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Annisquam Sewing Circle
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:36 p.m.
Co-president Deb Bird welcomed new members Lyn Fenollosa and Sandra Caniff, who is not here today. Deb asked members to update incorrect information on last year’s directory, which was circulated. She noted that the directory is not printed yet due to a number of late changes and a prospective new member coming aboard.
Treasurer Nancy Martin distributed copies of annual report. The Circle’s fiscal year ended close to where year started, with about $600 more in the bank. The Christmas Fair netted $11,329.25, about the same as last year. The Plant Sale netted $1,503.08, a little less than last year. Bonnie Angus may still have money to send in from plants she sells directly to clients. Dues, which are $5, were still being collected. The motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was seconded and approved.
Committee Reports:
Sunshine. Joyce Novak just got out of hospital and is at home. Deedy Sargent fell yesterday and broke a hip. She’s at Beverly Hospital. Vicki Dangelmayer has been home since the end of August and likes visitors and calls to chat. All of these members can use cards and good cheer!
Membership. Martha Hooper proposed Mary Flaherty, who just bought a condo on Leonard Street, for Active Membership. Mary has been active with Annisquam Village Players on and off for 35 years, sews and volunteers at the Sea Fair among many other activities and interests.
Annie Sinkinson reported that we have 54 active members and room for one more member. Ellen Stone has moved to Associate Membership, which is now full. Grace Murray has moved to Honorary Membership. Expectations for each membership category were reviewed. It’s important that sponsors make sure potential new members are well aware of what is expected for the Christmas Fair and Plant Sale, and also act as a mentor during the first year of membership.
Hospitality. Dottie Roeske reported that today’s tea was provided by the officers and committee chairs. Sign-up sheets for Meeting Teas and Christmas Fair Prep were circulated.
Finances. Sue Willis thanked Mimi Emmons, who has been head of Finance for 10 years. She’s looking forward to help from Mimi and for recommendations from members for Annisquam charities that need/want money this year. The goal is to complete all donations by spring so we know how much is left for scholarships.
Publicity –Deb Bird asked for volunteers to help Deb Michel distribute Christmas Fair posters. Lyz Bennett offered to help her.
Scholarship –Carolyn asked members to let rising Annisquam seniors who are heading to college know that scholarships are available. Also ask them to support Sewing Circle events.
Website. Suzanne Brown reported that almost everyone’s photo is on site. More information about what is required from members for the Christmas Fair and Plant Sale has being added to the site. Suzanne also reviewed how to login to the website.l6.
Deb Bird asked members to report anything new and close to home of interest to others.
The Arts& Crafts Fair is only two and a half weeks away. This year there are 39 artisans participating. Galleries will be in the Leonard Club, not a tent,so everything will be in one place. Members were asked to volunteer to work a shift, and everyone is invited to the preview party Friday evening, October 6th.
Germaine Fritz, talked about Hurricane Irma’s impact on the British Virgin Islands and the overwhelming loss and need created. She shared personal stories about people she knows and asked members to consider making donationsto help with the rebuild effort and those in need.
Deb Bird led a discussion about pros and cons of this year’s Plant Sale, the merits of going forward with it in the future, and moving it back to Memorial Day.
Jackie Littlefield thought holding it the week before Memorial Day is a good idea because there are so many other plant sales Memorial Day weekend. Stevie Neal said holding the sale the week before Memorial Day did not pose a problem forgetting inventory.
Mother’s Day helped boost sales.
The experiment wit h container sales was not started early enough.
Perhaps we should channel energy to other things.
Tea cups were a huge success. One thought is to collect them throughout the year and have a workshop to assemble them the day before the sale.
The Bake Sale only made $500 because there was not as much to sell as in past years. The bake goods we had sold well.
Sue Willis compared the bottom line and effort required for the Plant Sale to the Annual Meeting Auction. Comparatively, the Plant Sale is a lot of effort for a small amount of revenue.
It was proposed that we set up a committee to explore alternative options and possible changes to sale.
Christmas Fair
Maureen volunteered to head up the bow-making committee and is looking for volunteers to help her. She would like to start making them earlier this year and have them all finished before the Fair Prep week begins. Kate Meader has offered to take charge of the Christmas Fair workshops –if you have ideas for the workshops, please let her know. Cynthia Borghesani proposed a reprint of the cookbooks. It’s an “evergreen” product and a steady seller because of tourists. Many thought it is worth considering and will be explored. Cynthia has promised to get pricing for a reprint and will report back at the next meeting. Deb Bird asked members to think of ways to continue to promote friendship and congeniality, which is one of the Circle’s original and important intentions. To that end, we played a fun game of “mystery history” trying to match anonymous member clues with member names.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40p.m to Tea hosted by the Board and Committee Chairs.
Vicki Bourneuf
- October 10, 2017
- November 7, 2017
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 1:32p.m.
The minutes from the October meeting were read and approved by unanimous vote without any corrections.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,038.72 in bank, much of which will be used for the Christmas Fair. She is still collecting dues if anyone needs to pay.
Judy Gustin reported that a condolence card was sent to Barbara Campbell’s family. She suggested instead of the Village Hall Library, we consider a donation to the charities mentioned by her family, either Cape Ann Animal Aid or Hyde Family Hospice.I t was put to a vote. The majority voted to donate to the Library. A motion to donate $50 to the Library was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
Anne Sinkinson, Membership, received a very nice letter from new member Annie Storr. She will miss the next few meetings due to teaching obligations, but will be helping at the Christmas Fair. There was a question about whether we make or purchase coffee for Christmas Fair workshop days. It’s a combination of both. Whoever signs up for the day decides, as we do have an urn.
Mimi Emmons, finance, reported that to date we have two requests for money and assume there will be more in the next couple of months. The Finance Committee will meet right after New Years to decide how to distribute money raised.
Debra Michal, Publicity, is sending information about the Christmas Fair to the usual publications and news outlets. Posters are being printed, including new ones for the sandwich boards. Volunteers are lined up to help her distribute the posters in the local area.
Carolyn Rogers had nothing to report for Scholarship.
Suzanne Brown reported that the blog has been updated with a teaser to get people interested in the Christmas Fair. She asked that we share it with people who we think will be interested in attending the Fair, and also share the event on our Facebook page.
Deb Bird shared a description of the first Sewing Circle fair, which she found in the “About” section of the website. It was held in March 1846 in the concert hall of the school house and a “success, as $33 was expended on the church, which seems to have become the neediest object.”
Gigs Cunningham reported that the Good Neighbors is hosting a talk about making your home safe and preventing falls from 2 to 3 p.m. before next Monday’s tea.
Deb Bird gave a brief overview of what happens during the Christmas Fail Prep Week. Monday through Thursday is focused on getting greens ready and Friday is set up. She encouraged everyone to attend as much of the week as possible. She also asked for a report for each table. Important items included:
Let Stevie Neal or Bonnie Angus know as soon as possible if you want to order a large wreath. Hellebores, which bloom in the winter, will be available again this year
For the craft table, please include special instructions, a price, and a note as to whether you want back if does not sell. Gigs has tags if you need them.
Label and package gourmet items attractively.
Connie Mason proposed that we increase the luncheon price from $17 to $18. There was unanimous agreement. Pre-ordered casseroles will increase from $15 to $16 and can be picked up Thursday.
Deb Bird distributed a card and asked members to list three items they would like to purchase the Fair, which served as the basis for brain storming items and ideas for what we want to see at the Fair. She once again stressed the importance of “gift-style” packaging for the gourmet table, as people often buy these items as gifts and they ‘fly off the table’ when they are beautifully packaged! She also suggested trading with someone if you can’t make a craft or talking to Deb or Donna Caselden. Deb told members to look for email from the Gourmet Table chairs and to respond and let them know what you’re bringing. There will be a wreath decorating tutorial on Monday of prep week. Be sure to come that day if you are interested.
Today’s tea Hostesses are Wendy Banks, Emily Murphy, Jolene Henstchel and Nancy Davis.
The meeting adjourned 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle
post Christmas Fair meeting, Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Stevie and Suzanne said baskets were not missed this year.
Greens: Stevie suggested having a workshop 2 to 3 weeks prior to the fair. Although we did a good job, we still need quality control. Lida requested heavier wire for the big wreaths. Fake fruit shows up very well. Forget the bling and glitter. Lyn thinks we made too many boxwood trees. She too would like to have a workshop prior to the fair. She also would like to have stars for the tree tops. Lyn suggested we start collecting containers, cups, etc. for paper whites and amaryllis bulbs. The teacups were a good seller. Deb Bird would like to see more people cutting greens for the week leading up to the fair. The birdhouses sold for 14 dollars. Maybe we should consider making bigger ones next year. Gigs suggested we video tape the workshops.
Bows: It was a good idea to start making the bows way ahead of time, and we should do this again next year.
P.R. Deb Michel and Suzanne did a great job! Next year the fair will start at 8:00 and end at 12:00.
Crafts: Gig said the crafts did well. Connie’s two doorstops, Jill’s doll outfit, and Grace’s hat all sold at the silent auction. Gigs suggested maybe adding more items for the silent auction. Gigs also mentioned that we had a great variety of crafts this year.
Gourmet table: Wendy Banks said the gourmet table did very well. Pam Saylor’s cake flew off the table! It was suggested that we have some packaging supplies for those who do not bring anything to wrap their own. We should also label items containing nuts and if something needs to be refrigerated and used within 14days.
Jewelry: The jewelry table was a great success.
Mimi suggested maybe charging 4 dollars rather than 3 dollars for items.
Luncheon: Connie said don’t tell anyone we sell casseroles because the board of health is very picky. All casseroles are made on Thursday. Connie also suggested we purchase (on line) new long red table cloths that do not need ironing. Connie would also like to see more of a variety of pies. She doesn’t think pumpkin is a big seller. She would like to have people signing up to make pie to state what kind they are baking. Connie also suggested we have a floor manager to make sure tables are set up properly on Thursday. Larry Cook helped this year.
Grabs: Jackie said we don’t need anymore grabs for children, but we do need them for men, women and pets. It was mentioned that we should think about a better method for paying, and better lighting for the greens.Suzanne would like to start having workshops early for gift tags, firestarters, cat nip, etc.
- January 9, 2018
- February 10, 2018
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
The meeting called to order at 1:34 p.m.
Deb Bird welcomed new member, Ellie Loring, and announced that Lara Lepionka, Executive Director of Backyard Growers is our guest speaker. Backyard Growers is always looking for volunteers if anyone is interested.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we recently received $10.67 in interest and currently have $25,589.28 in the bank. The Treasurer’s report was accepted by unanimous vote.
Because Sunshine Chair Emily Murphy was not present. Deb asked if anyone needed “sunshine.” Steve Saylor’s father recently died.
Annie Sinkinson, Membership Chair, reported that there has been a lot of movement since the last meeting. Nancy Davis and Pam Saylor moved to Associate Membership, and Alden Nichols, Jill Carter and Holly Perry are now Honorary Members. We currently have 52 Active Members, the maximum is 55; 18 Associate Members, the maximum is 20; and5 Honorary Members.
Hospitality Chair, Dottie Roeske, reported that today’s tea hostesses are Carolyn Roy, Wendy Banks, Pat Makin, and Lyz Sheehan. Instructions for Tea Hostesses are going to be posted on the cabinet door in the kitchen and also on the Hospitality page of the website. Ten days before each meeting, Dottie will send a reminder and instructions to the meeting’s Tea Hostesses
Sue Willis, Finance Chair, noted that in the past, we have always voted on contributions to charities in January. Starting this year, we’re going to vote after we know the number of scholarships being awarded so can possibly give more money to charities. This year, we will vote in April so please let Sue know in March of any groups that should be added to the list. Sue will also email a list of charities who have requested money so that members can give feedback. So far, the list includes: Gloucester Education, Wellspring, Gloucester High Docksiders, Mt Adnah Cemetery, The Village Hall, North Shore Symphony Youth Outreach, Annisquam Village Library, Annisquam Village Church, Backyard Growers, Kestral Education. The effort for building the new YMCA was suggested; Sue is adding it to the list.
Scholarship Chair, Carolyn Rogers, reported that we will probably have four scholarship applicants. She will move up the date for reaching out to potential applicants from May 1 to April 15 so that fits better with the Finance Meeting.
Suzanne Brown talked about workshops for the Christmas Fair. The first workshop was making gift tags at Lynn Fenollosa’s, which now need to be packaged. The suggested price is 10 for $4. The second workshop, which was a smaller group, made fire starters, which also need to be packaged. Time to do this will be scheduled before a regular meeting. Suzanne has added Dottie’st ea instructions to Hostess page on the website. It’s a PDF that can be downloaded and printed. Suzanne also presented several Christmas Fair craft ideas for generating money, including: Decorative string for boxwood trees, Gourmet table item packaging, such as Swedish woven baskets for goodies, Book marks made of elastic cord. Suzanne has ordered grommet maker so can make them with fabric and leather. Clever page markers for book pages that can be packaged and sold for small gift, Cat toys and small origami projects. Suzanne also reported that Grace Murray has offered to show interested members how to knit her special hats. If anyone is interested, let Suzanne know. Jill Lovejoy and Connie Mason have also offered to show members how to needlepoint and make small ornaments. It was also noted that Coveted Yarn offers knitting courses and group knitting.
Deb called for new and exciting “Close to Home”ideas, which included: Deb Bird’s announcement of Donna Caselden’s exhibit in Boston at 160 State Street and reception from 5-8p.m. Saturday night, February 17. Carolyn Roy’s best practice for cooking broccoli by heating for it for 1.5 minutes on Corel plate dabbed w few spoons of water, Pippy Giuliano’s recommendation of Peter Herbert and Peter Joule’s exhibit at Jane Deering’s gallery, Deb also shared a new emergency feature on the iOS 11 for the iPhone. Push the sleep/wake button five times and the phone will call 911 directly. Susan Willis highly recommends the Georgia O’Keefe exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum. Judy Junker recommends ice grippers for shoes, which can be purchased in hardware stores.
After a mini-break, Deb introduced Lara Lepionka from Backyard Growers, which provides community and backyard gardens for people of Gloucester and beyond. One of their goals is to make healthy fresh food more available to low-to moderate-income families. Lara shared how the organization has grown since she was last here in 2014 and highlighted some of their exciting projects. More information about how to get involved and current activities can be found on their website
The meeting adjourned at 2:27p.m. to another delicious tea.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
- March 13, 2018 Minutes missing
- April 10, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we currently have $25,513.63 in the bank. The Treasurer’s report was accepted by a unanimous vote.
Gigs Cunningham filled in for Secretary Vicki Bourneuf who was unable to attend the meeting. The minutes of the February 13, 2018 meeting were read and accepted by a unanimous vote.
Sunshine Chair Emily Murphy was not present. Deb asked if anyone needed “sunshine.” Martha Hooper reported that Mary Flaherty was steadily improving and that she greatly appreciated all of the cards, concern,and flowers. Annie Sinkinson reported that her sister, Nannie, is at Seacoast. The Circle will send flowers. Bob Borghesani and Al Robinson are both at home with Hospice care.
Annie Sinkinson, Membership Chair, proposed Rosalie Hughes for membership. She has summered in Annisquam for over 40years and is now a year-round resident. She has participated in many Village events and enjoys creating crafts, as well as baking and gardening, and has worked with the Village Players for many summers. She was unanimously voted in as a new member. We now have 53 Active Members, 17 Associate Members and 5 Honorary Members.
Hospitality Chair, Dottie Roeske, thanked today’s tea hostesses: Lida Bernard, Lyn Fenollosa, Judy Gustin, and Mary Warner.
Sue Willis, Finance Chair, updated the list of charities who have requested money from the Sewing Circle. Thus far, the list includes: Gloucester Education Foundation, Wellspring, Gloucester High School Docksiders, Mt Adnah Cemetery, The Annisquam Village Hall, North Shore Symphony Youth Outreach, Annisquam Village Library, Pathways, Annisquam Village Church, Backyard Growers, Cape Ann Animal Aide, AnnisquamVillage Players, YMCA.
Carolyn Rogers, Scholarship Chair, reported that four applicants have applied for a scholarship and all have met the April 15th deadline. The applicants are: Jared Gilman, Alex Olson, Ted Moskal and Ava Trotman.
Publicity Chair, DebMichel, needs the date and time for the Spring Plant Sale in order to continue her work creating posters and spreading the word to the community about the sale.
Suzanne Brown reported that there are no changes on the website. She also was asked to come up with some possible new ideas for items to be sold at the ASC Plant Sale. Her suggestions included: Planting “Cat Grass,” baking dog biscuits and packaging them with the recipe, and making small birdseed hangers.
Bonnie Angus had requested that the ASC Plant Sale be held on Saturday, May 19th, but this is the same day the Celebration of Life for Nancy Bornhofft will be held in the Village Hall after her funeral service. After some discussion,it was decided that we will try holding the Plant Saleon Sunday, May 20th from 11:00 to 2:00. The following were some suggestions of possible items to sell in addition to Suzanne Brown’s: Small teacups with plants. Sell succulents (Some in the teacups.) Plants from members’ gardens Bright colored baseball hats Possibly sell coffee along with muffins or pastries Garden gloves with SQM on them
The Bake Sale needs greater support from members if it is going to be a good source of funds for the ASC. Sue Harris and Gigs Cunningham volunteered to Co-chair the Bake Sale. Lyn Fenollosa suggested the idea of possibly having a plant swap among members at one of our meetings.
The members were treated to a fabulous talk by co-president Donna Caselden’s friend, Julia Fox Garrison. Since the publication of “Don’t Leave Me This Way (or when I get back on my feet you’ll be sorry)” Julia has become a national speaker, advocating for integrating humanity in all professions. She spoke of her life after a massive brain hemorrhage and paralyzing stroke. Her inspirational talk was both informative and highly entertaining,and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were fortunate enough to have heard her speak!
The meeting was adjourned at 2:44 p.m. and was followed by a delicious tea.
Respectfully submitted,
Gigs Cunningham,on behalf of Vicki Bourneuf
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m.
President Deb Bird called for committee reports.
Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $25,524.26 in the bank. Secretary Vicki Bourneuf read minutes from the April meeting, which were unanimously approved. Emily Murphy reported that cards are being sent to Tom Hooper, Kate Meader, Mary Pope and Don Cook, who can all use some cheer and sunshine after hospitalizations, falls or illnesses. Membership Chair Annie Sinkinson reported no changes in membership. We have 53 Active, 17Associate and five Honorary members. Sue Willis reported that the Finance Committee met last week and emphasized that the committee takes the job of distributing money that the Circle works hard to raise very seriously. The Committee unanimously agreed to distribute $15,700 as follows: Village Church for maintenance, $2000; Pathways for Children, $500; Wellspring House, $500; Open Door, $1000; Gloucester Education Foundation, $1000; Village Hall, $3000, which includes a number of requests that funnel into the Village Hall, including the Historical Society and special project requests; Backyard Growers, $500; Cape Ann Animal Aid, $500; North Shore Youth Symphony, $1000; Cape Ann Museum, $500 earmarked for senior programs; Scholarships, $4000; Gloucester High School Docksiders, $200; Mt. Adnah Cemetery, $500; Cape Ann YMCA, $500. A motion to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendations was approved by unanimous vote. .
Deb Bird reported for Publicity Chair Deb Michels that Plant Sale poster and signs are in hand and being distributed. Suzanne Brown has sent press releases to local news and social media contacts. Deb Bird will let us know if help is needed to distribute signage. Carolyn Rogers proposed awarding this year’s scholarships toJ ared Gillman for St. Anslem’s, Alex Olsen for North Shore Community College, Ava Trotman for the University of Denver and Ted Moskal for Washington University. All are busy volunteering and have maintained good grades while contributing to the community. Scholarships for all four were approved by unanimous vote.
Suzanne Brown reported that there are no new workshops scheduled. The needlepoint and knitting workshops are going well. She is also happy to post member’s favorite recipes on the Circle’s website, including bake sale recipes. Just email them to her. Deb Bird reported that the Willman Project pathway work is underway. Deb also led a discussion about the upcoming Plant Sale, which is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 20th. Having it on Sunday this year is an experiment, with the time frame set to accommodate both early and late church goers. Sign-up sheets for the bake table and plant area were circulated. Volunteers are needed to set up on Saturday. Stevie Neal circulated a sheet to request special items, including geraniums and special perennials. Teacups will be available again this year for $10 each. They sell quickly and raise quite a bit of extra money. Through a show of hand, volunteers decided to assemble tea cups individually, rather than in a workshop. We need about 15, which is the number that sold last year. Gigs updated us on the bake table portion of the Plant Sale, which contributes a large portion of the sale’s proceeds. Baked goods should be attractively packaged and can be dropped off at Sue Harris’s house at 96 Leonard Street between 4 and 6 p.m. on Saturday afternoon before the sale, or 8a.m. the morning of the sale. Please label items and indicate if they contain nuts or are gluten-free. The Exchange will be open during the sale.
Deb Bird announced that the Annual Meeting will be held at noon on Tuesday, June 26th at Donna Caselden’s house. Lunch will be followed by the meeting and auction. Bring something of value that you don’t need any longer for the auction. You can also donate services, cocktail parties and the like. Please RSVP and sign up to bring something for lunch.
Hospitality Chair, Dottie Roeske thanked Pippy Giuliano, Ann Mannle, Emily Murphy and Nancy Davis for today’s tea.
Deb Bird requested and members shared “Close to Home” ideas and recommendations, which included: The documentary, Ruth Bader Ginsberg; Osmocote for plants; Applying only liquid products to roses during the first year and recommendation to loosen the roots and add an antifungal before planting, too. Neptune’s Harvest as an excellent fertilizer.; Wisconsin-based Women’s International Pharmacy for estrogen cream, which is extremely expensive through other pharmacies. It’s only about $145 a year through this pharmacy. An MD referral is needed; Grill or roast asparagus to preserve vitamins. Fresh asparagus should have no smell; Advanced Cleaning Concepts in Beverly for upholstery cleaning.
Gigs Cunningham reported that Carol Cox is the new Good Neighbors president and Tom Moriarty the new vice president. Gigs noted that everyone in the Village is welcome to become a Good Neighbors member. There is a large group of members who take on a supportive role if they can’t or don’t want to take on an active role. Just let Good Neighbors know if you are interested.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:23p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Bourneuf
Annisquam Sewing Circle Annual Meeting Minutes
June 26, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 1:00p.m.
Treasurer, Nancy Martin reported that we have $11,827.11 bank; $4,000 was used for scholarships and $11,700 for charitable donations. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s was approved by unanimous vote.
Emily Murphy, Sunshine, sent a card to the Junkers for their 60th wedding anniversary. She also reported that Judy’s husband, Hank, is in the hospital and the Village Library will be celebrating Judy’s 50 years as a librarian. Doris Rust is not feeling well would love people to stop by. A card was sent to Shelia Higgins who is doing well in Florida after hip surgery.
Sue Willis had nothing new to report for the Finance Committee
Scholarship Chair Carolyn Rogers was not present; however, it was reported that Nancy Martin sent all scholarship recipients checks and received very nice, appreciative notes, not just emails.
All is quiet on publicity and hospitality fronts. Dottie Roeske thanked everyone for bringing luncheon items for today’s meeting. The Nominating Committee presented the proposed slate of officers and committee chairs for the upcoming year: Co-Presidents: Kate Meader and WendyBanks, Vice President: Gigs Cunningham, Treasurer:Nancy Martin, Corresponding Secretary: Emily Murphy, Recording Secretary: Vicki Bourneuf, FinanceChair: SueWillis, Publicity Chair: Perry McIntosh, Hospitality Chair: Pippy Giuliano, Website Chair: Suzanne Brown, Scholarship: Carolyn Rogers, Nominating Committee: Martha Hooper and Sue Harris. A motion to accept the proposed slate was seconded and approved by unanimous vote. Deb Bird thanked all retiring officers and committee chairs for a great job.
Nancy Martin distributed Plant Sale figures. This year’s sale, which was held on a Sunday, netted $1000 more than last year’s sale. Deb asked for members’ input on this year’s sale. Comments included:•Seemed too long. The rush was early in the sale. Recommended shortening it next year. Tea cups didn’t do as well this year, probably because it wasn’t Mother’s Day weekend. Not many plants were leftover. Rosalie sold empty baskets for $20 for people to fill with Gourmet Table items at the end of the sale, which was very successful. Coffee sold well. Recommendation to have signage from the Lanesville direction on Washington Street, and also, signage at the corner of Washington and Leonard Streets with an arrow the morning of the sale.
Meeting adjourned to dessert and auction at 1:19 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf
2019 Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting – Minutes November 12, 2019
Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m.
Co-president Kate Meader opened the meeting with a moment of silence for Dottie Roeske.
Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Martin reported that we have $9,884.03 in the bank and that a $50 check has been sent to Massachusetts General Hospital in Dottie’s memory. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made and approved by a unanimous vote.
Donna Caselden read last month’s minutes for Vicki Bourneuf who was not present for the beginning of the meeting. Gigs Cunningham noted two changes: Library teas start November 4, not November 14. The Village Library is hosting library hours on Saturday mornings, not the Village Hall.
Sunshine: Emily Murphy sent a card to Conrad Roeske and spoke briefly about Dottie’s memorial service at the Shalin Liu.
Membership: Deb Ebeling, reported that we have one fewer active member since Dottie’s passing. Dona Shea is moving to Associate Membership. There are 47 Active, 18 Associate and 6 Honorary members.
Hospitality: Pippy Giuliano reported that today’s tea is hosted by Sue Harris, Mary Flaherty. Chicki Hollet and Lynn Fenollosa. Tea pourers are Pippy and Jaye Whittier. Deb Bird made Dottie’s molasses cookie recipe to honor her. Pippy noted that everything was in great order when she took over hospitality from Dottie. Dottie’s notes were superb. Pippy asked if someone would bring additional treats for the Christmas Fair week: Rosalie Hughes and Deb Ebeling volunteered for Wednesday, December 4, and Sandy Andrew and Chris Small for Friday, December 6.
Publicity: Perry McIntosh sent out the Christmas Fair press release. Deb Mitchell volunteered to help put up Christmas Fair signs. Members were asked to take some signs and think of places to post them, as well. Martha Hooper will put one up at her daughter’s dance studio. We can no longer hang a sign at Grant Circle. Instead, it will hang near Market Basket. Mimi Emmons suggested posting one at the hospital; Perry suggested at nursing homes.
Membership: We welcomed our newest member, Peg Kohler.
Finance and Scholarship Chairs, Sue Willis and Carolyn Rogers had nothing new to report.
Website: Suzanne Brown added Dottie Roeske to the website’s In Memoriam page. She is sending the minutes to all members. Let Suzanne know if you do not get them.
Wendy and Kate discussed the Christmas Fair. Make sure to sign up on all the sheets at the back of the room. Members were reminded of what is expected of them: To help out as much as possible during prep week, make two crafts and bring three grabs and one baked good.
Chris Small and Sandy Andrew will oversee the Gourmet Table. Bring items before Saturday and leave them on the stage for pricing. Note if an item includes nuts. If an item has tomato sauce, make a note to “refrigerate after opening,” and label gluten-free items. Use attractive packaging, but also make sure you can see the item. Last year the Dollar Store had pretty boxes.
Sue Harris reported on bows. She’s already had many meetings. The last one is Thursday, 2 p.m. at Sue’s house.
Gigs Cunningham reported on Crafts. Make sure your name is on your craft and note if you want it back if it doesn’t sell. Bring them to her house and note any special care, such as hand washing, that’s needed. Gigs has cards for tagging your items. Ornaments are not big sellers. Items for kids, animals and ‘Squam all sell well. She showed the fire starters made at Suzanne Brown’s house. Wendy talked about craft books and supplies available at today’s meeting that anyone can take home to make fairy light bottles.
The Sewing Circle cabinet has been cleaned and members are welcome to take discarded items, also available at today’s meeting.
There is a workshop to make cards and tags tomorrow at Suzanne’s from 9-11:30 a.m. and room for anyone who wants to come.
Grabs: Bring three grabs and mark whether they are for a male, female, pet or child and limit the amount you spend, as we sell them for $2. Germaine Fritz also recommended indicating “dog” or “cat” on pet grabs.
Vicki Bourneuf reminded everyone to bring in jewelry they no longer want.
Rosalie Hughes recommended the Flying Tiger in the North Shore Mall as a good place to purchase grabs.
Luncheon: Connie Mason has sign-up sheets and postcards to self-address if you are bringing a pie or chicken to the Luncheon. Bring in chicken on Thursday of prep week. This year’s luncheon is $20. Casseroles are not available for purchase this year, as there is a new Board of Health Inspector. Linette is taking reservations.
Greens: Lynn Fenollosa needs interesting containers, such as buckets or mugs; no baskets or plain glass vases. Please bring them clean and ready to go.
Stevie Neal reported that we need help collecting greens that are easy to work with, such as juniper with berries or white pine. No hemlock or holly. Again, this year, all wreaths will be “natural.” Let Bonnie, Stevie or Lynn know if you can help.
Orders are being taken for 24-, 30- and 36-inch wreaths. Be very specific about the bow or decorations you want. Smaller orders can be placed, too.
Kate is holding a workshop at her house next week to decorate birdhouses. She has one spot open.
A workshop to tie up loose ends is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26.
Boxwood trees will be made on Wednesday and Thursday of prep week.
Ornaments made by the needlepoint group ornaments will be for sale.
Close to Home: Gigs reminded us that the library is open with coffee and muffins available every Saturday morning. Regular teas are held Mondays from 3-5:00 p.m.
A motion to adjourn made and accepted by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Caselden and Vicki Bourneuf