note from Hazel Von Rosenvinge was circulated.

Sandy introduced our two newest members; Betsey Colby and Emily Murphy. We now have 50 active members – 55 is our limit.  The idea that we might have a membership waiting list in the near future brought a chuckle from the members.

Pam Saylor still has 3 openings for tea hostesses. It looks like the new members have quickly found their calling. Pam also promised that she would enhance their portrait photo for the website.

Sue Harris reminded members that basket innards are due by November 9th. Patsy Whitlock and Pippy Giuliano will collect them after the meeting. Sue reviewed information pertaining to the baskets and a detailed account can be found in the October 12th minutes.

Craft items were next on the agenda: Ann Mannle displayed several of the 25 hostess plates she completed. It was suggested that they would be attractive on the gourmet table and sold with the food they displayed. Jackie Littlefield and Ellen Stone completed the match box project. Deb Marston passed around her silk wine case and jewelry bag.

Mary Pope reminded members of the three ring crafts binder and crafts book. Supplies may be borrowed for completion of crafts projects at home. She also had directions and jars for the layered bean soup.

Craft items are due by the meeting preceding the fair. Gourmet items are due Friday before the fair. Lida Bernard suggested that butterscotch and caramel sauces are good sellers as are jams and jellies. She nixed the nuts.

Connie Mason and Mimi Emmons will elaborate on the luncheon details at the November 9th meeting. But just a reminder, chicken is due Thursday for the pre-prep.

Judy Gustin enticed members with food and gossip to join her for bow making at her house; Thursday November 4th at 4 o’clock. We have enough pine cones for the workshop at 12:30 on the 9th.

Sandy asked members holding circle archives to bring them to the next meeting to house them in a central location.

Visit the Circle website: user name is your email address and the password is circle. See Sue Harris if you are having any difficulty accessing the site.

An autumnal theme, along with cider and cider donuts was prepared for us by Joan Collier, Maureen Quine and Judy Gustin.

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes

November 9, 2010

President, Sandy Andrew, called the meeting of the Annisquam Sewing Circle to order. The minutes were accepted as read.

The floor was given to treasurer, Nancy Martin who reported our current balance of $22,680.79. $275 has been collected in dues. Some dues have yet to be paid. A motion was approved to accept the treasurer’s report.

The sunshine committee’s Joan Collier sent a card to Janice Harris.

The finance committee chair, Mimi Emmons reported that the committee has received one written request for consideration. Mimi reminded members that they have until Christmas to submit in writing their choice of a charitable organization. After Christmas, members will be given a list of organizations chosen by the committee. Members will have an opportunity to vote but no additions will be accepted at that time.

Connie Mason is requesting 11 more pies and possibly 4 more chickens. The equivalent of one chicken should be removed from the bone in large pieces and due Thursday morning. Pies are due by 10 am Saturday morning and salads by morning also. Dressings for the jellied and tossed salads and whipped cream for the pies will be provided. Last year, 25 casseroles were quickly gobbled up so this year, Connie and Mimi are preparing between 36-40 small casseroles to be purchased for $8 a piece. A sign up sheet for orders will be passed around at the meeting on 23rd. According to tradition, casseroles will be prepared for house bound friends.

The eye catching fair poster was circulated and will be available for distribution in 2 weeks.

Next, we were treated to the craft items created by our talented members. Beautiful handmade knitted items, catnip kitty beds, ornaments, centerpieces, silk cases, advent wreaths, aprons, note cards, reindeer food and shell pins. For some of us less talented folks it was agreed that our large basket contribution would suffice for one craft.

A reminder for the grabs: 3 adult, 1 child, 1 pet and please mark the items for age, species and gender appropriateness. The group voted again to keep the grabs at $1.

Table heads will pass around a volunteer sign up. Floorwalkers are also needed to assist. Linette French will take reservations for the 11:30 and 1pm seating. Cost remains $15 per person.

Though the Circle decided not to have a raffle the poster mentions one. Deb Marston will donate a Canada Goose decoration if deemed appropriate. If not found appropriate, there will be no raffle. The one item to be auctioned is the Annisquam quilt.

Anthea Brigham and Doris Rust received a hearty round of applause for their work on the Circle archives which satisfies the request from the Village Hall Association. Discussion for further work on the archives was tabled until after the Christmas Fair. Due to the fact that we are in good shape with bows etc. there will be no crafts workshop before the November 23rd meeting.

A beautiful tea was served by Mimi Emmons, Jill Lovejoy and Germaine Fritz.

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Annisquam Sewing Circle

November 23, 2010 

President Sandy Andrew called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. Treasurer Nancy Martin sent this message regarding selling at the Fair: When marking a customer’s purchase on the card, be sure to include a total price.  If there are three items at $5. each, note a total of $15.

The Secretary’s report was accepted as amended.  The changes were as follows:  the price for the luncheon casseroles is $10 each; salads should be not be brought before Saturday AM.

Joan Colllier reported all well in the Village. Susan Harris explained the web site for contributing weekend meals for Ann Bensen.

Membership Chairman Sue Harris asked members to consider two candidates for membership.  Claire Norton and Suzanne Brown were voted in.

President Andrew proposed guidelines for member contributions to the Fair.  Members felt that a reduction in the requirements would be detrimental to the craft table.  It was agreed that all would continue to contribute to all 6 areas: greens preparation, gourmet table, grabs, luncheon, baskets and crafts.  There was a suggestion that a buddy system could be employed to pair those less gifted in craft creation with ones who prefer to cook, et al.

Sheets for signing up at Fair tables were circulated.  There was a reminder that greens prep would begin Monday at 9.

Martha Hooper reported that publicity had been sent to the six appropriate newspapers and that banners and trees would be set up this Friday.  Stevie Neal asked that each member place 2-3 posters; she will do the telephone poles and other strategic points.

Spirited discussion ensued regarding the quilt.  It was decided to sell it at the craft table for $275.  If unsold, the quilt will be auctioned.

Deb Marston displayed a number of ingenious crafts made by members.

Sue Harris, Patsy Whitlock, Sue Kuendig and Pippy Giuliano have spent four full days preparing 50 baskets.

Bonnie Angus urged members to pre- order wreaths.  Green prep will be Monday through Thursday.  Lynn Fenollosa will be on hand to give expert guidance.

The meeting was adjourned and followed by tea presented by Jackie Littlefield, Connie Mason and Ellen Stone.

Respectfully submitted, Hazel von Rosenvinge for Secretary Pippy Giuliano

Minutes of the Annisquam Sewing Circle

December 14, 2010 

President Sandy Andrew congratulated the membership for its contribution to this year’s tremendously successful December 4th, Christmas Fair. Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that our treasury holds over $14,000. The fair garnered over $10,000 – $2200 above last year. Expenses were tallied around $4000. This year’s luncheon was the most successful to date ringing in a profit of $1662.

The following is a break down of profits tallied from the cards submitted at check out:

Area Cash Amount
Grabs  210
Gourmet  884
Crafts 1675
Baskets 1394
Luncheon 1410
Casseroles  530
Wine  145
Greens 4200

Bonnie Angus gave an overview of the greens. All but 3 of the 185 wreaths were sold. The large unsold wreaths were donated to Wellspring, Pathways and the Maritime Heritage Center. Lynn Fenollosa gave a tree tutorial prior to the making of 20 boxwood trees. By 10 am, most of the boxwood trees were sold. It was suggested that members pre-order if they want trees. The overall quality of the greens was much improved with ornaments better fastened to the wreaths. Bonnie received rousing applause for her tireless effort. In turn, Bonnie thanked her steady crew of workers: Pat Makin, Stevie Neal, Sue Willis Lida Bernard, Sue Kunedig and many enthusiastic new members. She also credited Nancy Martin and Annalisa for their creation of a home-nursery for the bulbs from the earliest days in November.

The $60 collected for greens sold at Willow Rest was donated to the O’Maley Middle School’s library book collection.   

Both the treasurer’s report and the meeting minutes were accepted.

Sandy reported that Louise Gustafson underwent spinal surgery and is recovering at the Shaunassey-Kaplan Rehabilitation Center. Ed Roewer is gravely ill and his wife Anna has been transferred to an assisted living facility. 

Sandy introduced new members, Suzanne Brown and Claire Norton.

The finance committee chair, Mimi Emmons reminded us that we only have until the January 11th meeting to submit recommendations for donations to charitable organizations. A few recommendations have been received and she urged members to contact the committee.

Stevie Neal reported on behalf of Martha Hooper on the fair publicity. Rose-Marie Glen printed the posters, and Stevie distributed them. 4 ads were placed in the GDT and the Beacon. A notice appeared in the Boston Globe.

Signage was discussed: the wooden signs were thought to be more effective than the banners which can be hard to read. Sign storage was discussed and Stevie volunteered that she and Martha would solve the problem.

Sue Harris reported on the baskets: 23 large baskets and 26 smaller baskets for a total of 49 were prepared by Patsy Whitlock, Sue Kunedig, Sue Harris and Pippy Giuliano. The 3 unsold baskets were auctioned off at the luncheon. Sue Harris attributed the successful sales to the floor walkers: Holly Perry, Hazel von Rosenvinge, Mary Pope and Joan Collier. Suggestions for next year: increase the number of smaller baskets and reduce the number of larger baskets, creative buying can be done throughout the year, donated baskets are always welcome. Sue compiled and submitted extensive reference notes.

Pam Saylor was thanked for her lovely photos taken throughout the week and the day of the fair. The clean up went very well.

Report from the gourmet table by Sandy Andrew and Lida Bernard: The tables were covered with beautifully packaged items. All but three items were sold.

Jackie Littlefield on the grabs: The 135 adult grabs were gone by 10 am. The 22 pet grabs sold. Half of the children’s grabs approximately, 40 are available for next year. Grabs for very young children are most needed. 

Connie Mason’s report on the luncheon: This year was definitely more work with the recipe increased by 8 fold to accommodate the sale of 52 casseroles. As Connie so astutely remarked – the process was like childbirth… She and Mimi regaled us with the nerve racking impromptu visit by the board of health inspector. Lessons to be learned: food properly chilled and thoroughly heated, food allergy poster displayed on the buffet, servers to wear non-latex gloves and a hand washing sign posted in the bathroom.

Deb Marston reported on the crafts table: Clothing did well with requests for adult sized socks and gloves. Because yarn has become so expensive, polar fleece items can be priced lower while maintaining a popular appeal. Judy Junker volunteered to make a vest and jacket as samples. Fun and colorful items were popular as were items with an Annisquam theme. Grace Murray was thanked for the beautiful hat she knitted.

Dona Shea and Sue Willis are buyers for the commercial goods. Good merchandising paid off when the cocoa cones, so popular last year were distributed to other tables. The items left over from 2009 were sold. Baby items are not popular. Some things were donated to the Plum Cove School fair and others were brought to Seacoast. Sandy urges members to email with suggestions to improve the fair.

The next order of business concerned the 175th anniversary cookbook. The steering committee includes; Pam Saylor, Patsy Whitlock, Connie Mason and Sandy Andrew.

The cookbook will include old and new photos of Annisquam and perhaps some member’s art work. Mimi gave some suggestions from her experience: careful proofing of the text and testing and tasting the recipes. Cynthia cautioned to go into this endeavor with, “eyes wide open”. In order to make a recipe your creation, you have to change 3 things from the original. Original recipes should be credited and measurements standardized. The estimated time for completion might be 1.5 years. The anniversary year begins next fall.

The adjourned meeting was followed by tea presented by; Cynthia Borghesani, Mary Warner and Dona Shea.

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano