Minutes 2019 – 2020

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Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2019 

The meeting was called to order at 1:32 p.m.

Wendy Banks opened the meeting with a welcome and a moment of silence for Anthea Brigham. She announced that directories are in and can be obtained from Nancy Martin when dues are paid.  

Nancy Martin gave the treasurer’s Report. We have $11,016.40 in the bank. To date, $245 in dues has been collected, and last month, a check for $500 was sent to the Bahama Relief Effort.  A motion to accept the Treasure’s Report was approved by a unanimous vote.  

Vicki Bourneuf read the September Meeting Minutes. A motion to accept them was approved by a unanimous vote.  

Sunshine Chair, Emily Murphy reported that Anthea Brigham passed away last week. A card was sent to her husband, Chet. Nancy Martin will issue a $50 check to the Village Hall Library in Anthea’s memory, which is traditionally done when a member passes away.  

Membership Chair, Deb Ebling was not present. Acting on her behalf, Kate Meader read a letter from Cynthia Borghesani nominating Peggy Howard Koller for membership. A motion to accept the nomination was made and unanimously approved. We currently have 49 Active, 17 Associate and 6 Honorary members. 

Today’s tea hostesses are Jolene Hentchel, Ann Mannle, Nancy Davis, and Emily Murphy.

Finance Chair, Sue Willis was not present to report.  

Wendy Banks noted that we received a thank you note from the Gloucester Educational Foundation and an invitation to their annual donor celebration on Wednesday, November 6 the Bass Rocks Golf Club.  

Publicity Chair, Perry McIntosh reported that Christmas Fair signs have been printed for display at the upcoming Arts and Crafts show. Christmas Fair information has been sent to publications that have a long lead time. 

Scholarship Chair, Carolyn Rogers had nothing new to report.  

Martha Hooper and Jolene Hentchel had nothing to report for the Nominating Committee. 

Website liaison, Suzanne Brown has posted revised tips for tea hostesses on the website. If you don’t have a photo on the site, please send one to Suzanne. 

Wendy Banks reported that discussion about updating the Circle bylaws has been tabled for a later date, as the bylaws subcommittee doesn’t feel prepared at this time. 

A discussion about the upcoming Christmas Fair ensued. Sue Harris needs volunteers to help make bows. Gigs Cunningham and Rosalie Hughes will head the Craft Table. Vicki Bourneuf and Donna Caselden will head the Jewelry Table. Someone is still needed to head the Gourmet Table. The first workshop, which will be on October 22, is wiring pine cones. There will be a workshop to make bird feeders and birdhouses again this year, probably at Kate Meader’s house. Two other workshops will be held in the Leonard Room on November 12 and 26 at 12:15 p.m. Wendy noted that we’re still looking for other ideas, ideally, relatively simple things, that can be completed in an hour and people want to buy. Wendy is happy to get supplies to make it happen. The idea for creating a quilt in 40 minutes using scraps was proposed. Suzanne Brown will send a video describing how it’s done. She will also post a photo of the quilt created during Rita Teele’s presentation at the last meeting. It was noted that the quilt is a snapshot of the Sewing Circle and its members at this time. Ellen Stone showed bottles with fairy lights inside as a possible craft. Wendy Banks suggested holding craft workshops throughout the year to get a jump start on the Christmas Fair.  

Suzanne Brown has moved Anthea Brigham’s name to the “In Memoriam” page of the website. 

This year’s Arts and Crafts Show will feature 39 crafters and artists; six of them are new this year.

Deb Bird announced that there will be a Pasture clean-up on the morning of October 26 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Bring clippers and a tarp if you have one. Coffee and donuts will be served. 

Gigs Cunningham noted that the Library Committee has worked very hard to cull old books and add new ones. She urged everyone to come and see what’s new. Library Teas start on November 14. A sign-up is on the bulletin board for anyone who wants to host a tea between now and April.  

Mark Williamson was suggested as a very competent handyman in response to a query asking for a good handyman recommendation. 

A new Whole Foods Market is opening in Beverly on October 17.  

The Village Hall Library will be open Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. starting November 2. Books, newspapers, coffee, tea, muffins, and a warm fire will welcome everyone. The committee will host the first few Saturdays but would like others to host after that. The Library will be open on Columbus Day.  

Jaye Whittier visited Chet Brigham and suggested that people who have been in his lunch group make a quick visit. A memorial service for both Chet and Anthea will be held after Chet dies.  

The meeting was adjourned at 2:09 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Vicki Bourneuf

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m. Co-president Kate Meader opened the meeting with a moment of silence for Dottie Roeske.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Martin reported that we have $9,884.03 in the bank and that a $50 check has been sent to Massachusetts General Hospital in Dottie’s memory. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made and approved by a unanimous vote.

Donna Caselden read last month’s minutes for Vicki Bourneuf who was not present for the beginning of the meeting. Gigs Cunningham noted two changes: Library teas start November 4, not November 14. The Village Library is hosting library hours on Saturday mornings, not the Village Hall

Sunshine: Emily Murphy sent a card to Conrad Roeske and spoke briefly about Dottie’s memorial service at the Shalin Liu.

Membership: Deb Ebeling, reported that we have one fewer active member since Dottie’s passing. Dona Shea is moving to Associate Membership. There are 47 Active, 18 Associate and 6 Honorary members.

Hospitality: Pippy Giuliano reported that today’s tea is hosted by Sue Harris, Mary Flaherty. Chicki Hollet and Lynn Fenollosa. Tea pourers are Pippy and Jaye Whittier. Deb Bird made Dottie’s molasses cookie recipe to honor her. Pippy noted that everything was in great order when she took over hospitality from Dottie. Dottie’s notes were superb. Pippy asked if someone would bring additional treats for the Christmas Fair week: Rosalie Hughes and Deb Ebeling volunteered for Wednesday, December 4, and Sandy Andrew and Chris Small for Friday, December 6.

Publicity: Perry McIntosh sent out the Christmas Fair press release. Deb Mitchell volunteered to help put up Christmas Fair signs. Members were asked to take some signs and think of places to post them, as well. Martha Hooper will put one up at her daughter’s dance studio. We can no longer hang a sign at Grant Circle. Instead, it will hang near Market Basket. Mimi Emmons suggested posting one at the hospital; Perry suggested at nursing homes.

Membership: We welcomed our newest member, Peg Kohler.

Finance and Scholarship Chairs, Sue Willis and Carolyn Rogers had nothing new to report.

Website: Suzanne Brown added Dottie Roeske to the website In Memoriam page. She is sending the minutes to all members. Let Suzanne know if you do not get them.

Wendy and Kate discussed the Christmas Fair. Make sure to sign up on all the sheets at the back of the room. Members were reminded of what is expected of them: To help out as much as possible during prep week, make two crafts and bring three grabs and one baked good.

Chris Small and Sandy Andrew will oversee the Gourmet Table. Bring items before Saturday and leave them on the stage for pricing. Note if an item includes nuts. If an item has tomato sauce, make a note to “refrigerate after opening,” and label gluten-free items. Use attractive packaging, but also make sure you can see the item. Last year the Dollar Store had pretty boxes.

Sue Harris reported on bows. She’s already had many meetings. The last one is Thursday, at 2 p.m. at Sue’s house.

Gigs Cunningham reported on Crafts. Make sure your name is on your craft and note if you want it back if it doesn’t sell. Bring them to her house and note any special care, such as hand washing, that’s needed. Gigs has cards for tagging your items. Ornaments are not big sellers. Items for kids, animals, and Squam all sell well. She showed the fire starters made at Suzanne Brown’s house. Wendy talked about craft books and supplies available at today’s meeting that anyone can take home to make fairy light bottles.

The Sewing Circle cabinet has been cleaned and members are welcome to take discarded items, also available at today’s meeting.

There is a workshop to make cards and tags tomorrow at Suzanne’s from 9-11:30 a.m. and room for anyone who wants to come.

Grabs: Bring three grabs and mark whether they are for a male, female, pet, or child and limit the amount you spend, as we sell them for $2. Germaine Fritz also recommended indicating “dog” or “cat” on pet grabs.

Vicki Bourneuf reminded everyone to bring in jewelry they no longer want.

Rosalie Hughes recommended the Flying Tiger in the North Shore Mall as a good place to purchase grabs.

Luncheon: Connie Mason has sign-up sheets and postcards to self-address if you are bringing a pie or chicken to the Luncheon. Bring in chicken on Thursday of prep week. This year’s luncheon is $20. Casseroles are not available for purchase this year, as there is a new Board of Health Inspector. Linette is taking reservations.

Greens: Lynn Fenollosa needs interesting containers, such as buckets or mugs; no baskets or plain glass vases. Please bring them clean and ready to go.

Stevie Neal reported that we need help collecting greens that are easy to work with, such as juniper with berries or white pine. No hemlock or holly. Again, this year, all wreaths will be “natural.” Let Bonnie, Stevie or Lynn know if you can help.

Orders are being taken for 24-, 30- and 36-inch wreaths. Be very specific about the bow or decorations you want. Smaller orders can be placed, too.

Kate is holding a workshop at her house next week to decorate birdhouses. She has one spot open.

A workshop to tie up loose ends is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26.

Boxwood trees will be made on Wednesday and Thursday of prep week.

Ornaments made by the needlepoint group ornaments will be for sale.

Close to Home: Gigs reminded us that the library is open with coffee and muffins available every Saturday morning. Regular teas are held Mondays from 3-5:00 p.m.

A motion to adjourn made and accepted by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Caselden and Vicki Bourneuf

No meeting December 2020

Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Co-president, Kate Meader. 

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Martin, the treasurer, was unable to attend the meeting. Kate Meader distributed a copy of the financial review of the 2019 Christmas Fair. There was a short discussion regarding why the profits from this year’s fair were somewhat lower. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made and approved by a unanimous vote. 

Gigs Cunningham read last month’s minutes for Vicki Bourneuf, who was unable to attend the meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made and approved by a unanimous vote.

Sunshine: Emily Murphy was unable to attend the meeting, and Kate Meader reported for her. Two cards were sent to Grace Murray, one a get-well card and the other a 96th birthday card. Jaye Whittier will fill in for Emily Murphy while she is in Florida this winter. 

Membership: Deb Ebeling presented two women for membership to the Circle. The first one, Joan Grady, was sponsored by Mary Flaherty. The second one, Margaret (Maggie) Lundberg Stevens was sponsored by Christine Lundberg. Both women were unanimously voted into the Circle. There are now 49 Active, 18 Associate and 6 Honorary members. 

Finance: Sue Willis did not have anything to report but asked members to begin thinking of how we wish to spend our funds this year. 

Hospitality: Pippy Giuliano thanked the following members for providing nourishment for us during the Christmas Fair work week: Sue Harris, Pippy Giuliano, Connie Mason, Lida Bernard, Deb Ebeling, Rosalie Hughes, Jackie Littlefield, Chris Small and Sandy Andrew. All of the snacks provided were greatly appreciated. Today’s tea hostesses were Chris Small, Deb Michel, Donna Caselden and Daphne Papp. 

Nominating: There was nothing new to report today from the Nominating Committee. 

Scholarship: Carolyn Rogers was unable to attend the meeting today, but Kate Meader told members to remind any seniors in high school to send letters requesting a Sewing Circle scholarship by the end of April. Also, Carolyn had reported that the funds we sent to the Bahamas were most helpful and that there are some encouraging signs of rebuilding beginning in some of the hard-hit areas.

Publicity: Perry McIntosh reported that the largest sign we use to advertise our Christmas Fair was damaged and needs to be replaced next year. 

Website: Suzanne Brown reported that the current website is not particularly easy to use and that she will be setting up a blog with the minutes and other important information, which she believes will be more accessible. She will send all members an invitation to the blog. This will be private and for members only. 

Suzanne also asked that members save candle stubs to be used to make more fire starters, as they sold very well at the Fair this year. Please save Christmas cards too, as there will be workshops to create gift tags again. She also had ideas for making wine bags out of denim. 

Christmas Fair 2019: Kate shared that there had been a meeting of the officers and Fair coordinators to review how the Fair went this year. It was suggested that more help is needed with setting up and clean up next year. 

Plant Sale: As was agreed upon at an earlier meeting, there will not be a Plant Sale in the spring. There was a discussion about possible ideas of what could be done to replace this event. It was decided that a committee should be created to brainstorm some possible other activities or events. Lee Cunningham will send out an email to those who are interested in working on this committee when the time has been set for a meeting: Peg Koller, Sue Willis, Rosalie Hughes, Kate Meader, Christine Lundberg, Maureen Quine, Deedy Sargent, Gigs Cunningham, and Stevie Neal.

Close to Home: The Annisquam Village Players will be hosting the Cabaret on Saturday, February 8, 2020, at the Annisquam Village Hall. 

A motion to adjourn was made and accepted by a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Gigs Cunningham, for Vicki Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 1:33 p.m. Co-president Wendy Banks opened the meeting with a moment of silence for Vicki Danglemayer. She also welcomed two new members: Joan Grady, sponsored by Mary Flaherty, and Maggie Lundberg Stevens, sponsored by Christine Lundberg. Maggie was unable to attend today due to illness. Wendy Banks asked each member to introduce themselves.

Co-president Wendy Banks reported for Treasurer Nancy Martin, who was unable to attend today’s meeting. We currently have $24,297.22 in the bank. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was seconded and approved by a unanimous vote.

Vicki Bourneuf read the minutes, which had no changes. A motion to accept the minutes was seconded and approved by a unanimous vote.

Noting that each chairperson was unable to attend today’s meeting, co-presidents Kate Meader and Wendy Banks reported that there was nothing new to report for Sunshine, Membership, Publicity, and Nominating.

Finance: Sue Willis had nothing new to report or discuss unless there was a recommendation for donating to an organization that the Circle has not given to in the past.

Tea Hostesses: Today’s tea is hosted by Jackie Littlefield, Connie Mason, Pam Saylor, and Annie Sinkinson.

Scholarship: Carolyn Rogers has been in touch with three of our four scholarship applicants. Some are still waiting for their college decisions, and Carolyn has not received any confirmation letters yet. She’s requesting them by the middle of March.

Website: Suzanne Brown reported that people have found the new format difficult, which is being addressed. Suzanne also suggested that the Village Church’s new pastor be invited to join the Circle, as this has been the precedent in the past. She also recommended that we sell a few things in the Exchange during the summer, as all proceeds come back to the Circle. Suzanne plans to put the unsold wreath she made for the Christmas Fair in the Exchange or post it on the Circle’s website.

Co-president Kate Meader reported that Lee Cunningham, who was unable to attend, is heading the fundraising committee. Lee has sent an email with some possible meeting dates to those who expressed interest in being on the committee. Please get back to Lee as soon as possible. Sue Harris suggested holding a spring craft fling to replace the Plant Sale. She credited Doris Rust for the idea. Mary Flaherty expressed concern that a spring craft show would damage the brand of the Fall Arts and Crafts Show, which is a carefully curated, big event and major fundraiser for the Village Church. This initiated a discussion around other ideas, which Co-president Wendy Banks suggested taking to the fund-raising committee. Sue Willis mentioned two possible ideas: Holding a trunk show or getting a big dumpster that anyone can put stuff in for $20. Rosalie Hughes suggested having a giant garage sale where people bring their wares to sell. Connie Mason reminded us that we can donate items to the Exchange. Any donations that members make are listed for the Sewing Circle and there is no commission. Deb Bird reminded us that the simpler the idea, the better. Events like craft fairs need lots of coordination and a strong committee.

Close to Home: Sue Harris just read a new tip for making hard-boiled eggs by placing them in a muffin tin in a 325-degree oven for 25 minutes and storing them in the refrigerator when done. Sue Willis’s easy tip for peeling garlic is to put cloves in a jar and shake it.

A motion to adjourn was seconded and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 2:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2020

Co-president Wendy Banks called the meeting to order at 1:34 p.m. She thanked everyone for being at today’s meeting and introduced and welcome new member Maggie Lundberg Stevens.

Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that we have $24,305.10 in the bank. A motion to accept the report was approved by a unanimous vote.

Vicki Bourneuf read the February meeting minutes. A motion to accept them was approved by a unanimous vote.

Sunshine: There was nothing new to report for Sunshine.

Membership: Deb Ebeling reported that Nancy Davis has proposed Kristen Zerilli, who wants to get more involved and the Annisquam community, for membership. Kristen enjoys gardening and is a member of the yacht club, Pathways, and a Wellspring volunteer. A motion to accept Kristin as a new member was accepted by a unanimous vote, which brings the number of active members to 50.

Finance: Sue Willis will meet with officers and a member-at-large, Lee Cunningham, to determine how to distribute this year’s funds and present the proposed list at the May meeting. She gave a brief overview of what we’ve given in the past. There are four potential scholarships this year.

Treasurer Nancy Martin reported that after scholarships, we have about $10K to give away.

Tea Hostesses: Wendy Banks thanked hostesses Lee Cunningham, Stevie Neal, Hazel von Rosenving, and Germain Fritz on behalf of Pippy Giuliano, who was unable to attend today.

Nominating Committee: Martha Hooper and Jolene Hentchel are finalizing next year’s slate of officers. Let them know if you are interested in running for an office.

Publicity: Perry McIntosh had nothing new to report.

Website: Suzanne Brown had nothing new to report.

Fundraising Committee: Chair Lee Cunningham provided us an overview of the Committee’s ideas for fundraising: The most immediate idea is to have a bake sale at the Annisquam Village Farmers’ Market. Bud Ris is onboard with the idea and only requests that we not sell breakfast items. July 3rd was proposed as a possible date. Wendy Banks asked if we could sell a few flower arrangements. Lee will check and will also check on the proposed date. A motion to participate in the Farmers’ Market was approved by a unanimous vote. Another easy idea is to take advantage of donating items to sell at the Exchange, which opens on May 15th. The Exchange does not take a commission on items consigned by the Sewing Circle. Christine Lundberg suggested holding an “Annisquam as It Was” film festival featuring video interviews of long-time “Squamers” that have been recorded by Dave McAveeney and Steve Harris. Rosalie Hughes suggested holding a picnic basket fundraiser where everyone brings a picnic basket with lunch, pays $20 and swaps it for a basket with a different lunch. Lee noted that the Committee will continue to meet to discuss these and other ideas that take more work.

Sue Harris announced that “Swing into Spring” dance lessons will be held the last Saturday in March, 6:30 p.m. at the Village Hall. Anyone can attend.

Close to Home: There was nothing new to report.

Wendy Banks introduced guest speaker, yoga instructor Janet Garrison, who talked about what yoga is and tips and tools for using it in everyday life.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2020

Members gathered via their computer, iPhone or iPad for a virtual meeting. The meeting began with members chatting and working on the nuances of connecting virtually. There was no formal call to order.

Minutes for the March meeting will be sent via email and assume approved unless anyone sends corrections.

Reporting for the Finance Committee, Sue Willis reminded us that she sent an email with a list of this year’s grant recipients. which are many of the same organizations as last year. There is an additional $1000 that we can grant because we gave three scholarships, not the anticipated four. Sue proposed giving it to the Open Door. Jackie Littlefield suggested that we consider donating to a local COVID19 fund. There is a local fund administered through Action Inc. that serves Cape Ann. There also was discussion about giving to the Grace Center, which was not on a list of potential recipients for this year. It was decided through general agreement, not a formal vote, to give $500 to the Open Door and $500 to the Action Inc. COVID19 fund. The Grace Center will be added to next year’s list, rather than change this year’s funding decisions. The $500 Open Door donation is in addition to $1500 already given to them.

Co-president Kate Meader asked if anyone needs Sunshine. No one was mentioned. However, Linette French mentioned her neighbors Leah and Doug Johnson, as one of them has been diagnosed with COVID19. There was discussion about the importance of wearing masks when outside. Joan Grady is making “designer” masks. Anyone who wants a mask can email her and send a check or Venmo the money. She asks for a minimum $30 donation, which she donates to the Open Door. She has raised over $1000 to date.

Lee Cunningham reported that the Circle is scheduled to sell baked goods at the July 3rd Farmers’ Market if it takes place.

Backyard Growers is taking orders for seedlings. Marshall’s Farm and Cedar Rock Gardens are also open for orders.

Close to Home: Anyone interested in getting books out of the library should call Gigs Cunningham. She will unlock the door so we can sign out books.

Hal Jacklin is at Leahy Hospital. Bob Quine is at Seacoast and Maureen is unable to visit due to the

COVID19 pandemic. Both could use some sunshine.

Wendy Banks announced that Joan Garrison, yoga instructor and last month’s speaker, is offering virtual yoga classes. If interested, send Wendy a message and she will connect you with Joan.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Hartmann Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Minutes
May 12, 2020

The meeting was held virtually and called to order 1:43 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report: Co-president Kate Meader reported for Nancy Martin. We have $10,177.56 in the bank after the following costs: $11,000 community donations, $3,000 scholarships, $117.54 flowers. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was approved by a unanimous vote.

Vicki Bourneuf asked members to review the minutes from the April meeting, which were distributed to members via email, and send her any corrections.

Sunshine: Nothing new to report for EmilyMurphy, who was unable to attend today.

Membership: Deb Ebling reported that membership numbers have changed with the loss of Judy Friend. We have 50 Active, 18 Associate and 5 Honorary members. Deb has contacted Reverend Sue about joining the Circle but has not heard back. She will be invited to a meeting when we are cleared to meet in-person. Suzanne Brown suggested that the Village Church minister be and Honorary, not Active member. The tradition has been for the minister to be an Honorary member; however, the bylaws specify the minister be an Active member, which is not realistic. A bylaw change is required and will be addressed when they are updated.

Finance: Sue Willis reported that money for community donations has been distributed, and she is receiving thank-you notes.

Scholarship: Nothing new to report for Carolyn Rogers, who was unable to attend today.

Hospitality: Pippy Giuliano had nothing new to report

Nominating: Martha Hooper reported that the new slate of officers is ready for a vote at the Annual Meeting in June.

Publicity: Perry McIntosh had nothing new to report.

Website: Suzanne Brown had nothing new to report.

Fundraising Committee: Lee Cunningham will send an email at the beginning of June asking members to sign up to bake items to sell at the July 3 Farmers’ Market.

Kate Meader and Maureen Quine both put forth the idea of holding an online auction to raise money. There was also a suggestion of holding a picnic basket auction. The feasibility of these ideas given the amount of work involved and the COVID-19 pandemic was discussed. Sue Willis suggested waiting until we can get together to discuss other ideas, as we do not need money now. Connie Mason reported that is does not look hopeful for the Exchange to open this season. Sue Harris reported the timing of Village Hall roof repairs could impact the Christmas Fair, though nothing has been decided yet. Co-president Wendy Banks asked if anyone was around last time the bylaws were amended. There is nothing in the bylaws indicating how to amend them, and she is looking for a little history. If anyone was, let her know. Jackie Littlefield suggested using any approach we want for this update, but make sure we add guidelines for how to handle future changes. The main things that need to be addressed are the frequency of meetings, attendance expectations, active member responsibilities, and residency requirements. Wendy is willing to have a Zoom meeting with a small group who is willing to discuss how to best approach the bylaws update.

Close to Home
Nothing has been sent to the Babsons after David’s death. Co-president Kate Meader will ask Emily Murphy to send a note to the family.

Pippy Giuliano has plenty of flour if anyone needs some. Contact Pippy to arrange a hand-off.

Kate Meader will get back to us in June about the Annual Meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made and accepted by a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Annual Meeting
June 16, 2020

The meeting, which was held virtually, was called to order at 1:58 p.m.

Sunshine: Cards were sent to Nannie Warden, the Babson family, and Jill Carter.

The Rev. Sue Koehler-Arsenault, new Minister of the Annisquam Village Church, was welcomed as a new Honorary Member of the Circle. The year closes with 50 Active, 18 Associate, and 5 Honorary members.

Treasurer’s Report: Wendy Banks gave the Treasurer’s report for Treasurer Nancy Martin, who was not in attendance. We have $9,179.59 in the bank. Rose Trotman sent a thank you note for her ASC scholarship.

Martha Hooper thanked co-presidents Wendy Banks and Kate Meader for two wonderful years leading the Circle. She presented the following slate of candidates for next year’s officers:
Co-presidents: Gigs Cunningham and Lee Cunningham
Vice President: Sue Harris
Treasurer: Nancy Martin
Recording Secretary: Vicki Bourneuf
Corresponding Secretary: Emily Murphy
Membership: Deb Ebling
Finance: Martha Hooper / Sue Willis will continue with her
Website Liaison: Suzanne Brown
Nominating: Stevie Neal and Jolene Hentchel
Publicity: Chicki Hollet
Hospitality: Pippy Giuliano
Scholarship: Carolyn Rogers
A motion to accept the slate was approved by a unanimous vote.

Co-president Wendy Banks thanked the new slate of officers for accepting positions. Gigs Cunningham thanked Wendy and Kate for getting us together for regular meetings, as well as virtual meetings during the pandemic. Wendy and Kate were given gift certificates to Wolf Hill Garden Center as a “thank you” from the Circle for all they have done to lead us the past 2 years.

Fundraising: Lee Cunningham reported that we are in good shape for baked goods and volunteers for the Bake Sale at the Village Hall Farmer’s Market on July 3. Only checks and credit cards will be accepted.

Website: Suzanne Brown had nothing new to report.

Publicity: A sign is being made for the Farmer’s Market Bake Sale.
Wendy Banks reported that she has had a couple of successful bylaws meetings. The revisions are being drafted for review at the beginning of next season. There is still an opportunity for input on changes.

Close to Home: Contact Sally Bent if you want any rhubarb; she has plenty. Let Germaine Fritz know if any ill neighbors need flowers. Flowers will be delivered to Jackie Parker, whose mother recently died. A motion to adjourn was accepted by a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 2:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Bourneuf


Annisquam Sewing Circle Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.

There was a moment of silence for Dottie Roeske, Anthea Brigham, Judy Friend, and Grace Murray.

Vicki Bourneuf asked for corrections to the Annual Meeting minutes, which were posted on the website for everyone to read. A motion to approve the minutes as read at home was approved by a unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nancy Martin asked if there were any questions about the Treasurer’s Report that was distributed via email.  Co-president Lee Cunningham pointed out that last spring’s (May 2019) plant sale was not reflected.  The reason is that the report covers August 31, 2019, to September 1, 2020.  We did not hold a sale in Spring 2020.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as distributed by Nancy Martin was approved by a unanimous vote.

Sunshine: Deb Ebling reported for Emily Murphy.  Condolence cards were sent to Grace Murphy’s family, Maureen Quine and Joyce Novak’s daughter. There was a suggestion to send a “welcome back in the Village Note” to Bill Friend.

Membership: Deb Ebling reported that Doris Rust is now an Honorary Member, and Hazel von Rosenvinge and Emily Murphy Associate members.  We currently have 46 Active, 20 Associate and 6 Honorary members.

Nominating: Nothing to report.

Publicity: Chickie Holltt reported that past Publicity Chair Perry McIntosh gave her the large Christmas Fair signs. Lee thanked Chickie for the great bake sale signs that helped to drive customers to both the Bake Sale and the Farmers’ Market.

Hospitality: There is nothing to report until we meet in person again.

Scholarship: Carolyn Rogers has received thank you notes from Kate Delaney and Rose Trotman.  There is one rising senior graduating in 2021. Let Carolyn know if there are any other rising seniors.

Lee Cunningham thanked everyone for the baked goods and flowers for the last Farmers’ Market.  The sale was much more successful than expected, and the Market was happy to have us there because it helped to draw in more people.  

New Business:

Gigs Cunningham asked for input on the three alternative Christmas Fair ideas that she emailed to everyone before today’s meeting. 

Idea 1: Sell preordered wreaths, which Stevie Neal and Bonnie Angus will coordinate.  Sue Harris will coordinate bow making, and there will be a limited ribbon choice. The number needed will be greatly reduced this year. Anyone interested in making bows should email Sue Harris.

Idea 2:  Sell knit and craft items, such as needlepoint ornaments, Sue Lennon’s sweaters, and other items members are willing to make. We would have a safe pick up method in place, and sales would be limited to Sewing Circle members.

There was a suggestion for members to offer services, such as a meal, boat rides, cookies, etc. and have the member offering the service set the price.

Rosalie Hughes asked why just sell to members. There was discussion about it being too unwieldy if we expand sales beyond our group. 

Idea 3:  Make a monetary donation via check instead of members doing the usual thing. 

Connie Mason asked if there is a way that we can also let people who live in the Village buy.  Suzanne Brown is going to figure out if we can make this work using a password and a specific day and time for pick up. Nancy Martin can take credit card payments at pick-up.

Lida Bernard suggested offering a “cookie of the month,” where we bake and mail them to subscribers. 

Suzanne Brown is going to set up an online “test” with a few fixed-price items and an auction item.  There was a discussion about having photographs of items. It was agreed that this is a good idea.   

Members should let Lee and Gigs know what they are willing to contribute so that they can begin to generate a list of offerings.  Lee will also send an email polling members.

The plan for wreath making is to have a group of wreath makers and only offer 12- and 16-inch wreaths.  The group will also figure out the logistics for where, when, and how to meet.  Members interested in helping should let Stevie Neal know.

Bylaws: Wendy Banks updated us on the status of the bylaw revisions and thanked everyone for their input.  A draft of the revisions with highlights of the recommended changes will be sent to members before the next meeting.  Gigs thanked Wendy and her committee and noted that we will not vote on changes until the November meeting.

Directories: New ASC Directories can be picked up at the Village Hall Library from 3-5 p.m. on Monday and 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, or Gigs can them deliver during her walks.  Dues are still $5 for Active and $10 for Associate members.  

Close to Home:  Donna Caselden is exhibiting at Jane Deering’s Pleasant Street gallery in September.

Next Meeting: October 13th via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Bourneuf