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September 13, 2016
Deb Bird, Co-President, opened the meeting with a welcome to all, and introduced new member Perry McIntosh. Perry tends her own beehives, joining other member beekeepers Suzanne Brown and Germaine Fritz. Deb presented new Board member Vice President Kate Meader, new Committee Chairs: Annie Sinkinson, Membership; Dottie Roeske, Hospitality; Deborah Michel, Publicity; Carolyn Rogers, Scholarship; and Nominating Committee members Lee Cunningham, Sue Harris, Ann Mannle, and Donna Shea. Deb then asked for remembrances of Marcia Norton, Ann Roewer, and Fran Tromblay, a former President and Vice President. The Co-President gave special thanks to Sue and Steve Harris for all their work in fixing the hiccups in generating the new Directory.
Treasurer Nancy Martin distributed the Annual Report, noting that the Christmas Fair was the best ever financially, and that the Plant Sale also did very well. She suggested that moving the date of the Plant Sale to an earlier time might have contributed to its success. The balance of the Circle account on September 1, 2016, was $9,742.35. The members present approved the Treasurers Report.
No notes were available for the Secretary’s Report for the previous meeting.
Judy Gustin, Sunshine Chair, reported that only one friendship card was sent out during the summer. A suggestion was made to send a card to Grace Murray.
Membership Chair Annie Sinkinson reported that there are currently only 52 Active members, leaving 3 openings, and 24 Associate members, leaving 1 opening. Associate members have to have been active for 10 years, are required to help out at the Fair and Plant Sale, and are assessed $10 per year.
Dottie Roeske distributed a Hospitality sign up sheet for the coming meetings and also for the workshop days before the Fair.
Mimi Emmons reported that over $10,000 was given to 12 recipients last year, and that the Finance Committee is looking for recipients for the coming year. Three Scholarships were given last year. Carolyn Rogers mentioned that she had received an application over the summer and was unsure whether or not there was a deadline for accepting applications. Members approved unanimously to award a scholarship to Teigen Severance, who is now a freshman at The University of New Hampshire. Teigen has volunteered for several activities and is interested in becoming a veterinarian.
Suzanne Brown reports that a new format for the website will provide all the same information it has in the past. Steve Harris received more thanks for his help with this reformatting project, and members voted to give a gift to Steve in appreciation. New members should contact Pam Saylor who will photograph them for inclusion in the website list of members. The address “” is for members only, whereas “” is open to the public. The members only password is “circle”.
Deb Bird mentioned a new feature the Presidents will include at meetings, entitled “Close To Home”, which is an opportunity to share what is happening in Annisquam and nearby.
Linette French announced the Annisquam Exchange Furniture Sale on this upcoming Saturday, September17th, 9am to 12pm. Furniture should be delivered to the Exchange between 7 and 9:30 am and collected by 3pm if not sold, at which time a “free” sign will be attached. The return to the seller is 70% of sales price and 30% to the Exchange and Village Hall. Stevie Neal reported on the Arts and Crafts Fair to be held October 7th through the 9th. Friday will feature a Preview Party from 7 to 9pm, with admission of $25 collected by Lee Cunningham prior to the event, or $30 collected at the door. The Saturday and Sunday hours for the Fair are 10am to 5pm, with lunch available in the tent on Saturday midday. Contact Stevie if you would like to be involved and if you haven’t received the festive invitation created by J.P. Ware.
Saturday, December 3rd is the date of the Christmas Fair. Stevie or Bonnie Angus will take custom orders for the beautiful wreaths, which can be delivered upon request.
Ellen Stone mentioned that the History Discussion group will meet this coming Friday at 7:30 in the Library. The Group will present an interview with the late Anna Crouse Murch, wife of the late playwright Russell Crouse, and mother of Lindsay Crouse and Timothy Crouse, who will both be attending. Anna was an actress who was very involved in both Broadway and our village, and was a big supporter of the Annisquam Village Players. The Crouses’ residence in Annisquam was the place where the Sound of Music was written and is now owned by Kerri Kempter and her husband.
Before the tea at the Library on Monday, November 14th, Good Neighbors will be sponsoring a talk about preventing falls. The presentation will begin at 2 o’clock, followed by tea at 3’oclock. Speak with Gigs Cunningham if you have any questions.
The village Hall Association is very grateful for the Circle’s contribution for refurbishing the upstairs bathroom, according to Donna Caselden, who is the Circle’s representative at the Association meetings. She reports that “” is a website in its infancy, but is a good source of emergency information and links to other Village groups.
Under other Business, Sandy Andrew shared a 1993 “Roster” of the Circle, which mentioned that any member working on a project not benefiting the mission of the Circle would be subject to a forfeit of $1. There will be a fundraiser for Vicky Dangelmayer on October 1st,at the Bass Rocks Golf Club. Information can be found at “”
If anyone has collected some concord grapes Suzanne Brown will be happy to help preserve them.
The key mission of the Circle, according to Deb Bird’s research,is “the furtherance of friendship and congeniality, and acts of benevolence”. In that light, the Presidents hope to promote several things; 1. Conversations among members, which could include sharing of books read, restaurants, health tips, or anything that might be of interest to members. 2. Formation of groups, hosted by members, to discuss possibilities for adding to the Fair. 3. Presentation of speakers who can educate or inspire us, such as Amy Esborn, a Personal Trainer, discussing stretching and balance exercises. 4. “Mystery History” activity in which each member writes down one interesting fact about herself, challenging members to guess the person’s identity. This activity was a great success and provided a lot of interesting surprises and knowledge about our fellow members.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 and members encouraged to enjoy a delicious tea hosted by the Board and Committee heads.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Ebeling
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meting Minutes
October 11, 2016
Deb Bird Presiding The meeting was called to order at 1:36 p.m.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,701.82 bank. She is collecting dues today if you still need to pay.
The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted without any corrections.
Judy Gustin reported that she will be sending a card to Christine Lundburg, who fell and fractured both wrists. Otherwise, things have been quiet on the “Sunshine” front. Please let Judy know if anyone needs any attention. She also reported that Barbara Campbell suffered a stroke and is at Mass General Hospital.
Gigs Cunningham reported for Membership Chair AnnieSinkinson who is unable attend today’s meeting. Gigs proposed Annie Storre who live in Chester Square. Annie, who has many talents, is spending more and more time in ‘Squam and wants to get to know more women and take a more active role in the Village. She is an avid knitter for many charitable causes. In fact, Gigs first met her when she donated hats to last year’s Christmas Fair. She is also part of Annisquam Historical Society and North Shore Friends. A motion to accept Anne as a new active member was made and unanimously approved.
Finance Chair Mimi Emmons had nothing to report except that she is waiting for money to come in.
Debra Michel had nothing new to report for Publicity
Carolyn Rogers, Scholarship, reported that a check has been mailed to Teegan Seaverans. It’s not too early to start telling Annisquam kids know about our scholarship opportunity. Please spread the word.
Suzanne Brown reported that the Tea dates and hostesses are now on the website. There are still few gaps to be filled. Deb Bird also circulated a sign-up sheet. Today’s tea hostesses are Sue Willis, Carol Stearns, Ann Mannle and Gigs Cunningham.
There was also mention that a sign-up sheet is posted in the Library to sign up for Library teas.
Germaine is on the lookout for allium stalks for Good Neighbor dinner, if you have any. Gigs Cunningham, who is the Good Neighbor president spent a few minutes telling us about the organization, which provides short-term help with meals, rides, visits, etc. for ‘Squamers who are sick or isolated. In short, the group tries to respond to events that happen in people’s lives. They also provide food, coffee and tea for collation services and emergency response for weather-related incidents. Janet Mc Aveeney is the resource coordinator. Three levels of membership-active, supportive and contributing-make it easy to participate as much or as little as you want. Be sure to let either Janet McAveeney or Gigs know when someone needs support; they rely on our help to help others. Kerry Kempter asked about mailing lists and how to get them so we know when someone is ill or needs help. Gigs reported that there is a Village Hall mailing list and a new, “Close-to-Home” feature will help people stay informed. There are also links to various Village organizations on the Village Hall website. Gigs also mentioned that she is careful of privacy and getting permission from family before sending news and updates. Deb Bird suggested that perhaps we can get clearance and she or Judy Gustin can also send updates. Deb Bird noted that there has been discussion about more sharing and helping one another. With this in mind and winter coming, she suggests introducing one valuable health tip at each meeting. Carolyn Roy shared information about antioxidants and a wheat germ tablet she finds energizes her.
Guest speaker Amy Esborn demonstrated core-strengthening exercises that can be done at home and distributed a handout with illustrations and simple instructions. Amy is a personal trainer who works with people ages 50 to 80+ and does one-on-one training with several people in ‘Squam. Amy also demonstrated various stretches and ways to improve balance. One of her key messages was “The stronger your core, the easier it is to stabilize yourself on uneven surfaces and prevent falls.”
Deb Bird reminded us that our first Christmas Fair workshop is October25th. The November meeting will be a “Christmas Forum” with the goal of mega brainstorming for the Fair… what works, what doesn’t work, new ideas, etc.. There will also be tips on howto package gourmet table items because attractive packaging is so important to the presentation of these goodies. She asked that we please really think before the next meeting about how we can make the Christmas Fair even better.
Deb thanked all of today’s tea hostesses and asked for a motion to adjourn meeting. A motion to adjourn was made and accepted. The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Vick Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 1:32
The minutes from the October meeting were read and approved by unanimous vote without any corrections.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,038.72 in bank, much of which will be used for the Christmas Fair. She is still collecting dues if anyone needs to pay.
Judy Gustin reported that a condolence card was sent to Barbara Campbell’s suggested instead of the Village Hall Library, we consider a donation either Cape Ann Animal Aid or Hyde Family Hospice charities suggested by her family. It was put to a vote. The majority voted to donate to the Library. A motion to donate $50 to the Library was unanimously approved.
Anne Sinkinson, Membership, received a very nice letter from new member Annie Storr. She will miss the next few meetings due to teaching obligations but will be helping at the Christmas Fair.
There was a question about whether we make or purchase coffee for Christmas Fair workshop days. It’s a combination of both. Whoever signs up for the day decides, as we do have an urn.
Mimi Emmons, finance, reported that to date we have two requests for money and assume there will be more in the next couple of months. The Finance Committee will meet right after New Years to decide how to distribute money raised.
Debra Michal, Publicity, is sending information about the Christmas Fair to the usual publications and news outlets. Posters are being printed, including new ones for the sandwich boards. Volunteers are lined up to help her distribute the posters in the local area.
Carolyn Rogers had nothing to report for Scholarship.
Suzanne Brown, reported that the blog has been updated with a teaser to get people interested in the Christmas Fair. She asked that we share it with people who we think will be interested in attending the Fair, and also share the event on our Facebook page.
Deb Bird shared a description of the first Sewing Circle fair, which she found in the “About” section of the website. It was held in March 1846 in the concert hall of the school house and a “success, as $33 was expended on the church, which seems to have become the neediest object.”
Gigs Cunningham reported that the Good Neighbors is hosting a talk about making your home safe and preventing falls from 2 to 3 p.m. before next Monday’s tea.
Deb Bird gave a brief overview of what happens during the Christmas Fail Prep Week. Monday through Thursday is focused on getting greens ready and Friday is set up. She encouraged everyone to attend as much of the week as possible. Stevie Neal asked that you let her or Bonnie Angus know as soon as possible if you want to order a large wreath. Hellebores, which bloom in the winter, will be available again this year. They sold well last year so we will have more this year.
Craft Table Chair, Gigs Cunningham, asked that we each contribute two or more crafts. Knit items sell well, especially washable wool items. Please include special instructions, a price, and a note as to whether you want back if does not sell. Gigs has tags if you need them. Crafts can be dropped off at her house anytime, or email her and she will come and get them. The sooner, the better!
Gourmet. Each member is asked to bring at least one homemade item attractively wrapped and labeled, ideally.
Jewelry. Check your jewelry and bring in any that you are ready to get rid of!
Grabs. Every person is asked to bring three wrapped items that cost under $5, one adult male, female and pet. We still have enough grabs for children. Grabs sell for $2.
Bows. Judy Gustin is retiring as the“bow person.” Deb Bird asked if someone would be willing to host bow making workshop where those interested can learn and then make them at home. We need about 175 bows, which will be hard to make without a workshop. Suzanne Brown volunteered. Deb will send out email with the workshop date. Liz Sheehan volunteered a second in night, if needed.
Baskets. Last year gift baskets sold and all agreed that we should sell them this year. Last year baskets were packaged onsite using items donated by members. It was agreed to use the same approach this year.
Luncheon. Mimi Emmons, Pippy Giuliano, Joline Hentschel and Connie Mason will cook once again this year. Members were asked to sign-up to bring salad, cooked chicken or pies and self-address a postcard that Connie will send to reminder of what members volunteered to bring. Connie Mason proposed that we increase the luncheon price from $17 to $18. There was unanimous agreement. Pre-ordered casseroles will increase from $15 to $16 and can be picked up Thursday. Linette is coordinating reservations, which should be made ahead of time, and collecting checks. There is a luncheon sign-up sheet.
Deb Bird distributed a card and asked members to list three items they would like to purchase the Fair and asked members to share them. We also brainstormed items and ideas for what we want to see at the Fair. She once again stressed the importance of “gift-style” packaging for the gourmet table, as people often look at buying these items as gifts and they fly off the table when they are beautifully packaged. She also suggested trading with someone if you can’t make a crafts or talking to Deb or Donna Caselden. Deb told members to look for email from the Gourmet Table chairs and to respond and let them know what you’re bringing.
There will be a wreath decorating tutorial on Monday of prep week. Be sure to come that day if you are interested.
Today’s teas Hostesses are Wendy Banks, Emily Murphy, Joline Hentschel and Nancy Davis.
The meeting adjourned 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
No meeting in December
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.
The meeting opened with guest speakers Ed Becker and Dave Pearce providing an update on the Willlmann Project. The Project is an effort headed by the Essex County Greenbelt to acquire the 4-acre Willmann property on Lobster Cove for conservation. Ed Becker spoke on behalf ofGreenbelt and Dave Pearce on behalf of Mt. Adnah Cemetery, which abuts the property. Key points included: Acquiring the property will prevent it from future development forever. If it is not saved, it is estimated that the land could be developed with three to five properties. Greenbelt has partnered with Mt. Adnah Cemetery, which will allow the cemetery to expand beyond the 15 to 20 years of space currently available. It will also preserve the landscape and provide a path for safe passage along the dangerous curve at the beginning of Leonard Street. The property, appraised at $1 million, is being offered for conservation for $650,000. To date, $400,000 has been raised. We have until April 1stto come up with the remaining $250,000. This community effort is spearheaded by a “neighbors and friends” committee comprised of Lee Cunningham, Bob Wallis and George Bird. Contributions can be made through either Greenbelt or Mt. Adnah donations. Donations can also be in the form of a pledge that can be paid over two years.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $21,697 in the bank. The amount of money raised by the Christmas Fair is about the same as last year. Deb Bird thanked and congratulated everyone for a successful Christmas Fair.
Mimi Emmons reported that the Finance Committee met and distributed a report with the Committee’s recommendations. Given that the Circle’s goal is to serve the Village and the immediate Annisquam community, the Committee recommended that this year we make a substantial, $10,000 donation to the Willmann Project and two $500donations -one to the Cape Ann Symphony classroom program and one to The Open Door. The committee will send a letter to those we usually support letting them know that this is an unusual year and next year our usual distribution of gifts will resume. A motion to accept the Committee’s recommendations was made and accepted. There was discussion about whether to donate the $10,000 to Greeenbelt, Mt. Adnah or both. It was put to a vote with overwhelming approval to donate through a Mt. Adnah donation. Lee Cunningham reminded us that the Sewing Circle donation does not negate the need for individual donations. Deb reminded everyone that a meeting about the project is being held at the Village Hall on January 19th and asked everyone to spread the word and be an ambassador for the project. Also, if the project falls through, donations will be returned.
It was reported that Bonnie Angus broke her leg while visiting Montana. Paul Littlefield is at Mass General, and Joyce Novak is in good spirits, but very frail. She still is not home. Christine Lundberg thanked everyone for the cards while she was recovering and said that they do indeed provide “sunshine.”
There was nothing new for Scholarship or Membership or Publicity.
The Good Neighbors dinner is on January 21st.
It was decided to approve the November meeting minutes at the February meeting due to time constraints today. They will be posted on the website for everyone to read prior to the February meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. to a tea hosted by Ellen Stone, Martha Hooper, Lida Bernard and Liz Sheehan.
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:39p.m.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $10,925 in the bank.
Donna Caselden read letter that Finance Committee Chair Mimi Emmons received from Michelle Cook requesting a donation to the Docksiders, Gloucester High School’s jazz band. The money will be used for the band to travel and perform at Disney World during the 2017-18 school year. A motion donate $200 was made and accepted.
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made and accepted.
The minutes for the January meeting were read and approved with no changes.J
udy Gustin, Sunshine Chair, reported that about six notes have been sent in last few weeks. Our thoughts are very much with Jackie Littlefield, whose husband Paul recently passed away. Also, with Mimi Emmons, whose husband and dad have not been well, and Elz Spofford, whose mom died. Carolyn Stewart had operation and will be laid up for quite a while. Chan Davis is back home and doing well. Maureen Quine took tumble and sprained her ankle. She is home doing well.
Membership has no news. We have three Active Membership slots open.Associate membership is full with 52 members.
Hospitality Chair Dottie Roeske had no news to report.
Website coordinator Suzanne Brown reported that the December and January minutes are posted on the website.
Deb asked if the recipes people bring today can be posted on website. Deb Bird asked everyone to start thinking about the Plant Sale, which will be the focus of the next meeting. She also thanked everyone for bringing cookbooks for the Village library. There will be a cookbook exchange with cookbooks that the library could not accommodate at the next meeting. Deb called for any new business before diving in the Foodie Forum, the feature of this month’s meeting. Sandy ask for Willmann project update. Deb reported that the project is making good progress. Green Belt meeting tomorrow. Deb opened the Foodie Forum discussion by sharing a few delightful, old cookbooks, including Mrs. Beaton’s Household Management published in the 1860s and Mrs. Lincoln’s Boston Cookbook, published about the same time. The remainder of the meeting was a free flow of conversation and sharing around favorite recipes, food blogs, and kitchen tools and tips.
Suzanne Brown reported that she is setting up an ASC Sharing “closed” Facebook Group. The purpose of the group is to it let others know about things we have available to share with or give to others, or let others know about things we need help with. The group will start with Circle members and then other can be added later. Suzanne Brown will post copies of the recipes members brought today on the website. She also reminded us that the website login is our email address and password is circle. Email Suzanne if you have trouble getting on the site, which is The blog site, which anyone can access, is
The meeting was adjourned at 2:42p.m. to tea. Tea hostesses were Connie Mason, Deb Bird, Chicki Hollett and Donna Davis.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:38 p.m.
Minutes from the February meeting were read and approved. T
reasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $10,776.58 in bank. She also reported that thank you notes have been received from all who received a Sewing Circle donation. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made and unanimously approved.
There were no Sunshine, Membership or Scholarship reports.
Suzanne Brown reported that recipes brought to the last meeting have been posted on the website. Recipes can still be added to the site. Email them to Suzanne. Deb Bird asked that kitchen tips shared at the last meeting also be added, which Suzanne will do. Suzanne reported that the ASC Sharing Facebook Group is only open to Circle members. The purpose of the group is to provide a place members can share items and ask for help from one another. There is no money exchange and only group members can see one another’s posts.
Deb opened the discussion about the upcoming Plant Sale and possible dates. She shared Plant Sale figures from the past couple years, including 2016, which grossed $8,318 and netted $2,277. If we hold the sale early again this year, it will be on May 13th. Because it is the day before Mother’s Day, it could be an incentive to buy more. Stevie Neal noted that the downside of the earlier date is less inventory from which to choose, but nurseries may be better stocked because of Mother’s Day. Deb asked everyone to save May13th. The date will be finalized when Bonnie Angus can weigh in on it. Deb suggested selling small bouquets, like those sold at the Sea Fair, for Mother’s Day. Stevie thinks it is a good idea and we should probably do it. Native plants from members’ garden are always popular and sell well. Let Donna, Deb, Stevie or Bonnie know if you need help digging up plants for the sale from your garden. Gigs Cunningham and Susan Harris volunteered to head the Plant Sale bake table. Deb recommended investing in new signage. The consensus was that it’s a good investment. Deb reported that to date $550K has been raised for the Willmann Project. Just under $100Kneeds to be raised to reach the $650 goal. Please continue to spread the word.
The remainder of the meeting was a “Close to Home” information exchange. Highlights include:The auditorium was filled for the celebration of Grace Murray’s hat exhibit at the Cape Ann Museum. Suzanne will put pictures on our pubic website. Steve Harris will post his video of the event on the Village Hall website. Cynthia Borghesani described nippers, which many women knit for fishermen when the Sewing Circle was founded. Made from and stuffed with wool, nippers protected the fisherman’s’ hands when fishing line slipped through them. Two new restaurants in the area worth trying are Superfine Food in Manchester and Feather and Wedge in Rockport. John Perry’s book about Singapore was recently published. Sandra Williams is having a reading of her new book on April 21st? Heather Atwood who writes the Gloucester Daily Times “Food for Thought” column will be our guest speaker at the May meeting. She is also the author of a cookbook, “In Cod We Trust” and a regular contributor to the online magazine, “The Other Cape.”
The meeting was adjourned at. 2:33 p.m. to a tea hosted by Maureen Quine, Anthea Brigham, Linette French and Judy Juncker.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.
Minutes from the March meeting were read and approved with no changes.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $10,777.98 in the bank. A motion to accept the report was made and approved.
Sunshine Chair, Judy Gustin, sent a note to Maureen Quine. A motion to make a $50 donation to the Village Hall Library to honor Bobby Emmons, who passed away yesterday, was made and approved. Christine Lundberg, who is recovering from shoulder surgery, needs a note. Dick Novak would also benefit from a note. He is hoping to get back to Annisquam soon; however, Joyce fell yesterday and hurt wrist for yet another setback. They are staying at Riverbend in Ipswich and Deb will send everyone their address. Deb Bird proposed that we also make a library donation in Paul Littlefield’s name. A motion to make a $50 donation was made and approved.
Membership Chair Annie Sinkinson proposed Sandra Caniff for Active Membership. Sandra recently moved to Bennett Street, and her many interests include crafts, cooking and racquet sports. She comes to Monday teas and will be a great addition to the Circle. A motion to accept Sandra as a member was made and approved. Annie will let her know.
Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers asked members to spread the word about the Sewing Circle’s scholarship. Her goal is to have an ongoing list of Annisquam kids in 9th grade and above so we can have an idea of whether money is needed each year or whether it can be repurposed. We only have one potential applicant for the current season and she has not yet contacted us.
Please send Suzanne Brown any helpful kitchen hints and she will post them to the website.
Hospitality Chair Dotte Roeske reported that today’s tea hostesses are Joan Collier, Germaine Fritz and Jill Lovejoy.
Deb Bird read the list of people slated to receive Easter Plants, which the Sewing Circle delivers each year, and asked if there are others who should also be in on the list. Please send her names if you think of anyone. Deb Bird opened a discussion about the upcoming Plant Sale, which has traditionally be held Memorial Day weekend. Last year, moving the date earlier resulted in increased sales. Perennials from members’ gardens and native plants always sell well. Donna Caselden reported that this year’s sale will include planters. A few will be planted ahead of time, and we will also have some empty planters so buyers can choose plants at the sale and have us put a planter together for them. Please bring empty planters you no longer need to the next meeting on May 9th. Also, bring empty water bottles, packing noodles or empty soda cans for large planters.
Sign-up sheets for Bake Sale donations and volunteer times were circulated. Germaine Fritz will fill in for Bake Sale co-chair. Sue Harris, who will be away the date of the sale. Please package baked goods attractively. Volunteers are needed for Friday set up, ideally strong men. Ellen Stone will ask for volunteers at the next Leonard Club meeting. Deb Bird reported that Bonnie Angus is on board with this year’s earlier Plant Sale date, which is Saturday, May 13th. Publicity is working on new signage for the sale.
Deb Bird reported that the Willmann Project has raised $625K to date and is very close to the $650K goal. Dave Pearce sent a note thanking the Circle for our $10,000 donation to the project. Gloucester’s Generous Gardeners is holding a Tulip Festival on Saturday, May 6th. The festival features over 22,000 tulips that were planted on Stacy Blvd. last fall. The event is free and worth supporting. Judy Junker thanked the Circle for books donated to the Library. Gigs Cunningham reported that the Good Neighbors’ brunch is being held Sunday, May 7th at noon at the Village Hall. Deb Bird reported that Heather Atwood, who writes the Gloucester Daily Times “Food for Thought” column, will be our guest speaker at the May meeting.
This year’s Annual Meeting will be a Garden Party at Donna Caselden’s house. More details will be provided at the May meeting. Donna introduced Kate Wiggins, this month’s speaker. Owner of KW Landscape designs, Kate installs and maintains a variety of landscapes with an emphasis on seaside gardens, naturalistic habitats and organic methods. She answered members’ gardening questions.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. to anther delicious tea.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:32 p.m.
Rather than read minutes, they will be posted on the website.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $8525.25 in the bank. Her report was unanimously approved.
Judy Gustin was not here for a Sunshine report. However, it was reported that Judy Friend has had a partial hip replacement after taking a bad fall and breaking her hip. After the hospital, she will recuperate in rehab. Maureen Quine is on the mend. Gigs Cunningham, for Good Neighbor, asked if anyone can take meals to the Gales for this Thurs, Fri and next Fri. The Gales are most grateful.
Membership chair, Annie Sinkinson reported that we have 53 active members. Betsy Colby nominated Lynn Fennollosa. A motion to approved her membership was, seconded and unanimously approval. Annie will let Lynn know.
Deb Michael, Publicity Chair, reported that new Plant Sale signs have been printed by Seaside Graphics and posted. All of the signs are the same. Since we’ve learned that the same “look” works from year to year, the signs were designed and printed to easily have the date changed and be reused. Seaside gave us $100 off bill for errors/problems encountered in printing the signs.
Carolyn Rogers, Scholarship Chair, reported that so far we have one applicant so far and letter to one who received a scholarship. There was discussion about the definition of Annisquam, which is not clearly defined for purposes of awarding scholarships.
A few members’ photos are still needed for the member section of the website. If they have not done so yet, members are asked to please send a photo to Suzanne Brown. Suzanne reminded us how to access the website.
The new date for the Garden Party being held at Donna Caselden’s house is Tuesday, June6th at 12:30p.m. The board and committee members will provide lunch. Please bring auction item and check book! Joan Collier, Maureen Quine and Sue Willis will be auctioneers.
Deb Bird gave a huge thanks to Stevie Neal and Bonnie Angus for their travels far and wide to get plants, including a trip to Saco, Maine. They’ve done an amazing job, and we couldn’t do the sale without them. Bonnie has sign-up sheets and volunteers to work on Saturday. This year she is only taking special orders of six or more of anything. Single plant orders are too difficult. Since herbs did not sell well last year, they will not be available at this year’s sale. impatiens are too small this year to sell and make money. The sales will mainly feature perennials, annuals this time of year are small, too. money. Generally annuals are still pretty small. A lot of perennials. Not too many showing color yet.Deb asked anyone who needs help digging up plants from their garden for the sale to let us know. Lida Bernard is taking charge of filled containers, which is new this year. The plan is to start with a small number of containers made up in advance, and increase the number next year if they sell well. The press release also says that buyers can bring their own containers that we will fill them with plants they purchase at the sale. . Stevie Neal showed tea cups with flower arrangements in them, which were for sale at the MFA “Art in Bloom.” The MFA sold close to 150 for $10 each in just 2 hours. She asked members to donate stray teacups. It’s too late to sell them this year, but it’s a low cost project and one that would be fun to consider for next year. Jackie Littlefield suggested selling them for Christmas Fail. Stevie is going to make a few to test market at this year’s sale.. Germaine Fritz suggested selling succulents, which are popular this year. Members who have flower gardens at home were asked to flowers and small vases for small arrangements, which will be priced the morning of the sale. Please sign up for the Bake Sale if you have not yet done so. Baked goods can be dropped off on Friday at Germaine’s house between 2 and 4p.m.Ideally drop off Friday if possible. All of the bake table volunteer slots are filled. Suzanne Brown is making gift tags with the Plant Sale graphic to put on bake sale items and key plants. A short blurb about Sewing Circle is on the back of the cards.
Deb Bird introduced our guest speaker, Heather Atwood, who talked about her career as a food write and how it has evolved with today’s media, how it reflected what has been happening in the media today. Heather writes the Gloucester Daily Times “Food for Thought” column. She also talked about working Cape Ann Fresh Catch, which started eight years ago under flags of Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives. People sign up and pay fishermen in advance and then pick up their weekly fish order. The selection is small, but there is no freshener fish on Cape Ann. Heather also shared a few of her favorite cookbooks, including: “Out of Line,” Barbara Lynch’s new memoir; “Methodist Rockport Cookbook,” “Alice B Toklas Cookbook”, “Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals That Brought Me Home,” by Jessica Fechtor, “Blood, Bones & Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef,” by Gabrelle Hamilton.
Today’s delicious tea was hosted by Dottie Roeske, Jackie Littlefield, Deb Ebeling and Pam Saylor
The meeting was adjourned at 2:38p.m.
Annisquam Sewing Circle MeetingvMinutes
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Donna Caselden’s House
The meeting was called to order.
Deb Bird introduced and welcomed new member Sandra Canniff.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reviewed sales from the Plant Sale, noting that Bonnie continues to bring in money from sales to her clients, which adds to our bottom line. She noted that regardless of what we do, the Plant Sale generates similar income within $100 from year to year. Our bank account has $11,418.88. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented was approved.
Sunshine Chair Judy Gustin was not in attendance; however, members reported that Joyce Novak fell again and is back in rehab in Ipswich. Judy Friend is back home, doing well and in good spirits. Both love cards, calls and visitors. Kari Gunn is still not home, but recovering well. Holly Perry is having shoulder surgery in the coming week and would appreciate cards. Gigs Cunningham thanked everyone for pitching in with meals, which are greatly appreciated by those who need them.
Membership Chair Annie Sinkinson reported that we have room for one more member.
Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers reported that we have two scholarship applicants. Both are very deserving. Julia Johnson is a waitress and bartender at the yacht club and was accepted at George Washington University. She’s done a lot of community service, works at Willow Rest and volunteers at Tree Top and The Open Door Food Pantry. The other is Josh Gabbe, who was accepted at Brandies University. He spends his summer working on writing and producing his music and has some of his music on the sound cloud. A motion to award a scholarship to both was approved by unanimous vote.
Dona Shea, Nominating, introduced the 2017-2108 slate of officers and committee heads, which is unchanged with the exception of Emily Murphy, who will replace Judy Gustin as Corresponding Secretary & Sunshine,and Sue Willis, who will replace Mimi Emmons as Finance Committee Chair. The new slate was approved by unanimous vote.
Publicity Chair Deb Michel, and Website Liaison Suzanne Brown had nothing new to report.
Members were asked to think about possible dates and new ideas for next year’s Plant Sale. Please collect tea cups. They were very popular and sold quickly. Discussion will continue at the September meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1:36p.m. to the Annual Meeting Luncheon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle Board Member & Committee Heads 2017-18
Deborah BirdCo-president
Donna CaseldenCo-president
Kate Meader-Vice President
Nancy Martin-Treasurer
Vicki Bourneuf-Recording Secretary
Emily Murphy-Corresponding Secretary & Sunshine
Annie Sinkinson-Membership
Sue Harris, Lee Cunningham-Nominating
Dona Shea, Ann Mannle, Dottie Roeske-Hospitality
Deborah Michel-Publicity
Carolyn Rogers-Scholarship
Suzanne Brown-Website Liaison
Sue Willis-Finance