Minutes 2012 – 2013


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Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2012

President, Carol Stearns welcomed the membership to the first meeting of the year.

The minutes were amended and approved setting the record straight regarding committee chairpersons.

Our newest member, Jennifer Gabbay received a warm welcom

Treasurer, Nancy Martin distributed the annual financial report and reminded us that a cushion of 15 thousand dollars is her bottom line. The report was accepted by a unanimous vote.

Finance chair, Mimi Emmons characterized the Circle as a most unusual organization: one that buys, makes then gives away its profits. Members were asked to contact Mimi with recommendations for charities in need. Mimi should receive a letter of request from the charity which will make a follow up presentation at a Sewing Circle meeting. Funds will be dispersed after the New Year.

Martha Hooper, membership chair reported that the Circle has 55 active members and proposals for two new members. Tartie Bishop presented Joyce Novak. Joyce now lives in Annisquam year round. She is a gifted artist who would be a great asset to our group. A vote approved Joyce’s membership. Betsey Colby presented Vicki Bourneuf for consideration. Vicki volunteers at the Exchange and she is handy with yarn, needles and thread. Vicki won unanimous approval.

Debra Bird wondered about people who would like to join the Circle but have a work commitment or members who might begin working again. This opened the discussion for a category of business associate which would require a change in the by-laws. An associate has been a member in good standing for 10 years. Associates are not required to attend meetings but should participate in Circle events. People were encouraged to contact the president with their ideas and opinions. After meeting, the executive committee will report back with the pros and cons around this issue.

Germaine Fritz, publicity chair reminded us that the Circle Christmas fair has a lot of competition but the website is an effective way to advertise our wares.

Sue Willis heading up the scholarship committee received a thank you letter from Sean Kennedy, last year’s scholarship recipient. Scholarships are available to high school students residing in Annisquam who intend to further their education.

As hospitality chair, Debra Marsten talked about the finer points of tea hosting.

Web liaison Suzanne Brown talked about the pros and cons of the present set up. Jen Gabbay offered to help Suzanne set up a more convenient system.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely tea hosted by the officers: Nancy Martin, Joan Collier, Ann Mannle, Carol Stearns and Pippy Giuliano.

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
September 25, 2012

Meeting held at the Village Library Board

Members present were President Carol Stearns, Vice President Ann Mannle, Treasurer Nancy Martin, and Correspondence Secretary /Sunshine Lady Joan Collier.

The Meeting was preceded by a sociable work session for the upcoming Fair. The meeting lasted from Noon to 1:30 PM. The focus was tying together pine cones with wired picks, which will be used on the boxwood trees and wreaths and looking through the many boxes of materials left from last year’s prep meetings. Joyce Novak, one of our new members, demonstrated a unique way to wire together three pinecones by forming a loop with the wire. This proved to be a very successful method. Thank you Joyce!

The Business Meeting began at 1:35 PM and was chaired by President Carol Stearns, who carefully read the minutes of the last meeting. One number was questioned and it was decided to clarify the number of women who are members.Carol will ask Secretary, Pippy Guiliano as to the correct number and a correction will be made. The minutes were then approved.Carol Stearns welcomed our new members, Joyce Novak & Vicki Bourneuf.

Treasurer, Nancy Martin is still collecting dues, although the number of outstanding dues is low at this point. Our funds remain much the same as two weeks ago.

Madame President asked the members to table the issue of a Business Associate Membership until February 2013. This will give us more time to discuss & focus on the pros & cons of the issue rather than try to fit it in during this busy prep time for our Fair Fundraiser on Dec. 1st. There will be no Meeting during Thanksgiving Week, so that all may prepare their Birds for the Big Day or travel to celebrate Turkey Day with someone else who knows a good caterer! A discussion followed concerning crafts for the Fair.

Materials are needed for decorating the greens. Stevie Neal & Bonnie Angus will be taking an inventory of what we have and will add exciting new items to our coffers! (Judy Gustin has an inventory, but is away at the moment.)Mary Pope suggested that we gussy up our donated delectables for the Gourmet Table with clever, attractive crafty type decorations to entice our customers.And then came the Baskets……Madame President stirred the discussion pot with a suggestion of baskets, “smaller is better?” DeeDee Sargent felt that there were too many baskets last year.Pat Makin said we should be starting soon –like now on the baskets.

Suzanne Brown suggested that we be flexible with the basket items, as some people complained that their items were not kept together. She would like us not to put limits on our donated items as they need the flexibility to assemble the baskets.

Mary Pope had customers from last year who felt the baskets were too expensive.Sue Willis thought that there were too many baskets last year and that reducing the basket prices at the end of the Fair was painful. She thought that 20 baskets at $20 might be better. Carol Stearns told us the Basket Committee was composed of Suzanne Brown, Dottie Roeske (one of our new members), Sandy Andrew and Patsy Whitlock. The Committee uses the Exchange to put together the baskets and have the luxury of turning on the heat. Alas, the Secret is out!

Several people asked, “What are our responsibilities?” Stevie Neal asked if a list of responsibilities/donations for the Fair be forwarded to all members. Carol Stearns will pass on this info to members.

A lively discussion on the Grab Bags followed !J ackie Littlefield gave a short history of grabs; it turns out that grabs were only for children in the old days. Now they are used as favors and stocking stuffers. It has been noted that some people are still punching holes in the wrapping paper. Deb Marston reminded us that all items shall be new and please, NO USED SOAP! We are to label each grab male/female/child + age/ pet (cat or dog). A brief discussion followed and Sandy Andrew suggested that the price be raised to $2. Maureen Quine felt that the $1 price should stay as it is since people know its a deal. Carol Stearns declared, “One dollar it shall be.”

The idea of adding a jewelry table was suggested. Betsy Colby reminded us that Lida had a jewelry table at the plant sale and it did very well. Mary Pope proposed that we add the jewelry table to the craft table, instead of making crafts the members hate! Mary Warner and Deb Marston will be in charge of the jewelry table. Connie Mason has made 8 cases of red pepper jelly from a recipe that’s in the cookbook. It was noted that in the past Lida made chocolate, Holly Perry made dog biscuits, and Michelle Cook made cocoa cones.

There was no raffle last year, as the money was not generated in prior years. Sue Willis suggested we take $100 and buy an item that would be unusual. If anyone has any ideas they should let Carol know. Carol reminded us that members will be creating small paintings that will be individually raffled through a silent auction.The Sunshine Lady, Joan Collier, sent flowers to Pam Saylor’s daughter Emily on behalf of the Sewing Circle. Several members have suggested that we volunteer to help Pam out by offering to stay with Emily to give Pam a break, or visit with Pam.Martha Hooper spoke about the membership, which is full at this time. Ann Mannle spoke about the Youth Outreach Initiative of the Cape Ann Symphony and Carol Stearns spoke about Hazel von Rosenvinge’s funding request for the Cape Ann Museum’s children’s educational program. Carol hopes to have Courtney Richardson talk to us about the Museum’s programs.

Donna Caselden showed the members items that that had been donated for the Fair. They included colorful knitted hats and scarves with interesting designs; a cute child’s charm bracelet with a nautical theme; and hand-painted key holders.

The cookbooks continue to sell at the Cape Ann Museum, the Wenham Tea House, Lula’s, and the Exchange. Cookbooks were recently purchased at Lula’s as bridal party favors, and President Stearns will be taking ten cookbooks to her reunion in Connecticut as gifts for her friends.T

he next work meeting is all about BOWS and will meet at 12 Noon on Tuesday October 9th in the Leonard Room at the Village Hall.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Mannle

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
0ctober 9, 2012

Vice President, Ann Mannle called the meeting to order at 1:40.

Ann read her minutes of the previous meeting which were approved with some minor corrections for committee heads.

Pippy Giuliano introduced the guest speaker Courtney Richardson, Director of Education and Public Programs at the Cape Ann Museum.

The Sewing Circle will consider making a donation to the Museum this year so Courtney outlined a few programs that our donation would benefit. The Museum sponsors Young at Art which is in its third year serving Headstart children from Pathways. Children ages 2.5 to 5 years of age will have a museum experience about 4 times a year.

The Museum plans programs for Gloucester students from grades 3, 5 and the high school. Susan Erony art historian and scholar has created a Cape Ann Timeline in digital format for the Gloucester schools. And new this year, the Museum is reaching out to area nursing homes. Museum admission is complementary to all students. Free Family Day convenes the second Saturday each month with planned activities. Currently, the Museum has 11 active docents and 22 in training. Courtney was very clear that any monetary donation to the educational programs would be very much appreciated.

Martha Hooper, membership chair reported that the Circle has 55 active members and 14 associates.Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that there are some unpaid dues and that the sale of cookbooks has garnered $2,368.

Finance chair, Mimi Emmons said that 2 charities have been brought to her attention and presentations will be forthcoming.Publicity chair, Germaine Fritz reported that fair publicity will begin 4 weeks before the fair. The Fair will begin at 8:30 and end at 1 pm with 2 luncheon seatings at 11:30 and 1 pm. It was generally felt that most goods have been purchased by 1 pm which makes it a good time to close. Discussion turned to the silent auction of art work. The consensus seemed to suggest keeping the talent in house. Contributors are welcome to donate framed or unframedoriginal art. The location and display possibilities were discussed but not nailed down.Deb Marstonwill send out reminders to the tea hostesses.Web liaison Suzanne Brown explained how the new set up will be more user friendly. There is an opportunity for a community bulletin board, to post on our blog page and for committee notes and instructions. This new system will give us more independence at a reasonable cost. Jen Gabbay will report later on the cost of the new server. Suzanne welcomes your input so please email her with any ideas or suggestions.

New Business:A list of committee chairs;Crafts: Donna Caselden, Deb Ebeling, and Mary Warner – please include your name when dropping off your craft item. Donna showed some wonderful contributions of potholders, wreaths, pillows, dinner plate and a decorative sash. Stevie Neal, Bonnie Angus– all size pine cones are needed Gourmet table will be headed up by Deb Bird and Sue Willis

Baskets headed by Suzanne Brown will range in price from 25-35 dollars – no more than 30 baskets. Committee: Dottie Roeske, Pippy, Patsy Whitlock Judy Juncker and Sandy Andrew.

Luncheon chefs Connie Mason and Mimi Evans – Pippy prep and dishes

Wreath Bows – Judy Gustin’s eager beavers will meet November 15th.

Grabs: Jackie Littlefield and Ellen Stone (4 grabs each member)Wine: Ellen and Bill Stone

Ann Mannle gave us an uplifting update from Pam Saylor that Emily is on crutches and doing very well. She is home schooled for the time being. Pam is so grateful to everyone for the meals, cards and overall support that she and her family have received these last few months. You could feel the room breath a sigh of relief.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely tea hosted by Suzanne Brown, Sandy Andrew, Lida Bernard and Nancy Davis.

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
0ctober 23, 2012

President, Carol Stearns called the meeting to order with a reading of the minutes. The minutes were approved after enthusiastic corrections from the floor.

Carol called our attention to the table laden with jewelry, hand knit items and hand crafted toys. Like Christmas morning there was too much to take in all at once but everything looked glorious.

Germaine Fritz shared the laminated publicity poster that will be ready by the November 6th meeting. She encouraged members to circulate them throughout Gloucester and Rockport and suggested that any posted on telephone poles should be removed after the fair.

Connie Mason’s call to action was well organized with clip boards for 8 jellied salads, 8 tossed salads, 20 pies and a total of 24 deboned chickens. Connie will send out reminders on the post cards she had us self-address. Casseroles are available for $12 and a sign up sheet was circulated. There was lots of laughter around the quality of chicken and breasts of a substantial nature won the most approval.

Mary Pope, our next motivational speaker asked us to do a little searching through our bureau drawers for jewelry; costume that is. Also, gift boxes would be appreciated. Her committee members Jaye Whittier and Emily Murphy will happily take your donations. If you would like to help with pricing, please see Mary.

Committee chair reports: Carol reported meeting with Bonnie Angus to review supplies. Yes, small pine cones and the pitch pine variety are needed.

Judy Gustin will entertain a bow making crew on November 15 from 4-6pm.

Suzanne Brown reports that we have 20 baskets spoken for and more welcome.

Art was the next heated subject of discussion namely what constitutes art. For now, we will see what is donated for the silent auction before making a decision. We were looking forward to a painting from Joyce Novak but we learned that Joyce fell and fractured her leg. She is presently in Florida.

Carol reminded us that the week beginning November 26th is our week of fair preparation. The more consistent the turnout the sooner we will be ready. She is hoping we can have our projects completed by Thursday.

Deedy Sargent updated us on library events. Doris Rust reminded us of the lovely Library teas beginning November 5th.

There is a sign up sheet for tea hosting. You can plan on 20-25 people. The guideline is of a loaf of tea sandwiches and 2 dozen cookies.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely tea hosted by Dona Shea, Emily Murphy, Kate Meader and Sue Willis.

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
November 6, 2012

President, Carol Stearns called the meeting to order with a reading of the minutes followed by a note from Pam Saylor. Pam so eloquently expressed her gratitude to the villagers who have graced their family through so many acts of love and kindness. Emily has resumed a more normal life and has returned to school.

The Circle has $23,519 in the treasury – 615 dollars from the sale of 41 cookbooks at the Exchange.

Joan Collier reports that Carol Pearce is feeling fine after recovering from a sprain. Joyce Novak is doing well in her soft cast and will be returning to the village by the end of the month.

Bonnie Angus, chair of the greens department reported that wreaths will be delivered from Wolf Hill by 9am on the 26th. She encouraged members to gather juniper, holly spruce and boxwood to be dropped off at the barn door. Decorated 12” wreaths will sell for $25- $35 for 16” wreaths and specialty bows will cost an additional $10. Lyn Fenollosa and Jill Lovejoy will orchestrate the making of boxwood trees and centerpieces.

Finance committee chair, Mimi Emmons reminded us of our mission as a charitable organization with the village as our first priority. She then outlined the gift requests presented to her thus far. Betsey Colby would like us to consider the Gloucester Writers Center whose programming includes weekly outreach workshops for women and teens. The Cape Ann Symphony was proposed in support of the variety of programs presented to the students of Gloucester and Cape Ann. Mimi recapped the presentation of Courtney Richardson on behalf of the Cape Ann Museum – highlighting the program that focuses on people with memory loss and Alzheimer’s.

Next we were treated to the beautiful creations of Donna Caselden, Jill Carter and Suzanne Brown that will adorn the craft table and silent auction.

Publicity chair, Germaine Fritz had the fair posters ready for distribution. The poster will be formatted for emailing to acquaintances and friends. Stevie Neal said that the Village Players has an account with SeaArts that can be used to publicize the fair. The church bulletin and Good Morning Gloucester were mentioned as publicity venues. Stevie volunteered to place the fair information boards in strategic places around town.

Deb Bird, gourmet table chair coached us on presentation and ingredient labeling. When asked about food items Deb made it clear that delicious sells.

Suzanne Brown thanked her committee for their work and creativity. The baskets are all set.

Members were reminded to sign up for the luncheon and Connie Mason circulated the sheet for pre-orders of her yummy casserole.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely tea hosted by Mimi Emmons, Judy Gustin, Mary Warner and Debbie Ebeling

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
December 11, 2012

President, Carol Stearns called the meeting to order by asking treasurer Nancy Martin for the financial report thus far. The fair grossed 16,657 dollars with a net of $11,238. Expenses ran about 4,419 dollars. The fair surpassed last year’s take by approximately 1,000 dollars attributed to the addition of jewelry and the silent auction. The treasury is at a healthy weight of 28,3072 dollars The break down of the fair is as follows:

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Before the membership meeting, committee chairpersons met to give their reports and brainstorm for next year’s Christmas Fair. Publicity was thought to be the best ever. However the print will be enlarged on the boards for improved readability. Some remarks overheard at the fair indicate that the village is confusing to navigate and the Village Hall not easily located. Another comment crowned us the most beautiful fair on Cape Ann. In terms of publicity for next year a site interview by Joey Ciaramitaro of Good Morning Gloucester during the week of wreath making would make a nice feature and great publicity. Families who have received scholarships are probably not aware that the fair is the Circle’s major fundraising event. In fact, an information board noting the charities that benefit from Sewing Circle donations should be on display. Without mincing words; “Now that we have made it let’s think about giving it away.” Mme. President turned the meeting over to the financial chair, Mimi Emmons. The Circle donated 16,000 dollars to charities last year. Mimi read from a list of charities to be considered this year. The finance committee consisting of the officers with input from Stevie Neal and Sue Willis will meet to “give away as much as possible”. The treasurer likes to keep a cushion of $15,000.

President Stearns hopes to launch us into the 21st century through improved technology use. Suzanne Brown in her most artistic fashion did an outstanding job of posting craft and auction items for sale and other information highlighting our fair. Working with Jen Gabbay, Suzanne will establish a community bulletin board private for member use. The President will help anyone wishing to brush up on their computer skills. There’s no turning back – this is the way of the future. Help is available.

Other business:Jackie Littlefield reported that 550 unwrapped children’s gifts were collected for Wellspring at the cocktail party hosted by the Littlefields, Whitlock/Neals and Hoveys at the Village Hall. All members of the Sewing Circle and their spouses were invited. Stevie Neal made a request on behalf of HAWC for children’s gifts. HAWC services 23 towns and they are in dire need of gifts this year. Rev. White reminded the membership about the mitten tree for children of Pathways. A donation of children’s clothing is also welcome.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely holiday tea hosted by Stevie Neal, Anthea Brigham, Linette French and Maureen Quine.

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy GiulianoRecording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
January 15, 2013

The secretary arrived in time for Mimi Emmons’ presentation of the 14 charities agreed upon by the finance committee. This year’s total of 15,500 dollars in charitable donations was voted on and approved by the membership. Nancy martin will send the checks. In addition, Nancy updated us with a financial report that was voted on and approved.

The Sewing Circle is indebted to Lyn Fenollosa for her inspired teaching and guidance in preparation of boxwood trees and centerpieces for the Christmas Fair. A gift certificate to Duckwoth’s Bistro was selected as a gesture of our appreciation.

Stevie Neal’s Christmas appeal for toys for HAWC garnered a great response. She is grateful to the membership for their enthusiastic rally.

Under new business, our advancement in technology was touched upon. There was some discussion pertaining to the dissemination of information on the blog. Privacy issues were discussed and will be carefully adhered to when posting health related information.

Sunshine reported that Louise Gustafson will be returning home from rehabilitation. While visiting, Joanne Collier brought Louise an orchid from the Circle.

Sandy Andrew brought up the subject of the orphanage in Siberia. Sandy was surprised to learn that the package prepared by Pat Makin and Jill Carter was returned to them last year. Please see Sandy for assistance if you want to send items to the children.

Mary Pope wondered if the Circle would be interested in a pin commemorating volunteerism.

The Sewing Circle will meet on the second Tuesday of the month throughout the winter.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely holiday tea hosted by Tartie Bishop, Betsey Colby, Patsy Whitlock and Connie Mason.

Respectfully submitted, Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
February 12, 2013

President Stearns called the meeting to order for the stalwart members who brave the winters here in Annisquam.

Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that $15,656.80 remains in the coffers after the distribution of monies to this year’s recipients. The report was voted on and approved. Thank you notes received from the charities were circulated and an email thank you was acknowledged from Maggie Rosa representing the Gloucester Education Foundation.

Committee reports: Joan Collier, Chair of the Sunshine Committee seems to be basking somewhere warm so Carol will send a get well card to Jaye Whittier. Sue Willis reported that no one yet has applied for scholarship money. She clarified that $1000 is granted to Annisquam students who go on to college or a vocational school.

President Stearns briefly mentioned the idea of changing the by-laws to include a category for working members. Discussion and further exploration was tabled until a majority of members return to Annisquam.

New Business: President Stearns turned the meeting over to Jen Gabbay who briefed the membership on the future development and design of the Circle’s website. It will be similar in appearance and function to the Brookwood School’s website and blog. Jen talked about the nuts and bolts of the design elaborating on 10 features such as; a newsletter, calendar, community announcements, Annisquam community projects and events, member bios, photos and relevant videos. This would be the perfect way to preserve conversations with our local history buffs; namely Carol Pearce and Chandler Davis. It was noted that John Perry and Ester Pullman might have historically significant items to contribute. This endeavor is rich in possibilities. Rest assured that folks without internet service will not be forgotten. On a related topic, bringing us all to a functional level of computer use was discussed. Tutorials will be scheduled and a cooperative sharing of knowledge will be organized. . Mary Pope made a tongue-in-cheek suggestion for a new committee: The Annisquam Sewing Circle Geek Squad. Never fear, 1:1 tutorials can be planned as needed. Jen did a remarkable job tackling this complex subject and presenting it with such clarity. We thank Jen Gabbay and Suzanne Brown for taking on this project.

Following Jen’s presentation a spontaneous discussion arose concerning Village safety related to storms and resulting power outages. On February 9th, we experienced a snow storm that caused drifting of up to 24 inches leaving some residents stranded in their homes without power for up to 15 hours. Previously, under the leadership of Dave Pearce, Ron Beck and John Moskal a Community Emergency Response Team was formed with headquarters at the Village Hall. Circle Members questioned the effectiveness of operating in a building without power and the discussion steered toward the acquisition of a generator. President Stearns recalled a $500 donation by the Exchange to the Village Hall Association earmarked for a generator. President of the Village Hall Association, Patsy Whitlock detailed a bit of the plan already in place for a neighborhood response. After some suggestions, members thought it best to stay in touch with neighbors and offer assistance as needed. Having a list of people with generators would be helpful. Also, a list of people willing to snow blow or shovel should be composed and perhaps posted on the Circle’s future webpage. Recommendations for emergency preparedness can be found on the Annisquam Yacht Club website. According to Patsy Whitlock, the idea of a generator at the Village Hall has stalled over the years for various reasons; money and practicality to name a few. Thirty of the thirty-two Circle Members present voted in approval of a generator for the Village Hall. The Circle will send a letter to the Village Hall Association requesting a generator. Deborah Bird volunteered to investigate emergency measures already in place in the Village.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely Valentine’s Day inspired tea hosted by: Mary Pope, Daphne Papp, Annie Sinkinson, Susan Crotty and Jaye Whittier

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano, Recording Secretary

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2013

President Carol Stearns called the meeting to order. Minutes of the February 12, 2013 meeting were read, corrected and accepted.

Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that thanks to continued cookbook sales, our current balance is $15,854.80.

According to Sue Willis, Scholarships, no names for scholarship recipients have been submitted and she asked members to think of potential candidates and submit their names by the end of April. Each recipient receives $1,000 for the freshman year only of college. To clarify policy, Sue explained that although $5,000 is budgeted each year for scholarships, any remaining funds are not rolled over into the following year’s scholarship budget. In response to a question of whether or not a non-­‐resident church member could be granted a scholarship, it was noted that this issue has been discussed previously and that only Annisquam residents are eligible.

Germaine Fritz is preparing the publicity for the annual Plant Sale, to be held the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend (May 25) between 8 and 11am. Pam Saylor is happy to head the Bake Sale again and will have sign-­‐up sheets for contributions and volunteers at the next meeting.

A discussion of whether or not the Village Hall association should purchase a generator ensued after mention of an email sent by Patsy Whitlock to Sewing Circle members. She requested comments on reasons for and against a generator in the hall and on members’ expectations for the Village Hall’s role in an emergency if a generator were purchased. The Village Hall Association has been debating the issue and the leanings are mostly men against and mostly women for the purchase. The Association is not considering a self-starting generator because of cost. Natural gas is already in use at the hall, so fuel source is not an issue. With the possibility of more extreme weather comes the risk of more power outages. Good Neighbors has a program organized to check on neighbors in emergencies and is compiling a list of snow blowers, generators, and other equipment which would be useful in an emergency. A group was organized several years ago called ACE, to establishcontacts within the community and provide information for emergency help. Ron Beck and Dave Pearce can provide information about another group called CERT, Community Emergency Response Team, which has a list of the locations of the village’s fire hydrants. The Yacht Club has a list of emergency precautions on its website and it was suggested that these be printed and given to all Sewing Circle Members.

President Stearns asked for volunteers to deliver flowers after the Easter Church Service. The flowers will be delivered to the Church with recipients’ names on them. Judy Juncker purchased the flowers and delivered them to the Church last year. Contact Judy for information about the flowers, the list of recipients, and any potential candidates for the flowers. Ann Roewer was mentioned as a candidate and we were assured that she is on the list.

It was noted that Sharon Russell passed away recently and a request was made for cookies or other finger food for the collation after the memorial service on March 23rd.

Our President announced that she would be away until March 26th, but available after that. The next Sewing Circle meeting will be on April 9th.

The meeting was adjourned.Thanks were given to our hostesses Deborah Bird, Vicki Bourneuf, Donna Caselden, and Holly Perry who spoiled us with delicious treats, Irish coffee, and a Pot of Gold.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Ebeling

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
April 9, 2013

President Stearns asked Deb Ebeling to read the minutes she scribed from the March meeting. The minutes were thorough, humorous and devoid of mistakes. Thank you Deb for pitching in. You may be sorry that you revealed your note-taking skill.

Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that we have a substantial amount of money in our coffers.

Next, Scholarship Chair, Sue Willis informed us that we have 2 applicants for this spring; Melody Eaton of Nashua Avenue and Billy O’Donnell from Cambridge Ave.

These high school seniors are academic, athletic and active in community service.

Melody teaches dance at Ms. Tina’s studio in Gloucester. She has the distinction of being awarded the Sawyer Free Medal in her freshman year and has remained on the honor roll continuously.

Billy attends Phillips Academy where he serves on the student government.

Billy can be seen working at the Sea Fair or employed at the Yacht Club diving for sunken moorings. If you need some assistance, give Billy a call.

The unused money allocated for scholarships is rolled over into the general fund and can be distributed to other worthy causes. The scholarship awarded to eligible students remains at 1000 dollars.

In Germaine’s absence, Carol distributed the lovely posters and flyers announcing the Circle’s annual plant sale, May 25th from 8-11 am. We are pleased that Bonnie Angus has volunteered once again to purchase the plants. Members are encouraged to shop for shoes so they can donate the shoe boxes for convenient carrying trays.  David Simmons has 2 lovely yellow azaleas that are available to anyone who may be interested.

Pam Saylor will be presiding over the bake table again this year. Please see her to volunteer for one of the morning shifts. There was some discussion around coffee for the volunteers and it was left that boxes of Joe will supply the jolt to stay awake and keep warm. Why people want to wear sandals at this time of year is beyond me.

Anyway, Pam circulated a sign –up sheet for bake goods. If you didn’t have a chance to sign up at the last meeting, please let Pam know what you will be contributing. Pies do well and bring a good price. Make sure the plates can go with the pie. Pam reminded us that savories are a welcome addition to holiday parties. As always, presentation is essential. Please package and label your items befitting our lovely chairperson of the bake goods. 

Under old business, discussion about the generator for the Village Hall is postponed.

The meeting was adjourned to a lovely tea hosted by: Martha Hooper, Pat Makin, Grace Murray and Jill Lovejoy.

Respectfully submitted,
Pippy Giuliano Recording Secretary

2013 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
May 2013 no minutes

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minute
June 2013 no minutes